The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1454 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Don't underestimate the area of ​​this point, the speed reaches a certain realm, the resistance of space will get bigger and bigger, and finally is almost infinite.

bass! The noise of the night is completely chemical into a bloody electric light to jump back and forth around Vis.

Snapped! Finally, the guardian of Visze's guards did not follow the rhythm of the night, so that the night is in a boxing on the back of Vis.

bass! Visse was fly out of the night, and he automatically condensed the ice wall after he came to, unloading the night's boxing, and it was broken into a slag in an instant.

"Good speed!" Vis turned in the air, and his eyes were flashing. It seems that he just confirmed whether the night's long wind had his value.

At this moment, Vis raised the staff in his hand, and the black ball on the stuples lit the colorful light, and the sea in the night's body was fierce agitated.

"Well?" The night's low-end looks, and the seawater under the body will enter the ice cone, at least thousands, each offered.

!!! At this time, these ice cones are started simultaneously, and the speed is shot to the night.

Tian Luo Side, avoid unavoidable!

"The gods of the gods!" The night grew and slammed, and the brakes were surging, and they quickly gathered into a bloody shirt.

The gods of the gods are the gods of God. Although the power of night costs and the real power gap are not a star half, but at least the super-semi-satisfaction is very much, and the gods of the gods is more close to the gods of God. It is very complicated on the ripples.

!! The cold wind that came from the night long winds and the cold wind blowing the night, the gods of the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods.

And the night grows is a one-step, in the field of the other party, the night is not careless.

"The gods guard!" When several thousand treasures flew up, when the three sides were stabbed to night, the night grew up and glanced.

! At a time, the night-long-style robes suddenly lit up a circle of blood bright light, then fluctuate directly, all-round spherical fluctuations ..

! In the first moment, the thousands of ice cone were smashed after being smashed, and they left into the seawater under the two people.

At this time, the night-long wind is outside the gods of the gods. The energy layer of the blood color is flowing, and there is also bloody electric light and ultra-changing energy essence.

"Oh, Vis! Are you this attack on your field? Even my semi-macher can't I can't touch it?" Night lives looked at Some surprised Vis, ridiculous.

bass! Vis didn't answer, just the color is more positive, and the cold light is more sharp.

Bang! At this time, the seawater under Vissen was madly agitated, and a giant aquatic person height was condensed under Vis.

"Summon Biology?" The night is looking at the aquatic people, and the cold is in the eyes.

! In this moment, the huge aquatic person turned directly into the ice, and there were more ice axes in his hand, and the ax was a cold light.

Here is the field of Vis, in the field of Vis, he is omnipotent, he uses water to condense the ultimate BOSS ice ax king in the ice world!

"It seems that this guy is a god of the law!" In the eyes of the night, Jin Guang was surging, from the Wis' combat method, he can see that Vissen is not good at the melee, but a similar magist attack on the distance.

"Is it better than calling creatures?" Night lived on the surface of the water and ran to his ice 2.3 ax king, his mouth, the fire in the eyes was burning.

boom! boom! At this time, the ice ax is like a mad bull, and it will arouse huge water waves every step.

And the night grow is a cold, bright red eyelids, and the fire of the undead is more boiling.

Night wind has not used the bloodline of the undead witch, in fact, his mental strength has been improved, and this time the night's body is full of power, he uses the power to urge the desnial of the witch, can summon What kind of undead creatures come, the night growers cannot be sure.

bass! At this time, the night and the right hand was in the right hand, and he also showed a statute of the statute of the stick. The front of the stick is a bloody, the fire in the eye is burning, it is a knob!

Chapter 1449, Shali Lee

"Go out!" The night-long wind is hovering in the hands of the undead rod, the bloody knots in the eye hole in the undead sticks instantly boiled, and there is a large circle in the night length head.

! A black hole is unfolded in the top of the night length, and the night-hearted wind opens a space channel in the field of Vis.

"Well?" Vissered black hole in the top of the night long, it is very difficult to open such a channel in the field of his God, and the monoton is not as inferior to the spiritual power of Vis.

boom! At this time, the ice axle has been squid, and his huge ice ax forward directly cut into the air in the air.

At this time, a loud noise, the black hole on the top of the night length shot a darkness, just shot on the ice ax on the ice ax.

~ ▉ . .. ..

"Ou ~ ▉ ax is called, actually on the seas and retreats for a few steps, and the almost falls.

"That is?" Visted is like electricity, staring at the dead from the black hole 20, just directly slamming the black light of the ice ax.

Then it is a person, and it is a pair of black wings on the back, holding a black sword with a black sword is a handsome man!

"Master!" The man called out of the night's wind turned around to the night long style.

In the past, the night-long wind call called the undead creature is not a skeleton warrior is a skeleton, and this night's long wind is a person who summoned it, and it seems to be a simple goods.

"What is your name?" The night's eyes were also slightly flashing. He didn't know what you can summon. He just raised the power and spiritual power to the limit, desperately reminded the despot of the despot.

"Back to the master, my name is Sali Lee! I will work for you!" The wings behind Sali leaves, and he immediately came to the front of the night.

"You are the fallen angel Shali Lee?" The night is obviously a glimpse.

"Yes! Master!" Different from the undead creatures, Sali leaves have completely independent consciousness and personality, but it is only a bad life.

"Actually summoned in addition to fallen angels!" Night live wind did not expect himself to summon the Sandali of eight fallen angels.

Sandy leaves have exceeded the range of undead creatures and is one of the top summones.

This time, the night-long wind does not use the directional call, but the full power is summoned, so the calling method has two results, or the creature of the monopoly is very bullish, either is very stupid. Forced, even summoned Undead mouse is possible.

This time, the night, this time is obviously a big ▉ ▉

Although Shali Lee is not the strongest attack power in eight fallen angels, the strength is also very stronger, the strongest is his control.

Sandy Lee claimed the month of the month, he can release the moonlight of the human body, which is equivalent to a nurse, and Sandali has a very powerful ability, it is the evil eye!

The row of the creatures that are met by the evil eyes will be blocked, which is equivalent to the control of a thief.

That is, Sandali is a super ▉▉ ​​that has both milk and controlled. Of course, its own attack ability is not weak, and it is the same as the ice ax.

"Ou ~ ▉, at this time, the rebound ice ax rilled again to the night long, the ice ax" is strong, the physical attack is not weak, that is, the IQ is more, he doesn't know the night before What a horror called Sandy leaves.

"Drying him!" Night long-lasting horns slightly, there is a helpless in Sali, and the night's belief is increased. He must first break the field of Visse.

"Yes!" The black wings behind Sali leaves slightly, he flew straight to the ice ax, and then just gained with his eyes.

bass! The eyes of Sali leaves ejects a black golden light to cover the ice ax, it is the legendary evil eye!

! I just stopped in the Ice ax king, just like a petrification.

! At this time, Sandali moved, he flew over and down in the huge ice ax front, continuously waving the black sword in his hand.

Between the black light, the body of the ice ax is instantly cut into ice, and directly puts a piece of falling, it has fallen into this ocean, and has aroused a lot of water columns.

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