The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1447 of the Chapter 1447 of Wangzhao System

"I am not interested in these, how can I become a super-Saayan god?" Night long-awaited asked.

"Five Saiyan people with pure heart, injecting the light into another pure Saiyan heart, it is possible to create a super-Saayan God, this is how the method!" Shenlong slowly manufactured The method of the super-seizuasia.

"Five Saiyan people with pure heart? I go ... What is the fan, where do I go to five Saiayans, and have a pure heart?" Night grew forth, Shenlong This method is not feasible.

The current earth is also the people who have the blood of the Sairanean, Turks is not mentioned by Turkks. His night long style is not a good bird, and there is no so-called Pure heart.

And after Bergiita and Brolen, this universe is not enough to manufacture the super Saayan's god.

"Well, the first wish I have helped you to achieve. Say your second wish!" Shenlong reminded the night long-lasting road.

"MD, it seems to have only my own way to find a way!" The night long appearance is tight.

The method said by Shenlong is undoubtedly a height of the night, but the method of Shenlong said for a long time, its authenticity has no test.

Night wind does not think there is any pure heart, listen to the story of the myth of the future generation.

"The Saiyan who became the God of the Super Saiyan definitely used what method used to enhance the blood of the Saiyan, completely activated the ultimate strength of the Sairai blood, and his body is not enough to support the power, so the last Will be exhausted! "The night length bowed his head vigorously.

"The wisher, tell your second wish, otherwise it will be regarded as you to give up!" Shenlong reminded the night's wind again.

In the eyes of the night, the golden light is flashing, Shen Sheng said: "God, the second wish is to tell me the position of the universe!"

"Bruce?" Shenlong heard the name of Bruce, showing a dark expression.

"Ah, it is destroying God Bruce!" Night wind and a little doubtful look at Shenlong's expression. He is the first time I saw that Shenlong exposed this fear expression. The majesty of the dragon is not there.

"What do you do to do?" Shenlong asked rarely.

"Nothing, I just look for him!" The night is growing.

"What!" Shenlong widened his eyes. "You actually dare to find the trouble of Rusians, you are fighting him. If you are angered him, the consequences are unimaginable!"

"It's late, I have angered him!" The night is growing, "Shenlong, less waste! Tell my position in the temple!"

"Well, I satisfy your wishes." Shenlong was not easy to scream and shook his head, and then his eyes were flashing.

At this time, there were more influences in the Night Loss of the Temple of God, and the information of the Temple of God, which is very clear, and the earth is very far away ..

If the night-length wind is in the case, it is impossible to do it.

"Well, you are all satisfied! Hello!" After the dragon said, it turned into a golden sky.

bass! In the first moment, Jin Guanghua is a seven dragon balls, and the darkness of the dark is also recovered again.

"The next step is the stage of breaking through the God of the Super Saaya!" It has already determined the existence of the super Saayan God, and the night long wind must reach this legendary realm in a short period of time.

"It seems that there is only one treasure of the lottery system!" Night long wind still hopes to press [in] a lottery, although he also knows that the lucky draw system is getting more and more powerful, but there is no other other Method.

Just when the night grows back to the front of the small world, a blue sky is a golden little bit of crazy rushing to night, and the speed is extremely fast.

"What?" Night long style felt a familiar gas, looking up.

bass! A drop of golden blood appeared in front of the night length, and the whole blood became a spherical shape, and the thumbs were large.

"Christie!" Suddenly sounded a familiar sound in the night-long's mind.

"Are you Bergi Tower?" The night grew well looked at the golden blood drops in front of him, and the heart was very shocked 0.1.

"I am dead, there is only a little residual consciousness, so I will have a complete disappearance!" The voice of Bergi Tower once again sounded in the night growth.

"You!" Night Changshi just wanted to say something, Bergi Tower interrupts the night grows.

