The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1445 of the Chapter 1445 of Wangzhao of Tennis

"Oh, when I saw you last time, you still have a child. You still remember, I will let your old margita, I will eat a meal!" Bruce smiled.

At this time, Bergata was in the rain, he certainly remembered that when Burus came to Begitta, his arrogant father, the departure of the Bergiita, who has never seen sincerity, was stepped on by Busus It turned out to be afraid at the feet.

"Destroy God ... Bruce ... Adult!" After the consciousness of Begua, "this guy is really too strong, the king is not exaggerated!"

"Ah ... I have hungry with the arrogant boy!" Bunz suddenly played a big yawning, "Begitta, have you eaten here?"

"Here is the terminator of the planet ... no ..." The sweat on the Berga head is more, he is afraid of defeating the gods of Gods.

"Bristian, you are not ..." Visa earmark reminded Bruce.

"Oh, right! Almost forgot the event!" Burus suddenly became a big jump in front of Bergi Tower, and his eyes were completely unable to capture the action of Bruce.

"Begita, the thing to eat is on the side. Have you heard of the name of the Super Saiyan God?" Bilzhong is flashing.

"The God of Super Saiyan?" Begita is a glimpse.

"Look at your expression is not known!" Bigus put his hand.

bass! Weis flashed behind Busia, "Busians, it's really a dream!"

"I won't be wrong!" Bruce turned his head very dissatisfied with Viste.

" ..." Vissed smiled, "What you said!"

"Hey, I always feel some uncomfortable." Bunis came back to watch Bergi Tower, "Begitta, I will get some eating, I am hungry!"

"Yes!" Bergi Tower surrounded, which is robot and mechanical equipment on the terminator of the planet. There is no creature that can be eaten, he only has come out of the food supply and advanced nutrient.

This so-called high-grade nutrient is a viscous liquid [body], which contains rich nutrients and the food required for the body, which looks like a tube toothpaste.

Ordinary nutrients are not taste, and it is like eating bubble.

The senior nutrient solution taken by Begitta is red, the so-called spicy flavor, it is much better than ordinary taste than ordinary.

"This is what you prepared for me, Bruce, the right hand, and the nutrition tube in the hands of Berga automatically flew to Bruce.

! Bissed the opening of the nutrition tube, smoked a nutrient

puff! Birus has not swallowed the nutrient liquid, and the expression is spit out, and a disgusting expression.

"Can this stuff be eaten?" Bruce became awkward, knowing that Bruce is very high, he once destroy hundreds of galaxies in order to eat food or even continuously destroy hundreds of galaxies.

"Ah, no! No!" The Bergi Tower is the same as the dramatic drum, "Bruce ... Adult, I ..."

bass! At this time, Bruce's full body is high, and the whole terminator is a dark world.

Big Punches are scratched, and they have to be angry than before being hurt before they are.

"I am angry!" Bruce was mad, he was sprayed by the purple power, and Bristol is full of purple fluorescence.

"Ah! Bruce, you don't want to be angry, I will go to other planets to give you ..." The voice of Berga did not fall.

boom! Biusi launched the right hand in Baggiita, and the purple energy was poured out, and the Baggi Tower flew out.

Bang! The body of Begitta hit a metal building in the absence of not far away, and then embedded directly, the entire metal building collapsed in an instant, burying the Berga whole body.

boom! At this time, Bergita's full body pure golden vitality, he is also angry, and it is a shameful man with a mysterious Berga, and the other side is still so martyrdom. .

"I am evil! I managed to destroy God!" The furious Bergi Tower sprayed out of the golden vitality, he instantly slammed from the tattered metal pile, flew to Bruce.

"Oh, you also want to challenge me?" The Birus mouth, and then launched a continuous ordinary boxing attack on Bergiita.

Bergiita left right flash, even a punch.

boom! boom! boom! Bigus seems to be intended to suppress his strength, and continuous fists fall on the head of Berga, Bergiita is swollen throughout the head.

The poor Bergi Tower turned into a pig head.

boom! Bergi Tita fell directly from the high altitude, like a kite that broke the line. At the same time, he also retired from the super three state.

The superflicit consumption of the super-three state consumes too much, and the Bergiita has not reached the state of over three full power, so it cannot be supported too long.

"How will the prince of the` ▉▉? "Bruce looked disdainfully looking into the Bagge Tower on the ground, he did not even make up.

"Although it is evil! Although he knows him may be the strongest universe, I didn't think of the gap would be so big!" Bergi Tower, who was blood, struggled to stand up, looked at the Badus, "this It's just that you can't escape! "

"The God of the Super Saiyan did not see it. The Saiyan kid who was just arrived was also ran away by him. Now I haven't eaten delicious food ... I can only destroy!" Bi Lu So slowly falls in front of Berga.

"Hey! The destroyed god Beduz killed and I was honored (Li's)!" Berga lifted his forehead, in fact, he heard the night's wind and could not beat Bruce. Time, he knew that he couldn't be the opponent of Bruce.

"Oh, you said this or quite listened!" Birus extension [out] right hand to the heart of Bruce, "Then I will fulfill you, wait for me to kill you, put the earth The Saiyan child is destroyed along with the Earth! "

"Yes, there is also the Saiyan kid who hurts my death, there is no super Saayan God, you have to die!" Destroy God's biscuit, "This is your expense of me." ! "

"Earth Sai Asians?" Beji Tower suddenly looked up. "Are you talking to Teks?"

"Yes, Visse said that it is called that name!" Bruce's awareness of consciousness.

"Betting, I don't allow you to hurt him !!!" Suddenly, the expression of Bergi Tower became incomparable!

1436 chapter, the death of Berga

"I don't want you to hurt the Terr!" Beji Tower has never been anger, his double punches, Yang Tianzhu, and sprayed a lot of pure golden vitality again.

Bang! At this time, the ground under the Bergi Tower instantly crushed, gravel splashes, the combat power of Beji Tower skyrocketed, and the blood pulse of the super-Saiyan in his body was completely activated.

On the surface, Bergiita is not careless to Telks, but once it is jeopardizing the life of Tex, Bergi Tower is not allowed!

"Well?" Busiao, he didn't expect the dying Berga suddenly broke out more amazing than before.

"Betting!" Berga's right foot, and then rushed to Bruce.

boom! Buckis did not think that a punch was bombarded on the side face of Berga.

"Ah, ah!" The side face of Bergi Tower was collapsed by the fist of Bruce, but the Baggi Tita is more crazy. He actually uses his face hard to make Bruce's fist. Go back.

"Oh?" Birus was shocked slightly.

"Yeah!" Bergi Tita jumped directly, and then the face of Bruce was a struggle.

! This time, Begitta hugged -303-belief, punctured Bruce's defense on the side of Bruce.

boom! boom! boom! The Bergi Tita has not stopped, and the Birus used his face to make a pig's move to Bruce until you kicked the than Rusi.

At this moment, Begita is more than just in the blood of the Saiyan, but he is burning his own life potential, the energy outgoing energy has exceeded the stage of the Super Saiyan.

boom! Bergiita's feet, instantly, the same time, Berus, Beriita, who has not reacted it, and Bergiita continuously hit Berus's abdomen.

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