The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1432 of the Chapter 1432 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"Ah!" Brole is completely violent. He is a murderous murder. He doesn't hit it. He once again, and the rim surface of the square under the foot is pulverized.

bass! In the moment of Brole's fists, in the moment of "three nine zero" ONG ports, the night growth is turned out, and it is constantly attracting the wilderness of Brole to New Begita. Go.

Here is the zone of the canyon. If you want to fight, you will not hurt, you want a wide area, and I want to know how much power this Brole is.

With intuition, the night long wind hidden approving this Brole is not a simple Saiyan warrior.

"Worse!" Palagas was awakened by the movement of the two people, and quickly rushed to the direction of the sound, and the forehead was soaked.

bass! bass! bass! Night wind and Brole velocity are very fast, and the night cost is intentionally reduced, so that Brole can keep up with a broad wilderness, it is a few kilometers of round lakes.

"Okay, you can say it now, who is you?" The night is suddenly toned to the lake, turning around and looking at Brole.

Barole is not saying, but it is once again to night, this time is a continuous wave of around, the speed is faster than before.

Brole's combat power is getting more and more stronger with the distance of leaving the palace.

Snapped! Snapped! When the night length of the eyebrows, the left and right arms were light, and a pair of big hands were completely launched, and they clung to Brole's double boxing.

"Ah, ah!" Brolen shouted, crazy, wanted to press the night long in strength.

"If you want to be more powerful than me?" The night's mouth is full, "telling you a message, and people who are more than the power ..."

! The night long-term winds are just falling. Brolen is lifted by the night, and the belly is directly kicked, and the impact is suddenly sounds throughout the wilderness.

puff! Brolence suddenly spit blood, then the body quickly flew out, night long wind, this foot is not light, you must know that night long wind is currently very difficult, if it is the original 100% Flizza This feet can directly kick Flissa.

If Brole's combat power is under the Super Saayens, this foot can kill Brumbi directly.

The reality is Brole just a few tens of meters, and there is a blood of the mouth.

"Oh? I can't see it, you have this skill!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

"Hey!" Brole snorted, then the left arm forward, the right hand was exhibited, and a bright green light ball was instantly aggregated in his hand.

call! call! call! Brolen direct bow tetrapes, throwing the light ball in your hand to night, and is continuously thrown out.

"This kind of attack is useless to me!" The night's left and right hands were consecutive.

boom! boom! boom! Bronoli throws the light balls all have been slaughtered by the night.

Bang! Some of the light balls were fooled on the mountains under the two people, and the alpine directly was taken out by the explosion of the light ball.

The remaining all the bombards in Brole, Baroleum is swallowed, and then it is directly fried, like an artillery is generally dropped.

Hey ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ... Brolen's flying body raised a huge waves in the lake.

"Uncomfortably!" Night long-faced mouth angle.

boom! At this time, a water column on the lake rushed to the sky, while Brole is station at the top of the water column.

"Yeah!" Brole's arms offered, spraying in the air of the air.

"It is a golden voyage!" The night is cold and coldly looked at Brolen, and there is no to prevent Brilli's meaning.

~ ▉ ▉ , It is dark gold, and gas is different..

Hunch! Hunch! At this time, the water of the lake under Bolori fluctuated at his feet, a circle of diffused, the lake's spray kept patted the rocks on the shore, and the momentum is getting more and more vast.

"Don't he are the Super Saiyan that the system says?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Brole, the Brole's fighting power has risen more than ten times, but there is no super competition in addition to dark golden yuan. The obvious feature of the Asians.

"Christie!" Brole was screaming, and then turned over to the night long rush.

Bang! He flew all the way, and the lake under the body was divided into two halves from the gantry of Brole's around the body.

"How is your fighting power? You are not my opponent!" Night live wind is no longer with Brolen, facing the flying Brole, the night and the right arm, one The blue light column is shot and is playing directly on Brole's body.

boom! Brole is not dodging directly, but he is completely uneven, and the amount of Yuanqi, which is easy to relax. The amount of yuan is superhang level.

boom! Brolen flew behind Barole on the blue light column and was blown again.

Brole flying out, almost hit into the lake, so it's hard to stabilize your body and fly again.

At this time, the corner of the Brole's mouth is oozing, but he does not have any painful expression, but it is more excited and 4.4 .

"Death!" Brole is completely unlike the opponent before the night's wind, there is more nonsense to die, he directly launched the right arm with the night long, the whole body is crazy to flock to the right arm.

bass! At a time, hundreds of green light balls were thrown before Brole, this time was dark green, in which the compressed emblems were directly increased by more than ten times, and the momentum was shocking.

!!! Brole's wind, right arm, and hundreds of light balls in front of him flocked to night.

The light ball of the sky surrounds the night, and there is no possibility of dodge.

"Enough! What is the true thing, make it!" The night grew yelled, he was sprayed out, condensed a golden energy mask.

The night is very good to open the state of the Super Saiyan!

1419 chapter, Palagas's ambition

boom! boom! boom! The light ball of the sky is bombarded on the golden mask that is united at night, and then it is played back.

!!! Hundreds of light balls can not penetrate the line of shields, which are bounced back to the ground or lake, and it is a continuous explosion, and the bombing pits of the two people are bombed.

The gravel splashes, everywhere is a water column that is exploded, and the whole land is a series of dramatic shakes.

"What happened? What happened!" The universe of Palagas, who is waiting for the palace, is awakened in the sleeper vibration.

"Wan Guo's horror!" The night is too lazy to be with Brolear, anyway, I can't ask, talk directly to the fist, the golden gold is four overflow, and the palm is directly in Brole.

A loud noise, the night's palm sprayed two huge golden lightning, and the electro-light stones hit Brole.

! Brole's whole body hit by hundreds of millions of volts, and the Pentium current directly lifted Brole to the high altitude.

20 "Ah, ah!" Brolen began to scream, and his body's golden electricity is also exaggerated in the sky, and it quickly spreads the entire sky.

"Actually, the night is slightly surprised. Brolen is actually shocked by his guild. Although the night grows, it is only a super-semi-stage stage, but the current It is also quite amazing, even Bergiita does not necessarily resist, it is likely to lose combat power instantly.

Barolen, the night-long-term attack, and his arms opened, the whole body muscles, the dark golden voyage of the body once again, he seems to be in the power of the night, The body's momentum began to rise crazy!

"Interesting!" Night Changfeng did not continue to attack Brole, but did not move in place, he would want to see if Brole will become a super-Saiyan in this time.

At this time, Palagas finally found the place where night-hearted wind and Brole fight, he saw Brole in the high altitude.

"Stop! Brole!" Palagas flew to Bolori, and then launched the right hand in Brole, and the golden bracelet on his wrist began to flicker.

"Hey! Palagas, you are also coming!" The night's cold glanced a sudden appearance of Palagas. "You can really have a father and son, I see the so-called super competition in the South Yinhe system. Is the Asian is Brolen, right? "

! At this time, Brole's slightly golden vitality was more intense, and Brole's expression became more, and it was laughing, "Wow haha!"

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