The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1473 of the Chapter 1473 of the Prince of Tennis

The three days of time, the night cost is not wasteful, his physical strength and strength have reached a certain height, it is difficult to improve in a short period of time.

However, the ball of the night is very fast, it is already a sound, although can't do the movement of the fancy, but hundreds of times a one-time bulls are still easy.

In addition, the night long wind will also be very skilled in the middle of the moon bending knife and the golden hook. Although the two must kill the skills, the night long wind energy feels a lot of proficiency.

In addition, the blind goddess and the basic technology of midfielder players. These two are not very good training, and South Ge's players are too small, group training is a problem.

Night costumes can only be tested when they wait until the truly game.

And this opportunity is coming soon.

When the ball is on the court, when the South Ge's team is practicing the ball, a group of primary schools wearing purple jersey walked into the court.

"I am finally here!" Night wind turns a group of outsiders, and these primary school students look good, at least than Southern this group of people.

"You are the West Street, the Xiqiu football team?" Ishiki also noticed this group.

"Yes, according to the agreement!" Cafh)! "The captain of the Xiqiu football team, a leader of a eyebrow ran over.

"What! Who is agreeable with you?" Ishikaki was shocked.

"Hey, isn't you call us to let us come, say that it is to play the practice competition?" The eyebrows are very unhappy.

"Exercise competition?" Nange all people were surprised.

"It is what I call them!" The night is slowly walked to the front of a eyebrow. "According to the agreement, you will win our South Geka, I will give you a hundred special adidas football."

"Oh, this is too easy. Your South Geka is too weak. I used to be killed for 30 more than zero! This 100 football, we want it!" expression.

"Thirty is more zero?" The night is very windy. He knows that Nange has been filled with ten balls in the Department of Tao Zhe, but did not think that South Ge has lost 30 to zero.

This score is too exaggerated, so that the night is not suspected that these guys don't play.

"This is already in the past!" Ishiki touched his nose and sorry.

"Hey, today we will come to kick you a thirty more than zero!" The eyebrow is clapped.

"What is your guy says!" Ishiki is anger, holding a double punch.

"Okay, less waste! Start the game!" The night's wind turned back.

"Changfeng, they are too bad!" Ishiki still chatter.

"Solve with football!" Nightly shot the shoulders of Ishiyaki.

beep! At this time, the Night Sale of the Night Sanitary Wheel has blown a whistle that started the game.

"Two teams players in the game, twenty minutes in half games, is brought by Xiqiu Primary School!" The referee announced the way.

The night-long's style nodded, with Nange eleven people came to a half, and stood well.

Elementary game time and the official match, only forty minutes, twenty minutes in the second half.

In addition, the play of the game is also small than the professional stadium. It is not so regular. After all, let primary school students are full of more than 90-minute fierce competitions in the formal stadium, or not reality.

Night winds don't care about this, and the basketball game before him is used to 40 minutes of competition.

This competition, nozzle, no row of high-difficult formations, for the group of Nange team, to maintain the formation of the formation.

The night's wind probably put six defenders, three midfielders, he stood at the center of the midfield, and then the big air wings were topped in the top of this 6-3-1.

First, we must ensure that the ball is less, and the night length should not be allowed to be bombed by the two digits.

No matter who the opponent!

Chapter 1472, leading the game

! As the referee blew the whistle, the first half of the exercise competition officially started.

despair! At the beginning of the game, the captain of Xiqiu took the ball and took the ball to Southern halfway. His position on the field is the forward, followed by two wings.

Xiqiu is also a strong team in this area, and the quality of the player and the player are quite very powerful in the primary school.

In particular, the main force is basically the sixth grade player. In this area in South Ge, the Xiqiu football team thinks that they are not afraid of them, they naturally will not put the most powerful South Geo. In the eyes.

"Come on, let's take the first ball in 30 goals!" The eyebrow directly entered the hinterland of South Geka with football, complete South Ge as a fish.

"I am evil, I dare to look at us!" Ishigosaki is anger. It turns out that the formation is rushing to the night, and it is a slippery eye eye.

bass! The eyebrow moves flexibly, directly to the right, the ball hide the sliding shovel of Ishikaki, followed by two defenders in the South Geka.

"Haha, how is it, South Geka?" The eyebrow smiled and came to Nange half.

At this time, if the big empty wing, the big empty wing is in the position, and the night long is directly giving a big air wing, indicating that he don't want to come back.

This only three days, the South Geki team has not completely running, and I don't know what is the formation on the court, which makes the night feelings some headaches.

These are also something that can't be familiar with it, only in the game.

"Captain!" Ishi Siki looked at the back of the eyebrows. The loud reminder has been recycled.

"My belt is no one can stop, you can't do this!" The eyebrow is still afraid of the body shape of the night, but after three people, he is already self-confident.

"Hey!" The night is cold, although his intercepting the ball attribute is only 65, but the ball speed of the eyebrow is too slow in him.

Snapped! The night is suddenly started, and the body is like a tiger, and it has passed the eyebrows in Xiqiu.

"Ah!" The eyebrows only felt a flower in front of him, and the football at the foot was gone.

"It's good, the captain!" Ishiki saw that the night is so easy to break the ball, excitedly waving his right hand.

Snapped! After the night is cold, I started to fly with the ball.

The two wanders in Xiqiu immediately rose, and the night grewing in the left and right.

"Roll!" Night live wind does not do the action, just a big trip forward.

what! Two wanders in Xiqiu are also high in primary school students, but they still put the night.

despair! When the night is very easy, it will catch up with the football that roll forward forward, and these primary school students want to fight against the night. It is too difficult. (

At this time, the night long has several large steps, and the ball is already the arc of the midfield.

"Changfeng, here!" The big empty heart god will be a big ban on Xiqiu.

Xiqiu defender players don't care about the southerry of Southerry, it is entirely in the past.

"The little wings, the ball is coming!" The night grew did not look at the position of the big empty wing, suddenly slammed the body, then the body swinging, directly put the football in the middle, speed flying To the half of the West.

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