The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1471 of the Chapter 1471 of Tennis Prince

! After the football was raised by the night, the football scored a beautiful [wonderful] arc, and then drilled directly into the center of the tire of the ball.

Snapped! Then it was a slap in the net.

Perfect goal, perfect Bellas, even night long winds, I didn't think this kind of ball is so good.

Although there is no goalkeeper, but the night's style feels that this goal is calculated that there is now a good defense, and it is not necessarily defensive.

"This feels ... I am so good!" The night is deeply looking at the football in the door, "I want to remember this feeling!"

"It's too powerful! He actually just wanted to shoot a tire!" At this time, the short boy outside the officer was excited. He took his own football, directly flew into the football field! "

Chapter 1469, big empty wing

~ ▉ ~ After a boy jumped into the court, he began to bring the ball with the ball and flew the ball door in the direction of the night.

"Where is the primary school students?" The night's movement was attracted by a short boy, he looked at him.

The short boy is equipped with a football equipment, it seems to have a model, especially if he is very natural, if it is not short, the night is absolutely will not believe this is just a primary school.

The most critical is that this primary school students are still full of smiles while it is very happy.

"Come!" The speed of the short school student is not fast in the night, but the action is very simply, soon come to the night length.

boom! Immediately, a short primary school student learned the movement of the night, and lifted his feet an angry away from the 30 meters away from the ball!

bass! The short boy is small, but the football force kicked out is not small, and a arc is drawn in the air, flooding directly toward the upper left corner of the ball.

It turned out to have a few points of 20 similar to the round moon bend that I just learned from the night, but the arc and rotation are not so strong.

Snapped! The final football played out the bottom line on the outer edge of the tire, which kicked the quality of the ball, especially for a primary school.

"I am going, who?" Night Changfeng was shocked by the movement of this primary school student, and immediately imitated his round moon curd knife. "Is this challenged me?"

The night long is looking back and looking at the short boy, the short boy smiled and touched his back, "Haha, it is difficult, you are very powerful, you can kick this kind of ball!"

"You are ... South Ge Primary School?" Night-hard wind reminds the , then turn around to ask a short boy.

"Well, I am transferred yesterday. I am a big air wing. What is your name?" Let the night long did not think that this is very actually the core leader wings in the football teenager.

"You are a big air wing!" The night grew in the eyes of the eyes, the big air wings in the primary school students were more short than what he thought, and most of them were one meter. He could not even feel the height, night long and very feel He can hit ten such guys in one another.

"Yeah, I am a big air wing! How do you know me?" The big air wings returned to the football from the border, and began to strike itself. It can be seen that his star is really genius, which is less than night. There is a lot of football in the wind that the football is not in the football.

"Cough ..." Night is dry, cough, "Oh, my name is the night and long style, but I also transferred to Nange Primary School yesterday. I saw you in the new student of the school yesterday. I didn't expect you to play. of."

The night's wind said that he leaked his mouth and was free to find an excuse to confuse the past.

"Haha, it turned out to be Changfeng! Too good, now we can play together!" The air wings were light.

In the school before he transferred, the big air wings have always been a person who is playing, because he is too powerful, others are not willing to play with him, and this time, the big air wings have seen the night feel so powerful, the heart is excited And excitement is difficult to speak.

"Take each other, each other!" The night's wind is not very excited. He has no feeling of guys who are too heavy to the big air wings. I don't like it.

Night wind is more likely that the day is the third day, and these two people compare the taste of the night.

Moreover, there is always a feeling of the night, and the large air wings will become a very powerful opponent, and is the kind of self-contracted radioplane. Tiger

At this time, the sun has been completely out, and time has come to 9 o'clock.

"The long wind captain, let's come!" At this time, the night-long lives heard the big voice of Ishiki, he looked back.

Siki kicked the football and ran over and ran into the football field soon.

"Wow, it's so tall, is he really a primary school?" The little partner after Ishikasaki is very surprised.

"Haha, the long wind captain, according to the agreement. I called the Nan Ge football team!" Shuosaki said excitedly, he also immersed in the excitement of Yulin yesterday.

"Very good, Ishiki!" Night wind rushed to the nicker.

"Everyone! Listening, this is the night's head. Now it is the new captain of our South Ge's football team. He is very powerful, yesterday is he told us to the football field! Lian Ruinyuan is not his opponent Oh! "Ishigosaki's face is proud, it seems to be that he defeated Ju Lin.

"It's so powerful, actually can defeat Ruolin!" The little friends after Ishikasaki were two eyes, watching the night, like a super hero.

The night length sweeps a team member of South Geka, and the body is not high, and it is fine arm thin legs. It is obviously lack of training. Such a team was repaired by Ten balls in the primary school.

In addition to Ishikasaki, the night long winds have no impression on these South Ge's players, just remember the head of watermelon wearing thick eyes, as for the name, I can't call it.

"Hello everyone, my name is the night and long. It is a student who turned into South Ge Primary School yesterday. Now it is the captain of South Ge's football team. Please take care of everyone in the future!" The night long is a lot of people.

Football is the movement of eleven people, more needed to collaborate than basketball, night long winds must exercise this group of lazies into a qualified team.

"The captain is good! Please take care of it!" The little friends after Ishikasaki cheered, and they were very happy to serve the neighborhood, they were very happy. After all, no one likes to lose.

In the primary school in Nange City, 227 South Ge is the weakest, almost did not win, now they see hope.

"Well, now I will introduce a new player first!" Night wind refers to the big air wings behind him. "This is also transferred to the big air wing, and now is one of our members!"

"You are good!" The big air wings saw that many small friends came to play, and the smile on his face was more prosperous.

"Hey, the captain, is this guy so little?" Ishiki looked at the big empty wing, then ran to the lower-length body.

"You boy!" The night was laughing and took the shoulders of Ishiki, "You will be shocked!"

Snapped! Snapped! Night wind did not pay in Ishi Siki, but standing in front of the people, let the big air wings into the queue, and the whole South Geka will have twelve people, and there are two columns together.

"Okay, then, next is our new South Ge football team for the first time. Before training, I have some things to remind everyone." The night is suddenly faceful, the whole South Geka also suddenly Quiet.

"Captain, what's the matter, let's start exercising, it is hard to recapture our stadium!" Ishiki big voice began again.

"The thing I want to say is related to training!" Night long-standing is like Shiizaki, and it is not so easy to train this group of people in a good thing.

1470 chapter, training begins

"First of all, what I want to say is that the next training will be very hard. If you are afraid of hard work, you can go back first." The night's face is solemnly to the people in front of him.

"Maybe, you have lost it habits, but I have not lost once, I will not lose, so we only have a goal, that is, dominate the country!" Night long wind is not big, but South Ge Everyone was heard after heard.

Night long winds will certainly don't want to use this South Geka to dominate the country, but the slogan is still shouting, and the night cost is at least hoped to be a team of dreams.

Instead, just put the kick as a hobby, that, than not play, play some other relaxed games.

"We dominate the country?" Ishi Siki is completely stunned. He only wants to have a ball to practice the ball, and he has never thought about dominating the country.

Because the national master is much too much, in the cognition of Ishi, only if Linyuan's talents will do it from small professional football training, and they will always have the bottom of this group.

In other words, this group of guys did not have the desire to victory, this is the most terrible.

The physical quality can not rely on positive running, the playing skills can not be used, but it can be collapsed and trained, but if there is no desire to win, there is no chance to win in the football field.

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