The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1468 of the Chapter 1468 of the Prince of Tennis

This skill can be said to be very fancy, which is quite ornamental.

The next star makes the night long wind is very surprised. It is actually in Qi Zida. This legendary mission actually appeared twice on the disc of the lucky draw system.

This time is the most famous trick in Zida. The name is Marseille.

This trick is not true to Qi Zu, but it is indeed a big one under the foot of Zida.

Compared to a single-wheeled step, Marseille cyclone can be said to be perfect, heel [side] 360 degrees of reverse splitter after pulling the ball, integrating artistic, skill, practicality.

During the peak of Qi Zuzu, his Marseille returns often allowed the night long to have a long time.

"Well, this skill is also good!" "The night's eyes are somewhat red, and every skill makes him red.

"Calling ... call!" The night's wind went deeply, and then he continued to look after it was in his own emotions.

The next star night is also familiar with, Xiaogu Niel, this skill is his famous technical elevator.

Xiaogu Niego is a very popular free kick master before the night grows. His free kick changes many segments, and can use the foot bows to make a very strange arc, so that football has an elevator.

Speaking of the elevator ball, there is still a person very powerful, that is, C Luo, he also kicked a lot of strange elevator.

Next, a lattice player is a bald, and the Baro team squats Carlos, his skills are also free kick, the name is a strong arc.

Before the night's wind passed, it also liked to imitate the action of Carlos when playing, before playing, the rushing down.

This vigorous arc ball is also very suitable for the superman power of the night, and Carlos has been in power, he can even kick out the speed of 144 kilometers of football at speed, which is very counter-sky in the football world.

There is no difference between a ball with a ball with a ball.

In addition, Carlos and Beckham were known as gold left feet.

Night wind is YY, if a person has a gold right foot of Beckham and the gold left foot of Carlos.

Now, his chance is coming, if he smokes the moon bending knife and vigorously, the night is likely to be the golden feet of this world.

After reading such a few stars and skills, the last two plaids, the night grows.

It's so familiar, a C Ron, a Messi, the night grows through the world's double male, the greatest two players in the actual work.

Mr. World Football is often a turn of these two people.

The C Ro Ro is written is the physical quality of C, Messi is written by the macro king.

If you make the night length, you will have no doubt that he would choose Messi's disk, and C Luo's physical quality is very poor, but it is not urgent for the current night growth.

Even if he is a primary school, he is not open, but it is absolutely no weaker than professional players.

Messi's disk is urgently needed. For football, the ball is very poor, attribute but is 10 o'clock, is the most weak night.

The top of Messi is the top of the world, and in history is one of the tops. Night wind remembers very clear, Messi has a copy of Marador's goal after five people, very classic.

Generally, two or three people surround Messi, he can also take breakthrough, very powerful.

If there is a traveler of Messi, the lifting of the night is estimated to rise directly.

"¨` ▉ is finally finished! "After watching 24 lattice, he was an unusual excitement, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Although this time is not a festival, there is no blessing, the blessing of the night long wind, which is the big prize.

But this lucky draw system is the most powerful one, twenty-four plaids, basically no waste skills.

Night-winding estimates may be the "Wang Hao) is also considering that he has just come to the world of football, before the Dragon Ball, the task is difficult to have a little too much, so this lucky draw is exceptionally given, equivalent to a slight compensation, balance.

It is also very fast to sweep a twenty-four skills, and every one of the night is going.

If the night growers can be exchanged all skills, he is estimated that you can surpass the world of football in this world.

Just joke, the perfect skills in the world, plus the night long wind through the top of the top of each historical star, all of which is integrated, what is the concept.

That picture, the night is very hard to imagine.

"Calm, I must be calm!" The night grew is still forced to breathe, this time the lottery is very important to the night, he must take the skills of our current needs.

Instead, it seems that the picture is beautiful. It actually has no skill of eggs. After all, he only has three lottery times.

1466 chapters, draw

After rejection of the superhen system, the night is getting calm down.

He first divides the twenty-four skills, first is the most shot.

Flame shooting ball, curve shooting, pending gold hook, 3S shooting ball, tiger shot, agricultural cannon shoot, spread the ball, scorpion, elevator, vigorously arc ball, this ten skills belong to shooting skills, must kill the skill category.

One of the night long wants to smoke the 3S shooting ball and the wings and elevator balls. Although the night grows do not know how to cross the world's super strong skill in the world of football.

But since this lottery has so many skills in the forefront of the world, the night's strength believes that the power is absolutely not bad.

Many skills have always seem to be a technique in comics, and the reality is too counter-day.

The three shots that night long-lived will kill themselves are brought about skillful, not purely shoot, such purely shooting, such as tiger, night long feeling, he can practice come out.

Then it is straight to the ball, the dawn goddess, the Ice kings, the cattle paste, the pendulum passes, the bicycle step, the horse is rounded, these seven stunts belong to the skills.

This is the most popular of the dawn goddess and the Horses' rebent, and these three skills are undoubtedly the top skill.

This is the night's long wind, but the most eye-free ice-380-prince's footsteps, this technology is very big on the hurt of the night, the impression is extremely deep.

Finally, the rest of the seven stunches, reactionary speed cannons, vultures pass, midfielder base technology, the king invincible, C-Luo body, Messi dish, and the moon bend knife.

Among them, the moon bending knife and vulture pass by the night length.

The midfielder's basic technology and Messi's disk belongs to the technology, and it is the most urgent need of night growth.

It is a must-kill technology type, which is extremely special, and this skill can often play a madness in the stadium.

As for the body of C, the body is ignored, and it is the worst one in all options. Of course, this is because the night's body is superior.

Summarize some, the night grows now is in a hurry or the technology of the plate and the ball. As for the shot and the tips, the night is also very trying. Every skill is full of lure of the night. HUO!

"Hostess, is there a lottery?" At this time, the suggestion of the superhen system sounded in the night growth.

Night long wind told for a long time, and finally put his eyes on the Plum (CACD) Western dish. This is the most urgent need of night.

"Start a lot of draw!" The night length is tight, and the cursor on the disc is adjusted to the grid of Messi.

bass! The night long style is just falling, and the cursor on the disc will be turned crazy.

The temperature of the night is adjustable to Messi dish. This is a lot of disc prod. He has gradually touched a rule of no scientific basis, that is, the cursor can stop in the area where the cursor is still starting. .

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