The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1433 of the Chapter 1433 of the Prince of Tennis

"Stop, Brole! It is still not time, you give me a hand!" Palagas continued to move the controller to control Brole, but the effect seems to be too good, Brole's The breath is still mad.

"Not good! If you go anymore, no one can block Brolen!" Palagas fed sweat increasingly.

Bang! At this time, the sky was placed on the sky, and a familiar ▉ fate arrived at the tip of the night long, it was Bergi Tower! [≮ Alternative:? ≯? K

Bergiita opened the Super Saiyan two in the night, and felt it directly.

For Bergi Tower, the night's wind is not let him accidentally, let him accidentally Brom, the gas of Brole is strong than himself.

"In addition to Christty, there is a Saaya who is stronger than me? This impossible crops, the prince of the Bergiita, the prince of the Bergiita, is like being stepped on the foot, which makes him very angry.

"Pala Jas! What is going on? Why is Brolear to have such a powerful!" Bergi Tower rushed to Palagas.

"Bergi Tower, don't you understand? The super-Saiyan that destroys the South Yinhe system is Brole! And your loyal man is just in order to lie to this deserted planet, in order to kill you!" Night cost winds a pair of expressions.

"What do you say?" Bergiita fully understood, why did he have seen the shadow of the so-called planet even before, because the so-called super-seizure is around him, and he But I don't know.

Although Begitta is not cool, he also knows the night's long wind. The guy who gave the night's grade is disdainful, because it is not necessary.

"Palagas, you actually lie to me!" Berji Tita brow wrinkled, full of murderous looking at Palagas.

Things have been defeated, Palagas will not be so much attention, and his current attention is full of Brole's body.

"You will stop, Brole!" With the constant urination controllers of Palagas, Brilli's dark golden vitality finally gradually gradually, and the whole person gradually became gloomy.

"Prince Begita? Shart!" Palagas was tightly eased, turned to look at the murderous Baggi Tower, completely torn the face, "You are now making it clear now, this rotten How can the planet may be my base, I am just using this planet! "

"Bastard! What do you say!" The anger of the anger in the Beji Tower, and his eyes are enough to kill Paradas 10,000.

"Wow haha ​​..." Palagus suddenly started laughing at 693, "Tell you one thing, my goal is the earth in the northern silver river, which is the planet you live, there is very good environment. I will use the earth as the basin of my universe, this is my plan! "

"So you only lead Baggi Tower to this planet, because you don't want to destroy the earth!" The night grew away.

"Yes! You will be accompanied by this new Baggita star! Night long wind, I was going to kill you after I plan, because you are worthy of the Saiyan low-level warrior, you will be worth mentioning. But since you will also send it, then I have to laugh! "Palagas turned her back to the night.

"Yes? Your strength can support your ambition?" The night long-faced corner turned a touch.

"Haha, I have Brole!" Palagus flew to Brole, and his hands were high, and he was excited. Under the rule, remove all the Saiyan, we are invincible in the universe! "

"Our empire will be eternal!" Palagas talked to the control of Brole.

boom! At this time, Brolegas behind Palagas, a punch in the shoulders of Palagas, Palagas screamed, and it was directly filled into the lake under the people.

1420 chapter, the strongest victim?

Bang! Losing to control Brole's full body dark golden gantry, this time is strong before.

"Christie! Christie!" Brole's name, the name of the night, and then stepped in the air, step by step to the night.

"Bay, I dare to ignore me!" Bergiita's pure golden vitality, he directly flashed into Brole, and then bombarded in the back of Brole.

At this time, Begda has already opened the super-Saiyan state, and the body is blue, but his punch is actually ineffective for Brole.

Brole didn't even look back in Bergi Tower, completely ignored Beji Tower, continue to go to the night and grow step by step. Every step, Brole's breath is boiling once, and gas is also getting stronger.

"I am evil!" "" "Baggiita was completely irritated by Brole's attitude, and his pure golden vitality of his weeks was crazy.

bass! Berga launched his hands on Brole's back, and two golden energy were shot out while emitting, and then instantly gathered together, gathered into a large golden energy light column.

