The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1466 of the Chapter 1466 of the Prince of Tennis

"But the captain ..." The second army has also begun to lose his head.

"Roll! Haha!" Ishiki was laughing again.

"What is your name?" If Lin Yuan San suddenly looked up at night.

"Night long wind!" The night is laughing, and the sound will drive.

"Night long wind, I remember! This course, if Lin Yuan three will give it back!" If Lin Yuan three finally watched the night's eyes, then turned away.

"Waiting at any time!" The night grew well looked at the back of Linyuan three, and the heart was also secret.

This time he was completely lucky, defeating if Lin Yuan three, and the next time, if it is a formal competition, the current ball technology is now original.

"It's a matter of urgency, or improve my football technology!" I thought in the night.

"Captain, are you going to school today? You are so powerful, I haven't seen the expression of Lin Yuan three so eating, it is really happy!" Ishi Siki is completely coming, and it has taken the night's strength. It is the idol of worship, and the captain of the South Geardi football team.

Ding! Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line task: Enter the South Ge Primary School football team, you get 5 points.

At this time, the suggestion of the superhen system has just sounded in the night-long's mind, this task ...

It is indeed difficulty!

1463 chapter, powerful draw

"Well, Ishi, I have solved it! Tomorrow, you remember to inform all the people in South Ge's football to come here, we have to increase the amount of practice. If Lin, the arrogant guy will not be so good." Night long winds Football grabbed, throw it back to Simazaki.

"Oh, I know the captain! If you have you, it should be no problem!" Ishiki looked at the night long wind.

"No problem, weird!" The night is dark, he certainly knows that you are a few pounds, now there is no football enthusiast, urgently need to practice football basic technology.

If there is a superior physical quality, if you can't play it, it is called depression.

"I will go home first, you remember to inform everyone!" After the night's life was in the same time, he would go home directly, but it is the first day of transfer, and the night is still going to Nange Primary School. " Zero ".

As a result, it is of course a class teacher who is divided by a class teacher, and the night is completely ignorant. He came to this football to the world. It is not really a primary school.

After that, the night cost directly puts down the book, and then ran to the sports store to buy a lot of football products, what protective gear, knee pads, football shoes, etc.

After the world's world, the gold card that disappeared again came again, so he didn't have to worry about the problem of money, which is the highest level of buying, and is the blue and white style.

After all, the blue and white is the main color of South Ge, and the night-catching wind has always like this blue. In the front of the network of Wangwang, the team of youth is also blue and white.

Holding a lot of things back home, after eating a so-called love dishes with Ji and Niyou, the night long did you have yourself to chef, because the dark cooking of the two sisters is already god.

If the night grows, if you have a long time, you are at least a chronic poisoning. After that, the night grows again and has played a flower card by Ji and Ma You.

Then, as a small school, the night grew is pushed back to the bedroom by the two sisters. What kind of primary school students should sleep at 9 o'clock, almost did not die at night.

"I am not a primary school." The night is helpless, and I took it directly to sit on the bed.

"Right, take this opportunity to draw, I don't want tomorrow in front of a group of little fart!" Night wind, this is thinking that tomorrow South Ge's team will also train, he hurriedly calling out the lucky draw system.

"Superning system, lottery!" Night wind and eyes bright, and for the first lottery of this football, the night is full of expectations, in general, each world draw system is different.

"Okay, master. Your remaining lottery is three times, now start a lot of draw." Supernitious system coldly rigidly.

bass! The space at night, and the space of the head suddenly broke out, no longer his bedroom, but the space of the universe.

For such an environment, the night length is not surprising, it can be said that it is very familiar with the world, so he still focused his eyes on the huge disc.

"Call ~ ▉ is not a card!" The night length of the windmaking, the pattern of the lucky draw system returned to the original model, this kind of cursor and huge disc's model obviously be a lottery than night It should be much better than the flop.

Because the options of the disc are generally much, and you can see the direction of the cursor.

"How many options this time?" The night is standing directly, stretch [out] on the disk on the top of the head.

"Actually there is twenty-four grids!" Night long wind rough number of plaids on the disc, there are twenty-four, "MD, finally give it a moment, see what is good!" "

When you look forward to the eyes of the night, you will first look at the top first plaid to the top of the disc.

The huge lattice is a pattern of star cards. The night's night is very familiar, one is one of the protagonists of football, and the day.

In the pattern, Xialairo has a styling with a football, and is written in line with the ball.

"It turned out to be the straight line of Xiaoxiro!" The night's wind suddenly realized that when the night's long started to see the football teenager, he left a deep impression on the night.

Straight line with the ball in the football teenager, is called the invincible tricks in China. Whether it is a few people, it will be directly hit by the body, very domineering.

"Yes!" Night of the night, he likes this technology, can fully play his strength and strength.

Next, a plaid is a flame, this skill is a famous technology in the football teenager. Schneider is known as one of the strongest strikers in the football, and is also the enemy of Linyuan three. It is also very high.

This flame is naturally very domineering, and it is an post-trip skill, and the power is self-satisfied.

The skills of the two plaids are familiar, but the curve shot and the golden hook are the famous skills of the large air wings of the football teenager.

This is not much more, both skills are very useful, especially inverting golden hooks, is a must-learn skills in football teenagers.

The next two plaids are still related to the killing skills of the shoot, one is 3S shooting ball, and the other is the tiger shot to Xiaolang.

3S shooting ball is a famous skill in the big air wing gold partner, which is a skill that is extremely practical from the corner of the ball to shoot the football, orientation and unexpected.

Night live wind is very likely to this 3s shot. He has also seen this feat in the real world before crossing.

As for the tiger shot, it is not necessary to say more. The stunt to Xiaolang is of course domineering, which can play the extreme strength of the night.

Next, this lattice is a skill, and it is also a very famous skill in the football teenager, and the shackles of the dawn goddess.

This trick is a famous technology of the history of 0.8 Finfen. It is like a residual statue of the Dragon Ball World before the night. It will differentiate multiple residuals to make the opponent difficult to distinguish true and false.

Quickly make a different fake action in multiple directions, this is actually very high in physical quality, especially the fork of ankle, of course, this is no problem with the night-catching body.

Next, this lattice's skill night is particularly like, reactionary, speeding!

This trick is the first kingdom of the Chinese team of the Chinese team. China Long Shen Junguang's famous skills. This trick is strongly said, directly put the big air wings and the day, the strong shoot of Xiaolong, and directly attack Joined the door of the three hand.

This skill is also a night-catching, and the killing skills that reflects the opponent, thinking about it is cow.

1464 chapter, massive skills

The next skill is to pass, this is the skill, vulture, and Songshan light skills.

This night's live wind is not familiar, and there is a great impression of the passage of passes, and it is good, but in front of these Buffali's skills, there is still no countertops.

Then, two skills are also shooting, after all, is a football teenager, and most of them must kill.

Cannon shoot the ball and spread the winning ball, one is Napoleon, the other is the skills of Cazin Tan.

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