The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1472 of the Chapter 1472 of the Prince of Tennis

If the night grows, it is the next seed in this group of primary school students. As for this seed, it will not take root a sprout, it will look at their own creation.

"Finally, I want to talk to you is that South Ge will be in an unpropestine, because Nange has the most powerful primary school students on this planet!" The night is looking at everyone, the mouth is slightly forsake.

"The best primary school students on this planet?" Everyone, of course, knowing that the night is talking about himself, this kind of confidence and arrogance, they have never seen it in other people.

At this time, at this time, it is the big air wing. In the impression of the night, this kid put the football every day, but in fact, the big empty wing's desire for victory is not bad in any football small. Master of hands.

The persistence of football, the desire for victory, this is the essence of football teenagers.

"We dominate the country ~ !" The big air wing did not participate in any official game, and the concept of the whole country is actually very vague, but at this time, he is two eyes, the mouth is constantly chanting. A word.

"It is a guy with the protagonist"! "The night is laughing, and the turning should look at others.

"Okay, I want to say it. I want to exit it now, I can leave now, and the South Geki team does not need people with no fighting!" Night performance refers to the stadium to exit the ladder, facing the people.

"I also want to dominate the country, long wind, I believe in you!" The first thing to stand is Schosaki. He witnessed the surprise of the long-winding of the night, and he trusted the night, he believes that the night is absolutely Will not be Hu Bao Atmosphere.

"Very good, the first!" The night's right hand stretched out, Ji Siyu put his hand and overlap it.

"I have to play with everyone, and the ball is happy." The big air wings ran up and put the hand on Simi.

Soon, the players who have been two-in three will put their hands up and they all ignite the desire of victory.

Snapped! When the last small glasses put your hand on the top, it was surprised that the night-long eyes flashed.

He originally thought that these lazy scattered boy, at least be scared by himself, but he found himself underestimate these kids love the football.

They don't want to win, they don't want to force, they just have not found the direction and method of victory.

"Well!" The night grew is called, and the chest is over, he finds that he really loves this kind of bloody.

"What is the goal of South Ge?" The night lengthy hand will explore the next, and his big and small hands in his hand will be downward.

"We dominate the country!" All Nange twelve players shouted, while the hand overlapping the hand together.

"Very good!" The night's mouth is coming, "said the slogan is over, now welcome everyone to come ..."

"What is it?"

Night long winds launched their hands, "coming to the world of hell!"

"Start your warm-up, run around the court, then you will return twenty times!" Night wind slowly.

"Ten laps? Twenty times? How can this possible!" Ishiki shouted.

"This is just warm up. Do you really think that it is as simple as the country?" The night is laughing, "I haven't tasted the taste of hell, how can you see the best scenery. Fast, start, don't talk nonsense!"

Night Changshi has just come to the world of football, and I haven't easigted some basic methods of football training, but he first thought is to improve the physical strength and ball of this group of pillars.

The physical quality is very difficult to improve, but the physical fitness will be able to improve as long as you work hard.

"¨` ▉ begins ... "The night's wind took the lead and ran, the big air wings followed in the night length, and the ball was still with the ball, but it was a very happy look.

As for other southern brothers, Siki is a bitter face, and it is difficult to call the slogan, and it is difficult to train.

However, Southern South Geardians have also begun to seriously, because they quickly discovered that the amount of training in the night is five times more.

"I finally knew why he was so tall and powerful ..." After running ten-ring and twenty times, I have been tired of a PI shares on the ground.

The night-catching wind has already ran more than 20 circles, but also rushed at a constant speed with you, and playing the ball at night.

This is a big air wing, and the night is really feeling that this trick is good, you can train your very weak ball.

"The wing is also running with the captain, it is really powerful!" Sitting on the little eyes next to Simiusaki (Wang Qi) gasping, looking at the same short, the big air wing, still followed by the night. , Revealing a surprised expression.

"Cut ~ Guy who is out of the limelight!" Ishikaki slammed his mouth and climbed again and started to continue to run with the night length and the air wing.

Other team members lying on the grass after barely completing the warm-up goals, do not want to move.

From here, you can see the absolute gap of physical fitness. At present, there is a potential to become a professional football player in terms of physical strength, and there is only large air wings and .

"Call ~ ▉ ... I didn't move!" After the big air wings ran to the thirtieth round, he was finally running, while Ishiki was still barely followed. But it is also the limit.

"Okay, it's almost!" The night's wind swept away two people and stopped running, and two people returned to the rest area outside the court.

1471 chapter, practice

At this time, the Nange Football Team was also returned to the seating area, and the night-long wind makes the small glasses and a relatively high player bought a lot of water and ice towels.

"Everyone takes a break, drink some water!" Night wind pointed a lot of water to Nan Gezhong.

Ishikaki is also welcome, and the left and right hands will start to fierce.

At this time, the night long is observed at this time, this South Ge's stadium is actually not rotten, and there are some places in the court, and the area outside the field is more It is a bit bad.

Night wind is planning to ask a professional to renovate this stadium, plus some professional football equipment, strive to expand a small stadium on the air side next to the stadium, convenient for sub-training.

No way, money is the way.

Professional stadiums and equipment can also greatly reduce the chance of the player's injury. After all, from today, the training volume of South Ge's football team is today.

The next day, the night-long wind did not let the players practiced, mainly physical and strength training, let them first familiar with the training process.

After the people are exhausted, the night costs put Nange everyone away.

After the last two Ishiki and the big air wings, the night is far away, continuing to train two must kill the skills to hang the golden hook and the moon bend knife until the sky is completely black, the night long wind is full of mud The football leaves.

"Well, I have to add some lighting in this -973-course, you can practice the ball in this evening!" The night grew, this is still not enough for a whole day, and the degree of metamorphosis of the body can be seen.

In the next three days, South Ge's football team truly fell into hell's training.

Three days, the night-lived wind also spent a big price to let the special person refurbished the stadium and equipment of South Ge, but also specially air transported some European football equipment, and additional lighting is also the most installed.

Finally, the long wind simply bought this air and started to create a new training football field.

Nange's players have numb the nature of the Night Sale, they are king that they know that night long-winding is a major descendant of a mysterious East ancient country, which is the legendary super rich. generation.

In fact, these spending money are all earned, but not in this world.

After three days of training, Nange Zhong's physical fitness is significantly improved, at least the night's long wind stimulates their potential.

Especially the two current sank of South Geeham, the main amount of the branches of South Ge, and the main amount of the big air wings and Ishiyaki.

Among them, the big empty wings make the night grow very surprised, and it seems that the thin body actually has such a big potential, and the talent is really ahead.

"It's a guy who has a radio!" Night lived on the flexible playing ball on the sky, and the evaluation of the big empty wings was getting higher and higher.

Although the large air wing is still just a primary school student, the night grows from him to see the superman's talent, and it is indeed the leader of the Japanese gold generation.

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