The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1467 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Canni Manghu shooting more, in fact, it is to draw, but it is very powerful. This skill is actually a long-term long wind does not have to learn. If you exercise, you can study the so-called Cannon Cannon.

As for the winning ball, this is very powerful, and the power is stronger than the new tiger in the day, and there is also an angle, and a must kill.

The above eleven plaids are all kinds of killing skills of football, but also very powerful, but there is no market with a long-lasting 20 urgently needed. Skills.

The next grid makes the night growers, the star pattern in the lattice is actually the French ball of the world before the night, the French ball Wang Qida Neizuzu.

The word written below is the basic technology of midfielder, this is the night-long wind.

Basic technology is not very powerful, but the midfield technology includes a lot of things, pass, disc belt, interception and attack, etc., can say that the midfield is the most comprehensive player on the football field.

Basic technology is not very useful for professional players, but former long-winding, this kind of beginner is very urgent, even better than the previous necessities.

And this basic midfielder is still the standard of Zidane Qizu, absolutely the most standard.

The goal of night-long winds in the world is the world's goal is to play all the positions in the whole game, among which the midfield is most important.

On the basketball court, the night long wind is most important that organizational defender is the team's engine.

On the football field, the team's engine is a midfielder, a team's soul core.

So this base skill is to see the night's most wanted.

"Yes, it's good!" I nodded at night, and shifted my eyes toward the next plaid.

"It's actually him!" The night grew up suddenly.

The pattern among the plaid is actually the most like a player Kangtona before the long-winding passes.

Before crossing, the night-lived is the loyal fan of Manchester United. His favorite is Manchester United.

In the world football, Canton is nothing famous, but in the History of Premier League, in Manchester United, Canton's influence is very far - reaching, he is the king of Manchester United.

Even the old Buddha Felinson said that Canton is equal to the champion.

Canton is always in the critical moment, his data is far less than a variety of people in the history of the football, but he is a real king. It is full of a domineering, very in line with the night. .

The evaluation of the night-long style to Canton is a man standing on the court. He always raises the collar, like a king of the world.

Night wind saw that Camphon was emotioned, and after retiring a long-lasting years, he returned the golden big words below his players.

The king is invincible, there is a line of tabs behind, and the full property will increase by 30% after opening, and the time is five minutes.

"Hundreds of ▉ ▉

But on the football field, five minutes can already do a lot of things.

"Well, this skill will be willing!" The night grew did not hold the fist, whether it is the feelings of Canton, or the love of this quite atropolism, the night, the night, feels that he must Take this skill.

The next plaid star pattern, the night length is also very familiar, is the king of the king of Burgkamp, ​​the golden big character below is the footsteps of the Ice.

"This is also good!" The night long face is getting more and more exciting, it looks more and more excited.

Ice prince Bogk Camp, known as the super artist on the court, football has increased to an artist's realm at his feet, and his movements are elegant, it is really like an artist on the court.

Night long-lived on Borg Camp image is the deepest is that he shocked the world's back, it is like a playing skill in the cartoon, very reversed.

This skill is the footsteps of the Ice, obviously very good skills, including more than half of the back, spherling this stunt.

Next, this star, the night is more familiar, Brazilian ball Ronaldinio, before Messi became famous, he was the King of Norcamp.

Night wind winds the impression of this guy from the Korean World Cup in 2002. At that time, Ronaldino just became famous.

Into the golden big words under the stars, cattle tail, very strange name.

This skill night is very familiar, Ronaldino is known in the world with gorgeous and exquisite skills, which is the unique skill of Ronaldini.

Listening is very earth, actually 433 is a very superb and gorgeous skill.

This skill requires a large-changing movement of a sudden continuous to pull spheres and waves, etc., which is extremely high for the ball and sensitivity and physical fitness.

This skill is very big on the challenge of the night, because his natural ball is very poor.

However, if it is a super god system, it should be directly learned, so this skill should be great to the lifetime of the night-long wind ball, and a skill that is very urgent in the night.

Next, the star in the lattice is a positive value for the year before the night, and Ibrahimovic, known as the best center player in the universe.

His outer number is Lu Feng first, the first fierce in the Three Kingdoms, which is the status of Ibraho in the heart of the fans.

The skills below the star pattern are the famous skills of Ibraho, which is a very dense shooting technology. Ibrah is shocked by this shock.

The night's first time I saw that Ibu used this trick to break the door. This shot is like an ancient martial arts. It is not preventive.

Once Ibi kicks [Ministry], goalkeeper generally does not have any reaction.

"My kao! Even the skills are coming, how is this lucky draw system so powerful!" The night's long-term wind is already full of red.

1465 chapter, the picture is too beautiful

"Well, continue!" The night long-lasting wind turned to the next plaid.

This plaid's star pattern is too famous, Beckham, Beckham!

Ten thousand people are fascinating that many people who don't watch the ball know that female fans world is worthy, the value is very high.

Of course, Beckham's ball technology is not bad, especially the feet, is called a handsome.

Night live wind looks at several gold big characters under the pattern, the moon bend knife knows this skill is Beibei's famous technique, which is Betcher arc.

Beckham said that the money is on the right foot, this round moon curd knife is self-launched, but it is not only any ball shoot, but also the ball of positioning, etc., is very accurate.

Because the night length is crossing the fans of Manchester United, it is quite love for Beckham. This skill is also very urgent skills to the current night-long wind. If you pick it up, you can increase the attribute of the passage of the night long wind.

The next plaid's star is more famous, the alien Ronaldo, when the night grows before watching the ball, it is Ronaldo's [] peak.

At that time, Ronaldo was simply omnusing until the night grew, and many people think that Ronalo is a well-deserved history.

The five words under the stars are a pendulum, and the alien Ronaldo is unique, and the body continuously shakes, and the opponent can not find the north.

A quite striker skill, the night-catching wind impression is also very deep, even if the last year of the Ronaldo career, the body has become Feer and can use this stunt to go to the World Cup stage.

Next, this lattice star, the night is not very familiar, Denilson's bicycle step.

Symptoms are quite meteor when walking in the night, and many top stars are in use, such as Cron, Robinho, and more.

But it is the most classic. It is also the most classic.

The feet are constantly doing fake moves around the ball, then confuse each other, then quickly passed.

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