The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1443 of the Chapter 1443 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

"Paradise Shingail - Destroy!" The night's wind left Boxing and then played directly, and the boxing kept.

boom! Night-length wind left fist destroyed crazy flocked to energy light balls between the two, once, the entire energy light ball became black, and the purple energy was completely swallowed.

! Black energy light ball is a black solid kernel, which contains the energy of the two-character energy and the polymerization of the three centers of the night, and the energy is sufficient to destroy thousands of galaxies.

Boom Lung Long ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ .................................

"Ah ... what happened?" At this time, the government was confusing, and even the king was also shocked.

"Hey! This is not the power of the Saiyan!" Bruce looked at the black energy ball in front of his eyes, snorted, then launched his hands.

Bang! The power of Bruce full, this time he uses the 50% of the power.

·· ▉ ▉ · ···

One time, a purple transparent barrier is unfolded in front of Bruce, and the black energy ball is blocked.

"The last hit, the paradise gods - nature!" Night wind and double boxing, natural force sprayed and fill the black energy balls that were directly infused by night.

The paradise god box energy is integrated, and there is also the power of Bruce, the black energy ball begins to rotate the violent, and it has gradually broken through the transparent barrier of the five-centric god of Rus.

Natural power is differentized in Bruce's power, let the defense of purple barriers have fallen.

"Drink!" Bruce can no longer keep the clouds, and he is involved in the purple light, muttering in the mouth, seems to have a spell.

...? ........ [..

bass! At this time, the Purple barrier in Burs was shining in an instant, and a purple light ball would be black in it.

"Explosive!" The double boxing of the night grew.

The ribbon surplus the giant sound of the whole government, the black energy ball exploded, and the energy of destroying the land is crazy, and the purple light ball that is condensed by Bruce is unlimited.

boom! After two times, the night long wind and the Purple Balls of Bigz were also bounced at the same time, and the North Dynasty didn't know where to be played.

~ The energy of the chance is still not broken through the purple light ball of Bruce, but the purple light ball is also extremely bleak, and finally it is directly broken.

"Still can't be ..." The night is falling from the air. It is supported on the ground. He is already exhausted, and the three-haired paradise gods will be difficult to control, let alone also have to be with Bruce. The Shenle Fusion.

The spiritual power of the night, has reached the limit, supporting him without falling, is the uncepipe force of the iron man.

bass! When the purple light and black light were exhausted, a residual natural force poured out and wiped the side face of Bruce.

"Well?" Busi, a blood marks on his side cheeks appeared, and blood slowly flowing out.

"I was hurt?" Bruce was shocked by her eyes ...

PS: Today's head is very halo, it should be the North Royal King, and many of the east are king. Can't change it, you can't get it.

1433 chapter, strength gap

"Al ... The big people are really angry! It seems that the Saiyan of the whole universe has to disappear ..." The Wiis who watched the battle was thinking in the heart.

At this time, Bruce wiped the blood from the side of the face, and the face of the faceless face suddenly distorted, "I hurt!"

"You let me hurt!" Bruce screamed with the night's wind and immediately placed the ground.

Booms, there is only the next half of the gentlers, the asteroids are directly worn by the Brews, between the first instance, Bruce came to the front of the night, and the murderous murderous came out.

When you call ~ ▉ ~ ▉, you still have a risk of breathing, and your head is numb, and the body cells are issued a dangerous signal.

Snapped! Bruce's right hand-finger, the lightning point of lightning, the eyebrows of the night, no "three-one three" have a bright and invincible momentum, it seems like a Puttong's greetings, but the night grows This hit is now completely unable to resist.

Destroying the energetic power of God, enough to run through the forces of the universe, perhaps this universe is impossible to resist this power, saying that the strength of the Dragon Ball World God is not too much.

"Death!" Just in the Bruce's index finger in the middle of the night, the long-faced winds, the wind and the wind, the thumb, and then the mind in the brain turned.

! The little killing of Bruce actually lost, and the night's wind disappeared in the original place.

"Well?" Destroy God Busi, he can determine that the night is not in the instantaneous move, because his speed is faster than the transient, but he is completely unable to understand the night.

Night wind is like disappearing, or therefore never existed this world.

"What about the little child?" The Northern Wang Timu smashed the place where the night costs disappeared. When the Bruce dotted, the North Royal King was almost confirmed that the night's wind was only a dead road, but the night length The wind is no disappearance without any signs.

"Vis, the arrogant boy?" Bruce turned his head and looked at the air in the air asked.

"It disappeared from the place!" The golden light in Wisi is flashing, slightly surprised.

"Find! See where he is!" Bruce had his hands behind him, and he tried his anger.

"Yes! Bristol!" Visted right hand, the statute of the stick once again appeared in his hand.

bass! At this time, the black spheres at the top of the Staff in the hand of Vissen began to shine, and he was directly looking for the trail of the night long wind.

At this time, the black sphere became transparent. It is actually to show the picture of the stars, the entire picture has been moving. In a short number of seconds, Vissen has all the corners of the universe, but the transparent black ball Never show the trail of the night long wind.

"Hey, how can this be?" Vissed frowned, he failed.

"What happened, Viste?" Bruce also saw Vissen expression of this changing expression.

"Bristol, can't find the trace of the boy, he ... it seems ..."

"What seems to be?"

"It seems that it will disappear."

"Yes?" Bruce slammed from the anger of the anger. "I did really think that the kid is a little evil door, just like people who don't belong to this world, is he coming from other universe? Just ran back ? "

"There is this possibility!" Visted nodded agreed.

"Okay, no matter what he, we will go to the Prince Prince Baggi Tower, maybe he is the god of the Super Saiyan." Bruce put his hand in Wesse.

"Yes!" Vissed directly arrived in Bruce, and then two people spurred out of colorful light.

"Bruce, do you want to go to the earth?" The North Royal Wang hurriedly flew.

"Northern King, you give me attention to the little child. Once he appears, let me know, otherwise, you know the consequences ..." Bruce deeply looked at the North Royal King.

"Ah!" The North Royal King was shocked, the forehead kept cold sweat, "Yes ... Yes!"

boom! At this time, Vissered with Bruce again, two people surged the colorful light column, and then disappeared in the government.

Small world.

"I am evil!" At this time, the night-lived wind is under the god trees of Xiaohe. He felt the threat of death, so he fled to a small world.

This is still a nightly wind in the enemy. The first time I took the initiative to escape the small world. The small world can be said to be the final card of the last life of the night ..

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