The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1438 of the Chapter 1438 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

Of course, the night cost is also trying to use the prison furnace, and even the heavenly furnace refines Brole's blood, it is unfortunately no success.

Brole's blood level seems to be far beyond the level of the night-long's performance, and there is no way, and the night grows is also no way. Only when the strength is further improved - 880-, then try again.

In addition, these three months, Super Shen system has no movement, no task, even the branch task is not, so that the night is very unhappy.

After three months of do nothing, the night's long-lasting days can never endure this boring day, ready to take the Star Warriol to go to the universe to find the planet that is suitable for cultivation.

Although night costs also know that the probability of the planet you can practice now is extremely small, at least there is also hope that I have to sit in a problem.

Before departure, the night long did it first go to the king of the gerbera, let the kings look at the earth.

Because this night-length wind estimates that you need to stay in the universe, it is likely to exceed the Milky Way, and you cannot move back to the Earth in an instantaneous movement with Yade.

No matter how far the distance, the king can directly inform the night's wind, so the night grew Wang Zhao looks at the earth, if something can be notified him.

King gerbera.

"Do you feel it? The king of the king is god!" The king is in the world of the king of the king of the king of the world.

"Well, I don't know why, this time I wake up (Caeb) is big!" Dongjie Wang Shen sink.

"Oh ... Peace This time is really short, especially after the boy appears in the earth ..." The old king of the old man said.

bass! At this time, the night length of the wind moved to the king's asteroid, and the king was shocked.

"Night long wind ... You don't practice, what to do here?" The king of the king was sweating.

"Kings, what do you see me?" The doubts of the night, the king saw him as seen in the ghost.

"What? Kings, do you say that night long is the kid is also there?" The East Royal King is shocked, the voice of the voice suddenly sinks.

"Yes, the king of the king of the world, the kid seems to be looking for me." The truth of the king is very real.

"Ah, I definitely can't let him know, with the child's personality will come to intervene!" The East Royal King is rushing to remind him.

"That is of course, the big thing of Busia, I won't say. Ok, the king of the king is like this." The king cuts the voice communication.

"What is the big thing in Birus? What is the matter?" The night's eyes looked at the king asked.

"Ah!" The king was scared to jump, "the long wind ... How do you know?"

"That is not nonsense, you have a touch, I will know that you are in the emotion. I have heard the call." I have heard it. "The night's mouth has a smile," said, "Let's Who is the Bruce? "

Cough ... The king's dry cough has two sounds, after the hands are behind, "the long wind, you still don't know this thing!"

"If you don't say anything ..." Night, the right hand, the right hand, the double finger, before the eyebrow, "Then I will ask the East Dynasty Wang!"

"Ah, I know, I know!" Wang Lian quickly stopped the night's wind, "You don't use the transient, I tell you that it is really no way to take your kid."

"Let's talk, I will not say to the East Town Wang God, you tell me." The night is looking to know what the king is thinking.

"Sit!" The king shook his head. After sitting down, he referred to the opposite stool.

"Good!" The night's wind sat down, and the king opened the story mode.

"In this world, there is god to give birth to the planet and life, just like the king of the king of the king." The king is slowly relieved, "relative, destroying the gods of the planet and life also exists."

"That destruction is also the Bruce, you and the East Royal Wang God!" The golden light in the eyes, "Is it very strong?"

Night wind did not scare the name of the king of Wang Shen, can create and destroy the planet and life, but it does not mean that the so-called god is very strong, the East Dynasty Wang Shen and the old king of the east are fresh. example.

"What is your kid asking this?" The king of the king.

"Of course, I am playing with him. You don't know, I haven't had an opponent for a long time!" The night's heart touched the nose.

"Stinky boy, you can not mess! The Bruce people are not a grade compared with those enemies you face, not! It is not at all, he is the greatest destruction in this universe. Adult! "The king is very excited.

"The neighborhood of the lord will feel afraid than those in Russen, and the character of Rusians is also uncertain, very dangerous

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Chapter 1427, Bruce and Vis

Bang! At this time, the top of the mysterious palace suddenly exploded, and at this time, a whole body was blue, wearing a gorgeous dress, and the neck also surrounded the mysterious people of a blue aperture showed an eye explosion. Didn't say anything.

Instead, step by step in the steps of purple transparent crystals, quickly entered the explosion area.

"You are awake, Busians!" The mysterious man shouted with the explosive transparent platform, this mysterious man is to destroy the servant of God, called as Visse.

call! call! At this time, the Bruce lying on the platform moved his purple ears and did not get up.

"Get up, Bruce, time is here. You are not specifically set up a alarm bomb this time?" Vis continued, "If you can't stand it, the preparatory other alarm bomb will continue to explode ... "

!! Visphon is just that the hull leak huge alarm clock surrounded around the platform is two consecutive explosions.

The smoke is shrouded through the entire palace. Bruce is lying on the platform and not open, but it should be two, "I know, immediately get up."

"Hey ..." Vissered frowned, "You can don't sleep more than fifteen years like last time ..."

"Cough!" Visgan cough two times, then the corner of the mouth came up with a smile, and the right hand did not know how to take a microphone. "If you can't still get up, then let me give you a clear awake. Song! "

"Then I started!" Vissed just raised the microphone.

"I know!" Bruce suddenly jumped from the platform, but still did not open his eyes.

The Purple of the Busong, is completely a cat, long ears, sharp teeth, wearing a lot of clothing and Egyptian Shen Ming Aubis, can be seen, Bruce has lived a long time.

At this time, the Busiyu wiped the eyes and did not open his eyes with his hand, and then used the head tian TIAN hand, and the action was also very similar to the cat.

"This time I slept for forty years, sleep such a short time is a lunch break!" Bruce still looks like a sleepy eye.

"The time to get up is B. Rus, you are," Weis hands behind, "said back, adults, why do you want to get up this time?"

"Of course, I have my own consideration ..." Biusi's mouth, "The stomach is hungry, eat first!"

"Yes!" Visted nodded, led Bruce to the restaurant in the palace, and the restaurant's table has long prepared a large table exquisite and massive food.

Bruce is also a food, sitting in the table, starting to have a big drink.

"Right, Vis! In the forty year of my sleep, did Flissa destroy Berga planet?" Birus asked after a wine.

"Yes, the Bergiita planet was destroyed," Wisi is old and the real role.

"Oh, it is also. After all, people on the planet have a group of grass bags, especially the Bergiita king, the small gas is very. If it is destroyed, it is also good, but the planet is too far, I am too lazy, It is too much trouble! "Bruce said a lot.

"But Vhalis is not a thing, from the big guy, when you see him next time, I will kill him." After the end of the big mouth, the big mouth swallowed a large piece of fat. .

"This matter does not have to shot, Flissa has been knocked down." Viscope slowly.

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