The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1437 of the Chapter 1437 of the Prince of Tennis

"Ah, you can't kill me!" Brole's double punch, facing the black near the darkness, Brole's whole body spurt the dark golden vitality, he is full of golden The ripple, the breath has risen again in an instant.

1425 chapter, three-fashioned one

At this time, Brole's gas is already surpassing the power of the Super Saiyan, and his form has not changed anything, that is, Brole has a rising space.

! Just when Brilli will quickly open the Thunder's strength, the destroyed black boxing will wrap Brole's whole body, and the green electric light is in the middle of the black air.

Barole is actually a boxing of millions of millions, and the breath is not weakened, but it is still constantly strengthening.

"Brole! You are very strong, is the strongest in the opponent I have encountered, your talent may be the strongest existence of this world, but your story is here!" Night long-lived bike Another show.

"Paradise Shenquan - Nature!" Night wind and double boxing, and it took a natural boxing.

Natural boxing is invisible, such as spring surprises to Brillia.

At this time, the front three-in-one front three-style, three kinds of fists are integrated.

Three-mate one!

Thunder's force is binding Bronolley, destroying the power of Brole's powerful defense, and natural power is the ultimate hit into the body of Boli.

Three or just or soft boxing broke out of unpleasant power, and the anti-day Brole is also differentiated after a few seconds.

The night-long eyes saw Brole's body that was constantly eaten by natural power, and then disappeared at a point.

Natural power murderers in invisible, Brole has even not understood what is going on, his consciousness disappears, caught in the endless darkness.

Snapped! The tall Baroleum body became fluorescent, and finally the green light of the point is dissipated between the universe.

It is very likely that the highest talented is also the strongest Saiyan, who is killed by a night-catching three boxes!

When you call ~ ▉, the night grows long and long, this battle is much tough than him thinks, and when it is angry, the night long exceeds three full power status is not Brole's opponent.

He is completely in the three-style combined with the flesh of the sky and the three-star in the paradise god, if Brolence is strong, or can turn into a higher shape, everything is still known.

Ding! The suggestion of the super-god system is not unexpected.

"Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line task: Kill the mysterious super-semi-Saiyan, you have received the number of lottery three times."! "Super-system cooling tips, let the night feel good.

Exciting the attribute list, the night lengthy wind sees that the number of lots of lottery is nine, and the new height of unprecedented.

It is compared to the past two or three times, and the night is very good at this time. Of course, this nine times looks a lot, I really want to redeem in the special store, still appease the elbow.

In addition, the night is not too much to draw a lot of lottery, from the last simple draw, night long wind, you can see that the superhen system intends to adjust the lucky draw system.

Because the wind is turning too fast, the strength is advanced, the effect of the lucky draw system is obviously, the number and quality of the treasures is not as good as the first day.

"Don't use it first, wait until the next task, see the situation again!" Night long wind decided to completely save the lottery.

At this time, the strength of the night's wind is already super, but it is also in the bottleneck. The state of the super-seizian three cannot break through, the growth of the flesh is not a day two days.

"Right, the guy in Bergiita will not be destroyed by the force of destruction?" The night's long wind suddenly sounded Bergi Tower, and he did not feel the gas of Berga around.

"Forget it, you will know it back to the earth!" The night's right hand double fingers put it in the eyebrow, and I was instantly moving back to the earth.

Among the void of the universe, there is a drop of blood to fly in front of the night.

"Is this?" The night's wind put the right hand, stretching the lightning [out] left hand to grasp the blood in front of his hand, stadown.

There is a dark golden essence flow in the small blood, and the little blood drops can take the grip of the night, and the night long wind is unfolded. The blood is automatically flying into a sphere.

"This is Brole's blood!" When the night's wind, he judged the source of blood.

This drop of blood can live in the Shenwei, the gods of the paradise, and let the night grow up, there is a impulse that directly swallowed the blood directly into the mouth.

"Forget! Brole's guy is very evil door, or let the god tree will absorb!" The night's left hand threw this drip into the small world.

bass! Returned the right hand, the heart, careful, the gas of the Northern Yinhe earth, the night length of the wind disappeared in the same place.

"Changfeng, how come you?" Klin was suddenly seen in front of the night, "Are you not practicing in the universe, how come so soon, I have been at least half a year before. ! "

"Haha! I don't miss you, come back!" The night is laughing, and there is no thing about the words of Clin, so he is worried.

"¨` ▉ You hurt? "Kelin looked at the scars on the upper half of the night long-lasting style, no one in his consciousness may hurt the night.

"Oh, when I practice, I have some small injuries, don't care!" Night wind did not say much.

"Master, you come back!" At this time, Teks did not indute the night's gas, ran out from the Turtle Time, and the excitement of a face.

Recently, Tex and Alice cultivated on the island where the Turtle is located, the Klin and Turtles will guide the two from time to time.

"Tex, your kid is growing!" The night did not touch Tetrakus, and it was not a few weeks. Terrus has long a lot.

"Hey ... Master, I am stronger!" Terran rushed to the night's excitement.

"Yes?" Laughing at night.

"Well!" Tony is headed by Tex and started directly.

Bang! Tex's full body pure golden vitality (Novo Zhao) sprayed out, the hair was inserted in an instant, and there was a blue electro-optical surge.

Although it is not too stable, Terx is indeed broken through the stage of Super Saiyan.

"I kao! This kid talent is really good, this only a few days, I broke through the super two stage!" The night grew in the eyes of the eyes. "

"Haha, Master, I am awesome!" "The smile of Terrus, there is no super-seda's cold.

"Well, yes!" Night-lasting style nodded, "the control of gas is still somewhat, much is much stronger than that year!"

"That ... Master, can I learn to move when you move?" Tex retired from the super two state.

"It turns out that your kid is hitting this idea!" Night long wind angle, "Ok, I teach you, I don't learn to see yourself."

"Good yeah!" Tex 'rape meter', happy, jumping again ...

1426 chapter, the universe is the strongest?

After three months, in these three months, the night-lived wind did not go to the universe to find the planet suitable for cultivation, but always stayed in the island where the Turtle fairy house.

On the one hand, it is to guide Tex and Alice, and the two now strength is rising. Terry gradually stabilizes the super-semiper's second-stage, and learned Yade under the guidance of the night. Lat is moving instantly.

Alice is a thousand-handed level under the guidance of a night, and her actual combat power is far from her mother 18.

On the other hand, the night-length wind returns to the small world to observe the blood of Brole.

Brole's blood has always turned around the god tree in Xiaocheng, and the night-long style thought that Brole's blood will soon be absorbed by Xiaocheng's gods.

It has been three months. The blood is still exactly the same as the night long, the huge god tree in Xiaocheng seems to have no good way to take Brole's blood.

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