The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1441 of the Chapter 1441 of Tennis Prince

"This potholes system cannot be so good, there is also the punishment of the mission too much, the property is zero, then what is the difference between being smoked?" The night is getting wonderful.

The most critical is this so-called challenge task, and the night-length wind can choose to pick or do not pick it up, this time I have never been.

The choice is that the result is definitely different, if the challenge is successful, of course, it is a big harvest. If the night is not killed, the attribute is almost GameOver if it is not killed by the opponent.

This choice has a great influence on the night's long wind, but also hesished with any hesitation, after all, he is still a personal, and before the cross is a thoroughly otaku, he is not a machine that has no feelings.

"Changfeng, you don't have a small child!" The East Royal King is still helping to say that night is long.

"MD! Dry, people die but head, if this time the retreat is not lost to this damn system!" Night long style is a turn, Yes's button is immediately bright.

"The challenge task is successful." The sound of the super god system is cold and ice, no emotion.

1430 chapter, ignore everything

"Since you are so confident, then you will attack!" Bruce launched his hands with the night long, then back behind, a side of the long-standing grunge.

"Then I will be welcome!" The night's feet turned, and the pure golden voyage was sprayed directly. At the same time, the blonde of his inverted was started to extend, and the blue electrophoto turned around.

As soon as possible, in order to test the fighting power of Bruce, the night-long wind opened the full power state of the super-Saiyan three, soaring the limit of the power limit.

"Quick escape, Paparuce!" The East Dynasty Wang saw that the night's body is very hot, I know that I can't stop the two people, I called hiding into my housing on my own homes.

"Hey!" After the king of the king, he also followed a baboon and jumped to the hut.

"Oh, oh! This is the legend of the legendary Super Saiyan!" Bruce saw the night long wind, there was no surprised expression, "It seems to be good, Friedza died. Don't worry in your hand! "

"Is it? Then let me try the strongest destruction of the universe, there are many things!" Night long-term wind is pure golden, and the blue electric light is more boiling.

The momentum of the long-term wind weighing is amazing, and the whole asteroid starts to shake dramatically.

Since it is a challenge task, in fact, the night's long is ready to prepare Bruce, which is likely to be strong, and any hidden strength is not necessary.

The night-catching wind broke the full-power state of the Super Saiyans, boiling their own voyage to the ultimate, and the momentum was increased to the ultimate, which was to test what level of Bruce.

At this time, the state is the strongest battle of Super Saiyans, but it does not last too long, because even after the control of the night, the waste of the vitality is also large amount.

"Come on! Don't talk nonsense!" Bruce is still behind his hands, there is no expression.

bass! At this time, the night cost of the wind is exhibited, and the two golden swords are united in the cold in the palm of the palm.

! At this time, the night long wind is holding two hot swords. In the super three strongest state, the super-suedasant enemies of the air sword are very amazing, the sword is blue, the light is surging.

The light is that these two fertilizers are enough to run through any planet!

"See the sword"! "The night is light, and the whole person turns forward to Busia, watching the Bruce without any defensive movements, and the night long-distance wind does not hesitate to cross the hands of the sword!

bass! bass! Two golden light emerged in Busus, Mars splashed out, but Bruce was a step, and his eyes did not blink.

The night long wind shocked, even Brole, Barole, is impossible to completely unpacking, no injury, no injury in his hands, no injury.

The body that destroys God's Babus is actually leaving a little trace, and the mouth is still not precailed, it seems to be in a ridicule night, such a weak attack.

! After the night-length wind, after the Bristole, he was going to continue to wavily sword attacking the rear of Bruce. He did two indestructible light swords in his hands. Directly broke directly. A bit of golden light disperse in the left and right hands of the night.

"Nani!" The night is shocked, and he has never encountered this situation.

The previous battle is the night's attack, and this time the destruction of God is even do not do any defense, it will be invisible to the night's air wind, and it seems to have no effort.

"Kao!" The night did not hurt my heart, and he finally understood why the Tongjie Wang said that Biusi is a completely different dollar.

"Is this the power of the super-seizure?" Bucks flashed a bright light, "it is really weak!"

Birus suddenly erected the right palm of the night long, a strong intangible force momentum.

The sound of the sound, still in the wind, directly by this force, flying out, rumbled, I also hit the bottom of the small planet, continuous [moving] dozens of meters, all the way left a Deep pit, dust and dust splash.

It is important to know that the quality and spatial stability of the world can not know that the earth or other planet can be compared, and the tricks of Bruce will have directly destroyed the night's asteroid.

"MD, this time I played, no wonder the challenge task!" The night long wind turned over, wiped a hint of blood in the mouth.

Night winds finally understand the meaning of the so-called challenge mission, and why the rewards of the task will be as high, which is completely hidden in computer games, designing is a special disgusting person.

"What's wrong? Night long wind, don't you want to challenge me? Continue!" Bruce looked at the night, just like a poorly slaughtered toy.

"¨` ▉ ! I don't believe you TM is invincible! "Night long wind full body golden vitality once again, and he mobilized the potential of full body cells, and the momentum of the whisper improved again.

boom! The vitality of the night, the whole body flocks to his right arm, and the night's wind will show the right hand, and the whole right arm is more than doubled. The fist has become exaggerated, and the green brains on the arm are also seep. Blood was out.

It can be said that the night-hearted wind has played the best of the Super Saiyans at this moment!

"Oh, what is the strongest?" Bruce looked at the night, or there was no action after both hands were already in.

"Dragon Boxing is bursting!" The night's wind and right fist against Bruce, this punch is unprecedented!

! A pure golden five-claw Jinlong shot from the night, and then instantly surrounded Bruce, and wrapped in Bristol.

"Ah ... ah (got) ... is really boring attack ..." Bruce shed a big yawning.

Oh! I used to crush the countless enemies, trapped Brole's unmovable five-way Jinlong, which was easily burst in this moment, and seems that this kind of attack is tickling for the destruction of god. There is no threat.

Hit here, the night costs already know that the Super Saiyan's vitality does not have any effects on the destruction of God, and he doesn't feel that Bruce is with gas.

Birus is more like a different power to fight at night, and this kind of power is far more than the pure golden vitality of the night-catching high compression.

"There is no way, only try to trick!" The night grew the eyes flashed a cold light, his limit of urging the final super-seizure in the body, gathered in the left arm.

PS: The body is not suitable, and it is possible to write slowly today.

1431 chapter, the rhythm of the hanging

bass! One time, the left arm becomes unlimited, then the night is suddenly turned, then the left arms flies!

Hey, a loud loud, a golden long chain waved from the night length of the wind, and then wrapped around a circle in the asteroid, came to the back of Bruce.

Is the space crack!

The night length deliberately throws the spatial crack in the opposite direction, and it is not a time to react to the Brews.

! The golden long chain is under the control of the night, and the Bruce is extended in front of Bruce. In this moment, a spatial crack of the darkness is in Busia, almost the Bruce. Break.

"Very imagination of attacks ..." Bruce didn't return, and the corner of his mouth, "but it is useless to me!"

bass! Bruce suddenly poured a purple energy, and instantly condensed a round shield, which is the physical form of Bruce!

puff! The spatial split spatial spatial cracks rapidly hit the purple round shield issued a strange sound, then slowly closed!

"What!" The night grew up his eyes, he never seen the energy form can completely resist spatial cracks, rather than being taken away by the spatial crack.

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