The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1455 of the Chapter 1455 of the Prince of Tennis

Visco's cold looks at the movement of Sali, he didn't take it. He didn't know the head of Shali, and did not know the ability of Sali Lees. After all, the Dragon Ball World Universe did not exist such a powerful summoning creature. .

boom! Just when Vissed was a little happened, the night was very windy. He urged the power of the body, then the right arm was in the back, and his body was crazy in the right arm at this time.

bass! At this time, the left hand of Sali leaves, and a red ray is filled with the night length.

For a moment, the night long style feels that the whole body has the strength of the body, the situation is again improved, and the Sandy leaves use his angel to improve the attribute of night long wind, just like it is in addition to buff.

"Good! Sandali!" The night is long and long, then rushed to the direction of Vis, "Stay him!"

"Yes!" The black wings behind Sali leaves, once in an instant, he came to the top of Vis, and then the evil eye reproduce.

The black golden light emitted in Shali leaf is directly illuminated on the Vissen 650, and Vis did not have alert. He thought that the sea water would automatically blocked the black light, but the black light ignored the sea water at all, and directly penetrated into Vis.

"What's going on?" Vissen felt that he was losing contact with his body, and a little power could not be perceived.

"Heavenly Punches - Destroy!" Night Great Drinking, instantly moved to Vissen, the right arm of the back exhibition is just a big man, and he will be able to play in the unmovable Vis. Chest.

! At a time, the blood color thunder released by the night and right, and the power of the Vissen, the body is shocked, like a heavy hammer, it is straight, the body Blood-colored light is still sprayed around around.

The power of the night-long wind thunderstorm is the strongest trick in the paradise god, this trick is slow, generally impossible to directly bombing China-Vis, but this time Sandali's evil eyes Light makes Vis can't move, and the night-catching wind This Thunder is a truth that is truthful in the chest of Vis.

Snapped! The night is very clear, heard the sound of the Visse pleastery, and at this time, Viscina can't help but start spraying blood.

Bang! The space of the entire Vissen god has also become extremely unstable, and the vast sea of ​​vast wind is constantly turning up, and finally ...

Chapter 1450, a punch

Directly broken!

The night-catching wind seized the chance of this punger in the blessing of Sali Ye Shengguang, directly worsen to seriously injured.

Moreover, the energy of the first Thunder, the largest thunder, the power of the paradise, is directly designed by Vissen.

At this point, the night-hearted wind returned to the sky of the purple platform, and the wreckage of a broken star river is surrounded.

"Vis!" Has been waiting for the destruction of the gods, who has been waiting outside the gods, and he can't believe his eyes.

There is a mysterious man around the night, and the two are behind [out] wings, the most important thing is that Vis is seriously injured!

Bruce has never seen the victim injury, not to mention the serious injury of this crazy spit.

"What happened?" Bruce hurriedly flashed by Visse.

At this time, Vissen was full of bloodshot, and made a look at Bruce, then whispered: "Bristian, you will go back, pay attention to the guy of the black wings, he is very powerful ! "

"You are fine, Vis?" The first time in the eyes of Busia, he never afraid of this emotion, but this moment, destroying God is scared, and He still regrets.

Regret, I should not provoke the night's gods!

"Don't tighten, Busians, everything is given to me!" Vissered once again, the Staff once again appeared in his right hand, while Bruce was directly pushed by Visse.

Weis knows that there is a Sandali in the event of Sandali, and the Bruce is not too significant even if he is involved. If you accidentally irradiate with the evil eyes of Sali leaves, there is only one thought.

"Now I regret it late!" Night wind and Sali leaves came to Vissen, and the night-hearted opportunities did not want to give Visse, and Versic's ability, no one knows if he left behind trick.

"Time and space to reverse!" Vissen no nonsense, waving the right hand, and directly downwards.

At this time, the Viscus is centered, and a blue energy fluctuates.

"Not good!" Night wind pulled unclear, Sandy leaves, and jumped out of the range of blue aperture fluctuations.

After the light, the injury on the Vissen began to recover the speed visible to the naked eye, and the time and space in the aperture range began to reverse.

In the blink of an eye, Versic's body returned to the situation where no injuries were injured before two minutes.

"It's this trick!" The night long's eyebrows wrinkled. This trick is really too bt. It is completely exceeding the common sense. As long as he can't instantly kill Vis, he can recover unlimited recovery.

This long, the night's wind, with the battle, the power will become weaker, hit, Visse will be increasingly dominant.

Of course, now the night grows to summon Sali leaves. He has the ability to supplement the power of the night, and even improve the night of the night, everything is still known.

"Nine stars!" The body returned to Vis, there is no one hesitated, he directly waves the stick in his hand, then mobilize the spirit and the power to the limit, at this time, the forehead of Visse is not in the first time. Less fine sweat.

Bang! At this time, the nine blue energy spheres in Versi slowly emerged, and the blue electro-light was surged, and it continued to rise.

"I still saw such Visses!" Bruce watching the battle was shocked, he never thought that the long-winding can force Vis to force to fully show the realm.

! The nine energy balls surrounded by Visze were unlimited, and then gradually gathered to Vis.

For a while, nine energy balls turned into nine blue huge stars, more than the strongest hit of the destruction of God, and there was nine.

This can be seen that there is much power in Vis, which is N times in Bruce!

"Go!" The cold light in Vis, he didn't hesitate, and directly squatted to the night long wind and Sandali.

!!! The nine blue small stars parked between the night-catching wind and Versics are all in the night long, and the fluctuations of the energy make this universe the most stable space begins to distort, blue light is dyed at night. And the whole body of Sali leaves.

"Sali leaves, you will be retracted!" The night long wind is cold, facing the Sandy Leaf ordered in front of him.

"Yes!" Sali leaves did not hesitate to return to the night length of the body, and the Sali leaves threw away the black sword in his hand, and started a lot of golden energy to fill on the night.

Full milk!

The power of the night's long-term wind is boiling, and the situation is also improved, and the whole person completely burned it.

"Paradise God box - not destroy!" Night costs, the burning arms were exhibited, and the emptime was overfit!

Inalingenicity is the fourth formula of the paradise, the night-length wind is full of impermination, and the boxing is spread, and the nine blue small stars in front of the night are in front.

Booming ~ ▉ In the encounter of unsteading, it is directly exploded, and the energy of the explosion and the energy of the explosion are against each other.

The purple platform under the two people was born once, and the light swallowed everything around.

At this time, the night length of the gods run through the impact of explosive energy, and he came directly to the front of Vis.

"¨` ▉ ▉! "The Vishan is shocked. He wants how to do it without night, the energy impact of the explosion has not stopped, and the space surrounded is still unstable. If you use transient, it is easy to get in The crack of the space is finished.

In fact, there is no trick at all the night, which is directly flying directly to the explosion shock and the spatial crack. It is a determination to the unprepared momentum!

"Paradise God's boxing - ancient times!"

"Paradise Shingail - Renewal!" Night Changfeng's left and right, directly, directly, the fifth formula and sixth form of the day (?).

In ancient times, the fist is simple, and the boxing is huge.

Returning, there is a point in the boxing, directly killing your soul, let the enemy can't return to the ram!

These two punches are two-style attacking the soul in the paradise, and the night-long wind wants to directly boke the soul of Rings, even if you can't let the Spirit of the West, you cannot show the tricks of reverse time.

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