The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1434 of the Chapter 1434 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"Less waste! If you have this, you can hurt me, I will be happy!" The night length gongs the pure golden yuan into the body, and then launched.

bass! Two golden light swords extend out in the night long hands, and the blue light of the squat is surging on the sword of the light sword.

! At this time, Brole's body was pulled up, and the whole person's muscles were more exaggerated, he started his hands.

A green energy ball is instantly expanding in front of him, and then constantly rising!

1421 chapter, amazing power

Bang! The entire new Bergi Tower is constantly oscillating, and Bolori's energy ball is exaggerated to hundreds of meters diameter, and the ground under his feet has been caught for dozens of meters.

At this time, Begda is already exiting from the Super Saiyan state. The knees are on the ground, such as death, "What is the strongest, the original, I am in the Saiyan ... the weakest! "

"Bergi Tower, only your most advanced Saiyan warrior can perceive Brole's power and cruelty, ..." He is hurting Palagas tough to Behaji "You are late ... Brole has left my control, my plan is already finished!"

"You have to die! The entire Galaxy, including the earth who lives, will be destroyed by Brole, no one can stop him, because he is the strongest Super Saiyan in the legendary millennium!" Palagus Sweating, there is no hope in your eyes.

"Bergi Tower! You may not know how much our father and son are hate your father, Begitta king!" Palagus died in the fist, and the eyes flashed the color.

Many years ago, when Brole is still a new baby, the father of Bergi Tower is the Berga King knows that the cloth-087-Raleigh has a very terrible combat power. This kind of birth is too difficult to do. There was no excitement of the King of Begitta, but he was uneasy.

In the end, Begitta Wang is announced to let the son of Palagas directly kill Brole, but just at this time, Bergi Tita is invaded by Flizza.

Fliza kills all the Saiyan, and directly destroyed the entire Baggita planet with the death ball.

However, Barole, Barole, who is in a baby period, let him live with his father Palagas, from which time, Palagas vowed to revenue Biji Tita.

After that, he learned that the Baggilta killing and the prince Begitta was also alive, he vowed to find Baggi Tower and let Baggita bear the hatred brought by his father.

"Haha! Although my plan fails, you have to die, you can live the strongest Brole!" Palagas looked at Bolori's growing energy ball, Start laughing.

"Hey! Stupid goods!" Begita's mouth, he is not because Brole's power is afraid, this feeling is not the first time, the powerful strength of the night is a few times a few times despair.

Bergiita came over and it was getting stronger, because he believed that he can catch up with his talent to catch up with or even surpassing the night.

However, Brole's appearance makes Bergiita to his incompetence anger, and the power of the night is so strong enough to make Bergiita difficult to endure, and now there is still a much higher than his talent, stronger strength. Super Saians, this is what Bergi Tower is completely unacceptable.

"Haha, the low-level Saiyan warrior night costs also want to fight against Brole!" Palagas looked at the sword of the night's hands and laughed.

"Low-class Sailor Warrior?" Bergi Tower glanced on Paradati, "You don't know how strong him at all!"

bass! At this time, the super energy light ball before Bolori no longer rose, but was lifted up height from Brolen, and he fed directly to the night.

Barole is completely rhythm of the night length together with the entire new Bergita star.

"It's good!" I feel the massive energy in the huge energy ball, and the cold is cold in the night, and the light ball is flying quickly.

!!! In the first moment, when the night is always between the energy light ball, the light sword in his hands starts to automatically elongate, and then it is super fast to be super fast.

No one can watch the movements of the night, because his action is too fast, Jin Guang is like a blind-opening Giant Energy ball covering Brole.

In this breathing, a total of a total of thousands of swords have been sent out in the air of the air.

puff! The green super speed is extremely fast, and the direct heavy hit the golden big net, the golden big net instantly crushed into golden light dissipated in the air.

"Hahaha ... don't self, Palagas began to laugh again," How can his strength to block the energy of Brilli's destruction to destroy the land! "

"Shut up!" The Baggi Tita passion on the side was just falling, and the energy ball through the golden big net suddenly lived in the air.

Palagas, "What is going on?"

! At this time, the entire super-vast energy light ball suddenly divided into countless small green energy squares, which were still small than the thumb, and directly on the ground of the night.

!!! At a time, all green energy squares exploded, and continuous explosion, the ground of the night length is fell into a few meters.

However, the energy ball of the original Brolen is enough to destroy the new Baggita star, but now this is destroyed, the threat of super energy ball is being resolved by night long waving.

"How is this possible?" Palagas is a ghost expression. "How can someone can solve Brole's giant energy balls!"

Palagas had seen Boro as a number of times in Nanying, and the entire huge planet was not affected.

"The warm body is complete, the next is the real battle!" The night grew and paired, and the pinch was awkward.

"Well, I like this battle!" Brolen cold face, there is no smile, "Now the second round begins!"

boom! Night wind and Brolen are simultaneous to make a golden electric light, a bright and dark, the two are directly intended in the air.

! At a time, a golden light column straight sky, two people began to kick their punches, and they quickly had no friends.

Boxing, the entire new Bergiita vibrate is even more violent, it is like the end of the world.

The power of the two people is too strong. Even the space of the new Bergita stars can't afford it, and there is a small space crack from time to time.

boom! boom! boom! Two people fist to meat, and the night-long surprises found that Brole's Bellee energy is far beyond his imagination, but not only the strength is large, but also the fighting instinct is superior, the reaction is also super fast.

The two people have always hit the Atmospheric layer of the new Bergata star, still difficult to win!

boom! It is another right way, and the two of the two have emerged in the place of the box, and the two are scattered, and they will stand in the air again.

"Oh ... I haven't played so much for a long time!" The night is looking at Brole, and the mouth is slightly forth.

1422 chapter, war battle!

"I want to kill you! Kill you!" Brolen shinked to the night length, then hugged the night with a thick arms, he wanted to use the power to directly dicked the night!

"Hey! Let the strength, do you massage?" Night loud his mouth.

"Yeah!" Brole's double arm has risen more than half, and it has a gluten, it looks like a horror, but the night is still a faceless expression, as if you feel the strength.

In fact, Brole is already very powerful at this time, but it is not what is more than one night costs with Jin Peng de demon.

"Do you have this strength, dare to be more powerful?" The night long's mouth is open, the arms slowly opened, and the Barole's horses were earned.

"How is this possible!" Palagas looked at night is stunned. He still saw someone in the power to suppress Brole.

boom! The night long wind flashed the right arm of Brole, and then started to rotate in the air, and the Baroleum has a big circle, throwing it to a higher room.

! On the other hand, the vain of the dragon icon was started after the night length of the body, and the Pentium's roaring dragon icon was scared to Pragas a PI shares sitting on the ground.

bass! At this moment, the night lengthy wind turns the dragon icon. He slowly appeared in both golden spears in front of him. It is the spear of God!

Snapped! As the night length is empty, the stack of golden gods directly penetrates the distance from thousands of meters and then directly through Brole's chest.

boom! boom! After running through Bolori, the night's heart is turned, and the spear of the two gods directly exploded, and Jin Guang swallowed everything around, including Brole!

The whole process is a short moment, Palajas has not seen anything else, Brole's body has dropped from high altitude.

At this time, Brole's chest is two blood caves and is constantly bleeding.

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