"You don't talk, time is not much, listen to me!" Beggetta residual awareness is very anxious, "this golden blood is my blood, now I will give him! You don't misunderstand, I am not helping you! I just hope that you defeat the destruction of God, ""

"Ten million ... Don't let him hurt Telks!" The voice of Bergi Tower is getting smaller and smaller. "If anyone can reach ... The God of the Super Saiyan ... that person can only be ... is you!"

PS: Open the medicine in the morning, just eat back, write slowly.

Chapter 1439, against the sky

After that, the gas of Begitta disappeared directly, and the night's wind could no longer perceive any breath of Bergi Tower. He once existed was just the golden blood in the loud life.

"Bergi Tower!" The night-long's right hand slowly cleared the last Saiyan blood essence of Berga, and he had never heard of Bergiita to say something so pleading.

The arrogance is like Begita, and the night is very sigh. It doesn't say that the Berga is not said, but in fact, he is still very careful for Terx, helplessness is short, destroying God Bi Lu Strong is desperate.

"Reassured! I will not let the god Bobus guys are too long!" The night's mind turned in the world, and returned to the small world again.

When I arrived in Xiaotian, the essence of the Bergiita prince of the night-hard wind actually flew up, flew to the god tree in front of the night.

bass! At this time, the blood of the blood before the continuous operation of the gods was also flying out, and the two golden blood droplets flew together 20, and they wrap each other [around] kept rotating.

"Is this?" The night is very windy, and his attention is completely attracted by the two drops of blood.

Brole's blood exquisite has been a lot of time in Xiaocheng, but the Xiaodiandi's trees have never transformed it, but it makes this bloody extract absorbed a lot of small heavens and land itself.

At this time, the two drops of blood is actually a time to pass, and the golden light of it is getting brighter and brighter. It has gradually covered the golden light from the god tree, and the two drops of blood is getting closer, it seems mutual attraction.

"Beggetta is the prince of the Saiyan, and the concentration of the Saiyan blood essence is naturally not to say, and Brole is the legendary talents in the legend of the millennium, and his Saiyan blood seems to have Alien. If these two blood essences are fused ... "Night costumes can't expect anything.

Before he made the god tree absorbed the body of the bar and Latitz, and made a bloody fruit of the promotion of the blood of the Saiyan. If it is not the blood, the night is now, maybe there is no breakthrough to the Super Saiyan. .

The Saiyan's blood concentration is very important, this is the talents of the Saiyan.

Like Brolen is 10,000 combat power, there is no way to communicate, that is, talent against the sky.

! After a few minutes, the two drops of blood is completely integrated, not only the golden eyes, but also a lot of blue electro-optical surges.

The shape of the blood droplets is also inverting, and the blood of the two people is attracted to each other, and in mutual rejection, the reaction is getting more and more intense.

"No! If you go on this, maybe you will explode. If you let these two drops of blood essence explode in the small world, you may not be able to withstand!" Night long wind is colored, and the bloody blood in the air Dropped in your hands.

At this time, the night's wind is constantly pressing the space of the small world, which is getting more and more boiling, making it gradually.

At this time, the highlight of the night is reflected in the value. He carefully controls the space of the small world, and it makes the two drops of blood, and finally integrates together. More bloody essence.

After a golden light, the night-long wind and right hand, the blood of the blood after fusion flew to the night's palm.

Night long-lasting, looked at the blood of the hand, of which one of them had a colorful red energy in flow, "This is the essence of two super genius blood fuses:! ≯"

It is to know that Bergiita is the Prince of Saiaya. Its blood concentration does not have to say more, and another Brole, his blood is very likely to be above Berga, both of whom! Long wind.

Compared with the two, when the night is always coming to the Dragon Ball World, the blood of the Saiyan who is exchanged is almost ignored.

"Use it should be able to improve my Saiyan blood, maybe it can break through the stage of the super Saayan! Step by god!" The night's eyes were burning and looked at the blood of the hand.

Unlike the blood of the blood, the blood of the Pakistan and Latit is upgraded to the blood of the Saiyan, that time, the blood of the two people is thoroughly converted to the purest energy, and there is no one for the night. risk.

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