The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1448 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

This time, this drop of blood is essential in the lifetime of the wind, you can't absorb the conversion by God.

That is to say, the night length is only relying on his own flesh, and he is incorporated into its own blood of the blood.

This is not in adventure, which is simply dying.

It is equivalent to swallowing a nuclear bomb into his belly.

Although the night-catching flesh is almost equivalent to Jin Peng Demon's flesh, firmness and recovery skills are very good, but the blood is in this kind of thing, no matter where the world is very dead.

Because this is completely anti-day change, change its talent, this is the law of the whole world in confrontation, the risk of danger is in the same life, and it is not yet.

There is a scene of the fight against God, and the night is not able to take this unbearable. He wants to become stronger than anyone, becoming the strongest existence of this universe.

If Bruce is God, the night grows must be super!

bass! Night 710 long wind flew into a deep valley in Xiaocheng, his eyes opened, and the golden light in the eyes of the eyes, the blood in the chest is constantly surging.

"I want to go into the sky!" The night is very big, and there is no prepared to put the blood of the right hand into the mouth.

The entrance is a smell, and the night-long style feels that his mouth has to be melted. He does not hesitate, and the blood of the blood is swallowed in the belly.

Boom, the night is full of busting, and it is booked.

"Ah, ah!" The willfulness of the end, I can't help but scream. At this time, the night long feeling is not only the pain of the whole body, but he feels that his soul is being fired. Burning.

This kind of pain is unimaginable, it is simply the depths of the soul.

The golden blood of the golden blood is blown in the night-catching body, no bombing in the night-catching body.

The essence of blood is surging, these blood essence is not gentle, but violent, especially in Brilli's violent resentment and anger.

The internal organs of the night, the whole body was smashed, and even the heart was rumble, he was only supporting himself on the energy and flesh energy.

The hair is sharp, and the night grows strong body begins to dry down. There are only leather bones in a few breathing.

1440 chapter, embarrassed

"Death!" The night's wind suddenly opened his mouth, with a strong spiritual Baroleum residual in the bloody essence, and then started to madly mad, the whole body is full of energy and strength to spread into the body. All disseminated blood essence is forcibly integrated into the meridians.

At this time, the Night-winding original blood and new integration into a more powerful blood essence has been sent into a dramatic rejection.

The two power actually started fighting in the meridians of the night, and compete for each other.

puff! At night, the wind began to vomit blood. He did not expect to have such a dramatic rejection in the final step before success.

At this time, I was already very weak after the shock of the first wave of blood, and this time I came to a more embarrassing, the night's breath continued to weaken, and there were almost almost almost within a few breathing. Disappeared.


The night long face brush white, the eyes also lost glory, entered the dead state, very bad, consciousness also becomes more and more weak.

"Can be evil ... I am dying?" The night length of the eye is getting more and more heavy and begins slowly.

"Do you use the legendary ender medal?" In the night's awareness, he had to disappear, and the suggestion of the hyperincidence system sounded in the night growth.


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1441 chapter, roll out!

"Well! It can be successful!" Night hard, knowing this is actually very thrilling, it can be said that all of it is only to embark on.

Night wind believes that all this is worth it, he improved is more than just its own strength, then the Saiyan blood in his body.

After this time of Bergiita and Brole's blood, the night-hearted wind came into the strongest Saiyan blood from the scenery of the Sairanean who came to the Dragon Ball World.

And it is unprecedented in history, and even the low blood talent now is the strongest person in the entire universe.

The Saiyan is originally a race that is born for the battle. Once the Saiyan people become God, it is a battle!

What's more, the flesh of the night, the body of the Saiyu is not the mysterious Saiyan in the history. He can support its own strength.

When the night greet, the super Saayan's god is not a god of the Shenlongkou. He must be the blood of other people, or excited his blood to the limit.

However, after -070-370-Shen Li, he didn't support the body of the power, so it was lost in a short period of time, it was defeated by the so-called evil Saiyan.

bass! At this time, the night-length wind raised the right hand, and his right hand, a bloody disc was condensed.

It is an angry! No, it is accurate that it should be the gods of God.

After the night is god, all his tricks have the power of God, the power and before it is not in a realm.

! The night is free to throw the bloody disc in his hand, and the disc is around the black electric light, and it disappears in an instant!

It destroyed the space of the small world and disappeared in the spatial crack.

"Good power!" Night long-faced mouth, small one-on-arity is rounded in the bonus of Shen Li, becoming a strong force.

bass! The mind is turning, and the night long has returned to the Dragon Ball World from Xiao Tian. At this time, the night grows still maintains the state of the super Saayan.

Unlike the state of the Super Saiyan, the state of the night's wind is not required at all, and he can always maintain the status of the super Saayan.

On the surface, it seems that ordinary is a red-haired man, and ordinary people do not have any difference.

At this time, the night length did not hesitate, he put the right hand double finger in the eyebrow, and the power of the body began to run.

The night-long feelings know that Shenlong said to the temple where the god of God, did not spend more time, he felt the breath of Bruce and Vis.

Even so far distance, the night length is still able to feel the powerful energy in Bruce and Vis.

"That Vis is not simple!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, "I can't get so much, one word, just do it!"

If you can't defeat the god in this state, the night is not thinking that he is a chance to turn over, this is his last chance. Dizzy

bass! The night-long figure instantly disappeared in the same place. He moved to Yadra with Shen Li, so that his body instantly run through the space of the entire universe, came to the distant cosmic temple.

At this time, the night long wind is around, surrounded by a faint ▉ ▉▉, the space of this universe, and the shape of the universe is very similar.

And his feet are a huge purple platform is suspended in the universe, looking at the feet of the fat [Sen] Lin, the night is very surprised, the environmental air on the platform is better than the earth, and the air is very free here. exaggeration.

! The night long-speed speed is down to the purple giant platform, surrounded by birds, there are various animals and plants that can't see on the earth, and the head is also exaggerated.

Looking up to the center of the purple platform (CAEE), there is a giant tree in a mound heaven, the giant tree is very big, than night.

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1442 chapter, the beginning of the god battle

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