The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1435 of the Chapter 1435 of the Prince of Tennis

boom! After Baroni is weak, it starts to rise, and he turned his body in the air, and the blood flow of two blood caves directly with dark golden via.

"Christie! Here is your funeral place!" Brole turned over to rushing the night, the strength of the night, the power of the night did not let Baroleum fell, but more exciting Brole, Let Brole becomes more violent.

The opponent before Barole and night winds is completely different. He will not be afraid, and it will not fear, will only fight and kill [].

A super-semiper who is born for blood!

"Maybe this is the purest super-semi-Saiyan!" Night costs have some understand why Brole is just turned into a transformation, and the power will be so powerful.

boom! In the first moment, Brilli spurted the dark golden vitality, and the voyage was back to two golden long wings, and gently flicked came to the front of the night, and the ratio transient movement.

Hit here, the night grows also knows that it is not worthy of Bo ▉▉, this strength is strong and never fearful.

bass! At this time, the night's body is full of golden, the strength of the flesh is full, and the vast body is surging is the force of 10,000 dragon icons.

boom! Night wind does not abolish, the head of Brole is a trick.

Puttong's heavy punches are just the power of the Thunder in the case of the power of the night, and a punch is enough to explode, a new Bergiita planet.

And this fist is in front of Brole, and the night long feels feels a huge barrier, just like a boxing in cotton candy, power is detached in a moment.

boom! At this time, Brilli wrote a ball-type fluorescent energy shroud, and the ordinary shield is different, this shield is very toughness is simply metamorphosis, and the heavy boxing of the night is not bombarded. !

"Good power!" The night's wind turned around in the air, Brole's strength far beyond his imagination, the guy in front of him was a hundred times more than the supercloche.

More importantly, he is different from his opponents before the night. He won't play what is hard, it is hard, and this opponent is the favorite of the night.

Super Saiyan's opponent can only be a super-competition itself!

When the night length of the wind, he stepped away. At this time, his dragon is more active, and the sky is covered, and the sky is covered with the sky.

"I don't believe it, don't break your shell!" Night long-lasting corner, the right arm is big, and the body of the night is also over, and the training suit will be completely supported. burst.

·· ▉ ▉ ····

"Dragon Boxing ... in explosion!" The night grew and drunk, the power of the dragon icon was crazy to the right arm, and then the emperors were played against Brole.

! The night-long's right fist becomes unlimited, and the right fist is continuously drilled out of the golden long dragon, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Between the blink, 10,000 thousand long dragons in the top of the Barolete, Brilli looked up at the air of the air, and the cold light was flashing.

boom! boom! boom! Brole is also a constantly moving punch in the air, and the dark gold waves are sprayed from Brole's fists.

Every time he waves, at least hundreds of golden long dragons can be broken.

..... [... [.. [..

But the number of golden long dragons is still too much. If there is no one, no one can completely, the long wind, the long wind, the lord, the night is not worried, the Barole will want the migrar. Continuous resurrection of the face.

The arrogant Saayan warrior is the case, and it is lost. It will never do this continuous resurrection of this shameless.

! Brolen is a tapped a thousand gold dragons, and the remaining Jinlong is gradually gathered together, condenses a five-claw Jinlong, a thousand meters.

This huge five-claw gold dragon is lifelike, let people look and daunt!

Brole's boxing is straight to the five-claw Jinlong, directly ignorant by the five-way gold dragon, directly crashed with the faucet, and then instantly wrapped the whole body of Brole.

At this time, the fluorescent energy shield of Brolex is once again appeared, and the five-claw gold dragon disk is not crushed around the energy shield.

The toughness of Brole's fluorescent energy shield once again exceeded the noise of the night.

"Give me a break!" Night live wind is also tempering, he is not to crush Bolori this fluent turtle shell.

! Night windstorm ,, , , Compression!

! One green collision is collided in the air, and there is constant black lightning. [Out], spread, cover the whole sky and earth.

1423 chapter, super fierce battle

"Ah, ah!" Brole crazy shouting, his dark golden vitality kept rising, green masks were more condensed.

! On the other hand, the night grows is also free, the fist is more grown, the five-claw Jinlong Long is also essential.

! After a few breathing, Brole's fluorescent energy shroud finally crushed into a fragment dissipated in the air, and the rays of the five-claw Jinlong were also bleak, but still dying [bypass I live in Brole!

! The night-long fist is still gripping. When the five claws, Jinlong, when the body is extremely narrowed, just a high-strength Brole, the energy is very intensive, and the oppression is even rising!

hiss! With the contraction of the five-claw golden dragon, Brole's body is taken out of the blood marks, the blood keeps oozing, Brole's "zero four zero" turns into a blood.

Even so Brole did not send any screams, his expression is still cold, and he is full of blood.

anger! The extreme anger fills the whole body of Brole, and he actually broke the top of the five-clawed gold dragon with his right hand, and then grabbed the faucet of the five-claw gold dragon.

"Well?" In the eyes of the night, he fell over, he didn't think Bridge was able to explode so amazing in this case.

At this time, the Baroleum army rose big, the whole body blood is crazy, and the right palm is out of the unlimited power. It turns out the lead directly to the dragon.

After the bang ~ After the head pin, the five-claw Jinlong exploded, and the golden light was swallowed around, and the whole body of Brole was swallowed.

! The energy of the explosion spreads, and the thoroughly smashed the wasteland under the feet, and the Begita and Palagas that were not far away were flying directly by the energy shock.

The night-long wind is the whole body of golden armor, and the energy impact is blocked. It is the army of the God.

The impact of energy has been launched for a minute, and after the light is exhausted, a tall figure is covered with dark golden vitality, flying directly, returning to the night long face, is Brole.

At this time, the night-long wind is cold, he has long known that this explosion impact will not cause what harm to Brole.

Can Bulley is the first in the binding of Dragon Pun, Bolori is still the first, which makes the blood in the long-lasting chest.

This kind of bloody, boxing to meat, the night grows is over a long time!

"This is called a fight!" The night is drinking, and the arms are in front of the arms, and the golden energy continues to surging him.

"Hey!" Although Brole I didn't know what the night did you want to do, but he instinctively slammed, rushed to the night's wind, almost instantly arrived in front of the night length, then it is a one-arm Hold the night grow again.

bass! This time, the night-hearted air is moving directly to Brole, and then puts the back of the waist to the back of Brole, which is almost zero distance.

"Super Turtle Passenger Wave!" With the loud and high-rise, a golden ultra-high compressed energy light sprayed from night long winds, directly on the back of Brole.

The distance is too close, Brole is impossible to have any reactions, directly flooded by golden energy light column.

boom! boom! boom! In the first moment, Brole was covered with a few high mountains outside a few kilometers, while the golden energy light column did not stop. The speed is also not reduced, and then go, Brole Will be directly to this new Baggitta planet.

At this time, Brole was turned to the teeth, and his back is already a focal black, and after hencers will turn around, with a big double arm holds the golden energy impact wave in front of it.

"Ah, ah!" Brole's crazy shouting, the whole body power spurted, it turned out to take the night length of the whole body, and then pushed to the Atmospheric layer of the New Begitta star.

"The death of Christie!" Brole has never been hurting so much, he tian's blood, cold, cold, look forward to the night-catching wind in front of it.

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