The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1440 of the Chapter 1440 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

"I haven't seen it for a long time, the North King!" Bruce came out of the road from Vis, and he went around. "He said that, your planet is really small!"

"Ah, it is really a rude!" The king will not be low low ..

"Bruce, have you forgotten? This is the result of you in that year, you have a bad thing after the hide and hide." Wiis whispers contrast.

"Yes? I don't remember it." Bruce didn't care.

"The reason why the original king is like this is this cat." At this time, the night-catching wind stood in the big tree grove on the king of the king, the introverted breath, Bruce and Vis were not found. The trace of night long winds.

"The words come back, these two guys are very wonderful, and a strong Egyptian style ..." Night long-lasting Wusi and Bruce, I couldn't help but spit, "said back, they Who is Borus? "

"Hehe, ... Bruce, this time, why will you come to me here?" The king is afraid to anger Biusi to ask for a topic.

"This is!" Bruce behind his hands, "I am looking for a little thing to find you here."

"Rushing me?" The golden light in the night, exhaled the list of tasks, and the superhen system has not yet issued any tasks.

"Ah!" After the king heard the intention of Busia, I was shocked, I was busy giving Budus, "I am very sorry, he is now ..."

"Kings, you don't play the trick, I know that some people are here!" Bruce.

"Yes, yes!" The king wiped the sweat of wiping, turned to look back the big tree, "Changfeng, come out and say hello to the big people!"

"The king of the king is so easy to sell me, really!" The night's life smiled and shook his head, and immediately flashed directly to Bruce and Visses.

"Are you the Saayan?" Buffe and Vissen were watching the night long.

"Who is Borus?" Night flood faces have seen a few eyes in Bruce and Vis.

laugh! The king of the king, the end of the night, the low voice: "Stinky boy, don't be so mad in front of the big people, your kid wants to kill me!"

"Well, I have changed." The golden light in the eyes of the night, "I am the night and long, what is your name?"

In the face of the so-called universe, the night grows is still arrogant, the face is not given.

1429 chapter, challenge task

"I am Bobus! I have something to ask you!" Buffy didn't care, and the eyes were watching the night.

"This cat is Bruce? I thought it was a guy who was like this mage!" Night is looking at the Visse of Bruce.

"I want to ask you, do you know that super ... Super Saiyan God?" Bruce flashed a shine.

The name of the night grew well heard the title of the super Saayan, "Super Saiyan, I have heard that the God of Super Saiyan has this kind of person?"

"Well ... The God of the Super Saiyan, the old man is also the first time I heard this name!" The Dongjie Wang is also wondering.

"Ah, this is!" Biusi flashed a disappointment, and turned his head and looked at night. "I listened to Vissery, said that you defeated Flizza, right?"

"Flissa?" Night long wind face, "Yes, that waste is me killed!"

"Sure enough, I will listen to Vis, you can also become a legendary super-seizure." Bruce walked around at night, and kept observing the body of the night.

"Oh, Busians, you know how much!" The East Royal King did not expose the trace.

"Right, Vis, you told me that the Saayan king 20 Bibeiji is also alive, and can also become a super-semi-Saiyan?" Bruce turned his head to Weis.

"Yes, and there is also a son of Begitta on the earth, called Tex, as if it can change it." Vissen slowly released.

"Beggetta is still not dead!" Hearing this news, the night's wind is also shocked. "How can these guys know these things? Is this the ability of the so-called Dragon Ball World God?"

Night winds caught in meditation, and indeed a variety of super capabilities, they can read people's thoughts from the prior kings of the night long. They can read people's thoughts. People and things.

But the night's live wind is amazed by this Bruce, and it is actually explored things that have happened, this and time-related ability is generally very counter-day.

And from the sale, Vis is much better than Bruce, which makes the night long wind, and it is a little attention to this destruction of the gods.

"It turns out these things, you know!" The Dongjie Wang did not stop sweating. He also wanted to conceal other Saiyan things, and did not expect Bruce to know.

"There is also guy who can become a super-seizian, it's really doubtful!" Bruce turned his head and looked at Vis, "So, if you go to the earth, what should you find, here there will be Other Super Saiyans. "

"Ah, the old man, the old man thinks what I can't find it. I have been testing the earth, I have never heard of the god of the super Saaya!" The Dongjie Wang was busy stopping.

"Oh, don't see how you will know!" Bruce returned to the front of the night, the east king.

"That ... Bruce, you won't destroy the earth ..." The East Royal King is very worried that Bruce will be chaotic.

"That wants to see my mood ..." Bruce didn't matter.

!! At this time, the night's wind puts the fist, he looked at Bruce coldly, "Look at the mood? I advise you to do it for the earth, otherwise my mood will be very bad, consequences Very serious. "

"Changfeng, what is your kid say!" Dongjie Wang Li was busy drinking night.

"Oh, it seems that you are very confident on your strength?" Bruce looked at the face of the cold, cold, such as cold frost.

"I heard that you have known the strongest destruction of the universe, I can't find an opponent in the universe, but I just came to play, so you don't know my strength!" Night long-term cold Tao.

"Changfeng! Don't be too too much in your boy!" The East Royal King was aware of the breeze of the night.

"Oh, I live for so long or I heard that someone invited me. Is you really powerful, or you are a stupid?" Brouse orange scorpion .

"Yes! Stupid! He is a stupid!" Dongjie Wang Lian ran finger finger his head, "He has problems here!"

"Kao! Kings, you don't want me to talk to him, I don't have to say that my brain has a problem!" The night's wind is very uncomfortable to shoot the shoulders of the king.

"Changfeng, you don't mess with your little child, the strength of the Brews is not what you can imagine." The voice of the East Dynasty kings directly in the night growth.

Ding! At this time, the Tongjie Wangcheng is just just that the icy tips of super god system are also followed.

Trigger challenge task: defeat the destruction of God Bruce and his follower

Task Level: Unknown

Task reward: number of lottery plus ten

Failure punishment: user attributes return zero

Systematic evaluation: The universe is the most destroyed god, and his strength unknown followed Weis is the existence of the ultimate individual of this world. Challenge them, users will face unknown risks, please take carefully!

Is it challenged?

The task of this superhen system makes the night-length wind, and there is a button that has emerged in front of him, but the button is two English words, Yes and NO.

"Challenge the mission?" The night's heart is full of a bad hi, generally talking about the so-called challenge, is a cross-level battle, which shows that the other party is stronger than you.

"And the task level is actually unknown, is it difficult to say that this task is difficult to even end the epic mission?" Night is more and more surprised.

There is also a task of reward this time that is an unprecedented ten lottery, such a generous superhen system, the night grows always feels fraud.

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