The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1444 of the Chapter 1444 of Wangzhen System of Tennis

Originally, the long wind thought that he was impossible to use this trick, but this challenge task allowed the night growth.

The strength is too disadvantage. If there is a small world, the long-lived wind that is exhausted is not possible to live.

And the night-catching wind also knows if he is in touch with Bruce, he may not flee back to the small world again, Bruce as the ability to destroy God, absolutely destroyed the power.

Just now Vissen when exploring the entire universe, the night length has a feeling of seeing the space of Xiaohe.

Fortunately, the power of the Sky and the earth is completely different from the Dragon Ball World, and Vis only sweeps it, so the night is lucky.

Once Wiis and Bruce find the existence of small heavens, the consequences are unimaginable.

Speaking of the bottom or the night is now too weak, it is completely unable to fight against Bruce.

boom! The night-long punch played on the main trunk of the gods, and the fist was embedded directly, he never been so unhappy.

The only good news is that there is no time limit for challenge tasks, that is, the night length is still the task that is almost impossible to complete, the premise is that he can raise his combat power to Bruce in a short time.

bass! At this time, the huge small day gods showed the golden light, the essence flow in the backbone, in which night long wind drilling into the trunk 5.1, and then in the ribbal venils of the lifeline.

The dozens of huge golden fruits that god branches have begun to dry, and the energy is all transmitted to the whole body of the night, which constantly fixes the loses of the night-bearing and restoring his physical strength and vitality.

Soon the night, the whole body is full of golden light. The huge golden fruit is a bit slightly lackless, and all of the golden fruits, the night long style is recovering the vitality and loss of the mass. physical strength.

As for mental loss, it is not energy to supplement, this take time or mental recovery treasure.

"Call ~ ▉ night long wind spit a turbidity, sit on the tree roots in the god tree, start the pounding of the extreme loss of the extreme loss.

1434 chapter, shocked Bergiita

The lens turns to an unknown star, a unknown, unknown, unknown.

This is an abandoned unmanned planet, but this planet is not without any civilization. On the contrary, the scientific civilization is very developed, far above the earth.

This planet has been survived with a high wisdom of creatures, but they are all extinct, and they are extracted by their own creatures.

That's right, it is the robot.

A artificial manufacturer manufactured by Dr. Gaulo, the wisdom of this planet has created a robot with independent awareness and evolving, named as the end.

This is the endor robot that is constantly evolving and independently kills all the wisdom of this planet.

Since then, there is only a variety of types of terminations, and with the further development of civilization technology, the new model of the terminator is getting stronger and more, and the number is increasing.

After all, it is mass-produced, the whole planet is big, and the number of terminates can reach hundreds of billions.

Not long ago, a passerby came to this terminator, his name called Beibi Tower.

Since the new Baggita star fled, Bergi Tower came to the end of the planet that he had learned before him.

Then it is a new model of the new model on the planet, although the peak strength is stronger than the latest model of the Terminator, but the number of these terminations is too much.

So how to kill and kill, Bergiita is in this highly tense situation, continuous fighting, hinders yourself, to enhance your own combat power, is to break through the self.

The dignity of the prince in his heart has not allowed him to be under anyone, even if this is really the end of the terminator, Bergi Tower is also at all.

boom! boom! boom! Bergi Tower is under dozens of terminals, continuous waving fists, bombards on the heads of each end.

boom! boom! boom! These terminations were taken in an instant head, and the mechanical parts were scattered, but with it, Bergiita was surrounded by more terminations, and the body is everywhere manufactured by various weapons.

"I am the strongest Saiyan, Christie! Brole! You are waiting!" Behagi Tita became the sky, and the pure golden villain broke out.

! The four-week blue electro-light is surging, and the inverted blonde of Bergiita begins to elongate, and the completion is also cold.

Boom Lung Long ~ ▉

"Strong! Is this the strength of the Super Saiyan?" Bergi Tower looked at the full mechanical fragment, and he looked at his own hands. He felt that he had never been unprecedented. sandals

Finally, Bergi Tower inspired the blood of the prince of the prince in the endless battle, and raised himself to the state of the super three.

"This is not enough! I will continue!" There is no joy on the face of Bergi Tower, see him with long wind and Brole, naturally know that even if he reaches the super three nor, the opponent of the night, and Brole. Also continue to increase to a new state.

"I must be better than them!" Bergi Tower always believes that he can break through the new Saiyan state, then defeat all people, becoming the strongest soldiers in the universe.

"Begita, I am the king!" Suddenly, the sound of the North Royal King sounded in the Bayi Tower.

"King Kings?" Bergi Tower will conscientiously conscientiously, he frowned, "What do you have to find me?"

"You listen to me, after a while, I will destroy God, I will go there!" The North King said that the sweat of the forehead side.

"Do you say that God? I seem to have heard this name!" Berjata brow wrinkled.

"In short, the big man is in the future, you don't want to do it, remember! If you are angered him, the whole universe will be dangerous!" The North Royal Wang hurriedly told.

"The universe is dangerous. What do you want to say?" Begda is cold, "this is not a matter of relationship with me, I just defeat Christie and Brolen guys, and other things have nothing to do!"

Brole is dead, and it is defeated by the boots of the long wind. The long wind is now fostered in the hands of the big man than Rus, so that you are going to die, this is Are you not related? "The North Royal Lou himself.

"What do you say?" For Baroleum was defeated by night, Bergi Tower did not feel surprised, but heard the news of the night, in the hand of Busi, Bergitta shocked.

The opponent, the most Begitta's life, the night-lived, no matter what kind of strong enemy can defeat the other party, in the face of almost impossible to defeat Flizza, the night-long wind opens the legendary super-Saiyan model Let Begitta are unforgettable.

In the heart of Bergi Tower, in addition to him, it is impossible to defeat the night.

"You said that Christie was defeated, this is impossible!" Berga is large.

"Ah, although he hurts the big surprise than Russen, it is more angry than Russen, it is true, but also makes my asteroids are messy. I said that he can't be destroyed. God's opponent, he is not listening. "Northern Wang Yitong complained.

Bergiita is still in shocking, and what can't be said.

"In short, you don't want to be angry with Russen, he wants to know what, you tell him about it. Otherwise, the consequences are very serious!" The North Royal King continued, "Okay, I will hand it over."

The North Royal King cuts the sound, and the Bergi Tower will hear what I have said in the Northern Dynasty, and he is trembled.

"Christie guy actually lost to others! Bay ..." Berga is full of sweat, he bowed his hands to keep his hands, "What is the feeling of this kind of uneasy, my Prince My Berga actually Will tremble DOU because of fear! "

"Destroy God Bruce ... This name ... I always feel that I have heard it. What is the sacred!" Begitta became more uneasy.

"Hey, you are the prince of Begita, have you been growing up?" A low voice suddenly sounded behind the Beji tower.

Begitta heard the voice, turned to look at it, and it was destroyed in Bunus.

"Yes you!" Bergi Tower surprised up with a large mouth, and the pupil in the eyes contracted.

1435 chapter, angry Bergi Tower

"Do you think of it?" Birus looked at Baggi Tower coldly, and the cat was earned two times.

Bergi Tita wrinkled into a Sichuan word, bite his teeth, "I think it is!"

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