It is the famous stunt super flashing gun in Bergiita!

"KAO! Is this guy in Bergiita plans to bomb this planet?" The night's wind thought that Brom is definitely dodge.

But Brole is another step to go to the night long, completely ignore the huge pure golden energy light column after the boiling.

Rumble! The golden light column finally bombarded the back of Brole, Brole did not look back, the energy of the golden light column directly allowed the lake under the people to evaporate, and the four weeks were constantly exploding.

But Brole is not looking back, and it is exaggerated to rebound back Bayi Tower's super flashing gun, which will rebound most of the energy light column out of the Atmospheric layer of the planet of this New Beigeta.

"Ni! How can this. !" Bergi Tower glanced at the sky with golden light, he couldn't accept the power of the whole body power, it was easy to block.

"The guy of Bergiita still can't see Brole's strength, the strength of Brole is far more!" Night long face, Brole's strength is also expected to be expected.

That is to say, the super-Saiyan in the legendary task released by the superhen system has been determined that Brole, and Brole's strength is certainly weak, because the level of the task is the legendary.

"In this case, I will not be polite! I hope this opponent, don't let me down!" The night's wind is full of golden vitality, between the first instance, the night is directly opened, he A lot of blue electric light surgery.

At this point, the night long wind can be very easy to transform between super and super three, and hardly take time, the loss of loss is almost ignored.

"Obvious! Lian Cristi, this guy also opened the Super Saiyan three. Is it true that this Brole is really so strong?" After the night's wind opened, Begitta felt a great oppression, this is The suppression of the level.

Super Saiyan Top Peak and Super Saiya Sanquan Looks only a difference, in fact, the difference is the land, even if it is a ten Baggiita, it is impossible to be a night length of over three full power. The opponent of the wind.

! At this point, the night length of the wind became more cold, and he launched the right hand directly to Brole.

Bang! Suddenly, an invisible force will continue to go to Brole's instant, Baroleum fly directly, hit a mountain.

Boom Lung Lung ... Between a breath, the whole mountain will collapse, and the boulder falls in full burying Brole.

"Ah, ah!" At this time, Brole's mad sound came, press [] The boulder on him instantly was crushed into a powder.

Brole's hands holding boxing, deep green eyes are covered with blood, he is long-distance, and the green light is high, a green light is straight.

Bang! At this time, the entire new Bergita star has not stopped, as if the whole planet is fearing Brole's power.

"Stop, Brole! You can't upgrade your own gas!" I don't know where to drill, the Wolf shouted in Brole, the golden bracelet in the hand, but also the flash He wants to control Brole again.

This time, Brole's crazy stuffed breath did not stop, and the crushed stone around him flew in the air, which was rotated around him.

! At this time, the world also also had an eye, starting thunder lightning!

Bang! Brole hair started at this time, and then gradually transformed into dark gold, and the whole body muscles have skyrocket, and the eyes of the eyes have lost the focal length!

Dark golden hair, dark golden eyebrows, cold expression and domineering outspeted appearance, Brolen Opened Super Saiyan Pattern.

Although there is slightly different from the night growing and the Super Saiyan state of Bergiita, it is indeed the feeling of the Super Saiyan, and Brole's gas is not much the night length of the opening of the super three state. .

This means that Brole has opened a new super-sujas model. In the case of turning into the situation, it has a super-Saiyan three battle. This talent, Lianyan prince Bergi Tower I also look like!

"¨` ▉ ▉ ... ~ ▉ ▉ . . ... .,.. ,

"This is the real millennium, a super-semi-Saiyan!" Night Changfeng can feel that Briles' super Saiyan form may be a more perfect super Saiyan form, his body Asians blood is also much better than B & B!

bass! After Brilli opened the Super Saiyan form (have been there), it was directly movable before the night length, and the speed and night length transients were almost.

"Christie! I want you to die very miserable!" Brolen pointed to the night and cold, at this time, Brole's voice is low, it is like a beast, and the sound of the Niangniang cavity previously controlled is completely different. .

The power of night long wind activates the brutal and bloodthirsty of the Baroleum in the Baronian Senior!

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