The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1439 of the Chapter 1439 of the Prince of Tennis

"Well?" Bussen, "Who is fighting Flissa?"

"Please wait!" Visted right hand, a blue gold's law appeared in his hand, and the stick is suspended on this black sphere and looks very mysterious.

! Vissed waving the stick in the waves, green fluorescence instantly spreading the entire restaurant, the ceiling of the restaurant turned out to show the scene of the last time of the long wind and Fries in Namek star battle, that is, the night grows transformation It is a time for a super-seizure.

Birus looked at the shape of the night, and it was light, "this guy gives me a little strange, what is the head?"

"Is the Saiyan!" Visseed, "he called as a night, it seems to have the name of Christie."

"Do you just say that the Saiyan and Begitta planet were destroyed?" Bruce doubtful.

"Most of them have been killed, but it seems that there are a few fleeted to other planets." Weiss explained, "By the way, the son of Bergi Tita is also lived."

······ Flowers ······

"How did he defeat Flissa? The combat power of the Saiyan should be far away from Flizza." Bruce documented with a black biological egg in his hand.

bass! A circle of purple radius surrounded by biological eggs, , in this moment, the entire biological evil is black powder.

"Recently, the Saiyan seems to be a result of changing the ability to become a super-seizure, and their combat power will skyrockery." Weis continued to explain.

"Super Saiyan?" Bruce, then suddenly slammed, an excitement of a face, "It turned out to be like this!"

"What happened to you?" Weis asked.


"The guy of this shape is fighting in my dream. His name seems to be called the super Saiyan!" Bruce flew away in the air.

"Oh?" Vissed.

"Vis, don't you understand? This is called pre-... dream!" Bussered arrived in Vis.

"Dream ... As far as I know, Bruce, your predictive dream accuracy is not too high! You previously anticipated someone to attack our Temple, but there is no happening!" Visa has no expression. Tao.

"You don't know me!" Bruce put his hand, then flew to the direction of the palace, "Vis, you come with me!"

Soon the two came to the purple platform, the cyan grassland, everywhere is full of purple flowers, purple light, here is the place where God is living.

"Prophecy! You gave me it!" Bruce shouted in the vast grassland in front of him.

! At this time, a small fish tank flew to Bruce, there was a long-awaited blue fish in the fish tank, and there were two arms in the fish, and there was another tenture on the head.

"I have been walking, what are you looking for?" The prophecy asked from the fish tank.

"Your guy said in four decades ago, I will encounter an unprecedented strong enemy after forty years!" Bruce back behind him.

"I said?" The prophetic fish, "Well, even if I said it!"

1428 chapter, strongest coming

"Hey, Visse saw it?" Bruce turned his head to look at Vis, full face, "prophecy predicts and my predictive dreams! My strong enemy will appear, and it is called The guy of the Super Saiyan! "

"Well ..." Vissered shook his head, "But I am really hard to imagine that there will be a strong enemy in Bigus in this world!"

"Well, you are also said. However, even if the prophecy is probably the strong enemy is probably an exaggeration, it should be a very interesting guy." Bruce jumped in front of Vis, "So I this time I set a alarm clock, get up early! "

"It turns out!" Visted nodded, and then asked, "That ... do you go back to see the Saiyan who kill Flissa?"

The Bruce is a cold, and the mouth is hurt, "that is of course, I must find the super-seizure of the dream" 87 zero "!"

"The God of the Super Saiyan, this name is really exaggerated!" Vischeng gathered in the hand, put the black sphere on the stick to his eyes.

bass! At a time, the black sphere above the statute begins to shine colorful light, the sphere suddenly became transparent, showing the stars, and finally zoomed in.

The scene appeared on the black spheres appeared in the scene, it was a beautiful earth.

"Found, the Saiyun of Haixun mainly gathered in the blue 8717 planet of 4..256, named the earth, now there is two Saiyan people on the planet." Weis slowly said.

"Earth?" Bruce shook his head for a while, "I haven't heard it!"

"The Saiyan that knocked down Flesa is now on the planet of the North Royal King." Vissen continued to explain.

"Saiyan people on the king of royal stars?" Bruce worked chin with hand, "it is really suspicious!"

"Vis, how long is it there?" Bruce turned around.

"About half an hour!"

"Ha? So long ... I really can't ..."

"So, let's go!" Vissed suddenly showed a colorful mask.

"Good!" Busse was slow into the mask.

Rumber! The two directly rushed to the sky, flew out of the huge purple platform in the universe, disappearing in the stars.

King gerbera.

"Kings, you told me the right guy of the universe, I will go to the guy!" After the night grew, the interest was becoming more and more interested.

Although the superhen system has no task, there is a premonition of night growth, he is close to the power of the Dragon Ball World, which is likely to receive the ultimate task of this world in the near future.

According to the experience of the world, the opponent of this final task must be the strongest of the Dragon Ball.

"No, long wind ... Bruce people can ..." King. Just wanted to discourage the night's wind, suddenly jumping up, the forehead sweat is more exaggerated.

"Kings, what happened?" The night grew in the wind.

"The big thing is not good, he is coming!" The king of the king shocked a Pi stock on the ground, and it was yelling.

"Who?" M

"Bruce people, he is changing here!" The king did not stop the sweat of the forehead without stopping the paper towel, "this is over ..."

"Haha, this is not just right, save me for him to find him!" Night Changha laughed, "said it back, why didn't I feel any powerful breath?"

"Your kid knows! God's breath is not you can understand!" The king of the king jumped again, grabbed the two hands of the night, "listened, you can do something else. Even if you can't confront him again. "

"Reassure, even if I can't fight, he doesn't matter!" The night's wind did not put Bruce.

"Hey ... Your kid wants to die! Really, why is it better than Russen people?" The king is like an ant on the hot pot.

"Yeah, why is it?" Suddenly, the voice of another person passed into the ear of the king, and the kings turned back.

! At this time, a burst of purple smoke appeared on the king's asteroid, which is Bruce and Vis.

"Wow, it is a big man than Rus! It's troubled for you. The monks really don't win!" The king of the king is full of enthusiasm, and a panic look.

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