The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1475 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"He is just a six-grade student in elementary school. How can there be such a professional movement and passing ability?" If Lin Yuan, I don't want to train the night, where did he knew that the night is superior? System of this anti-sky..

For midfielding basic technology, the night grows is already the top level of this world.

"If the guy of Johin is not dead!" Night Changfeng also pays attention to the river three in the field at this time. He is not very happy today.

The strength of the Night Length I thought that the strength of the Xiqiu football team should be strong. I didn't expect such a weak, and the first half can follow the rhythm of Shang South, the second half of the body can go directly.

This makes the night, the whole game has no shot [want], it is entirely passing, take advantage of this opportunity, and the night-lived work is also spreading all over the field, and the night grows again. The skill proficiency of the curved knife has improved a lot.

At this time, the night's eyes look at the river three, and his current goal is only one of the truly defeated guys who are called the most powerful of the elementary school football.

Nange this pool is really too small, and the night is already can't wait to think and the master of the country.

If it is not a hyperincidence system limit, the night-catching wind now wants to fly to Europe to participate in the professional football team, but before this, the night grows still needs to dominate the country.

The first is to become the first in the country, then challenge the world!

After the exercise competition, Nange Zhongren is interested in being very high, and the enthusiasm of training is also getting better and better. Night wind guides everyone to train some physical fitness.

In these days, the night growth is also studying some 4.7 football competitions, bought some books to study football formations and tactics, and the night is always available sooner or later.

When the sky is dark, Nange Zhong has left the court to go home, and the night cost is still left.

After having dinner, the night-long wind opened the lighting equipment that had just been established outside the venue, and started to practice at night, mainly practicing the two must kill.

When the night length, it will practice the golden hook and the moon bend in a short time, he knows that his opponent on the stage of the national contest is not only three only.

Night wind needs to win, absolutely rolling level victory, Nange this group of people now makes great progress, but truly encountering this quite professional strong team that is very easy to crash, he must have a critical moment A man-stricken ability.

1474 chapter, confrontation tasks

Next day.

When the night growth wind came to South Ge Primary School, it took more time to start school, and the night's wind generally went to the football field. This is the first time to school.

Just because today is the day of confrontation registration, he as the minister of South Ge's football, must personally fill the form to the student will sign up.

The so-called confidence is actually in the two deaths, Nange Primary School and the Physical Education Association of All Sports Associations between Nang Ge Primary School. Since the establishment of two schools, the confidence is already held for more than 20 times.

Due to the initial reason for the first year of the year, I was forgotten, but this confrontation was still maintained.

There are many projects, track and field, volleyball, baseball, basketball, football, etc., the most concerned is undoubtedly baseball and football, which is quite fire in Japan.

South Gas Baseball is quite powerful, and it has been ranked throughout the country. It has born many Jiaziyuan famous, and South Ge's football has always been the pain in 20 South Gerenges. More than 20 years of confidence I didn't win once.

Once, this is seen by Nan Ge people as a shame, long time, no one has a hope for Nan Ge's football, especially the number of people in this group, and there are not enough South Ge's football.

At this time, the night-long wind just walked into the school. When I entered the door, I saw the ministry of the ministry of various equipment, and they were trained in the air.

The most striking is undoubtedly the baseball department of South Ge, at least 100 people, a few people in South Ge's football form a distinct contrast.

When the night grew, he looked at the sword department who had just took the wood sword. The number of actually had two or three times the South Ge's football, and it is necessary to know that the football is generally the most in all sectors, but in the south. Ge, the football department is the most inconspicuous existence.

"Captain, you are coming!" The night-long's style just entered the school did not take a few steps. He also heard the big voice of Simi, and then looked at the wind and fire of the stone, this is still immersed in the big victory of yesterday. .

"Ishiqi, registration form ready?" The night is helpless and shakes his head.

"Look for it, the captain, you told things, can I not do?" Ishiki took out a registration form from the bag and handed it to the night.

The night length sweeps an enrollment form, and he added a total of twelve people himself. It is too bleak for football.

"Hey! Trigger the main line task: We will overcome the Tackle Football Department in the confrontation game, let Nan Ge's football firmly sounds well!

Task Level: Blue Task

Mission reward: exchange points plus 50,000

Failure punishment: Remove a skill

Systematic evaluation: Nange football is inadequate, this is the first step in the user to change this world! "

Suddenly, the suggestion of the super-god system was rang in the night-long whisper.

"Well, it seems that this game is not only to win, but also to win beautiful and wonderful, this is related to the south of the South Ge's football!" In the eyes of the eyes, the golden light flashed, and then greeted Schizaki. I have to pay a registration form.

After the night is walking, a group of people wearing black walked into the school, walking in the last guy and holding a red flag, writing South Ge Shan Sheng, and there is a huge gongs on the shoulders.

The leader is actually a cute girl, and a uniform looks a cool.

This group of people is South Ge's response group, which can be said to be one of the core elements of Japan.

"Hey, big sister, this year, everyone's momentum is good, and our South Ge will be able to get the last big score!" A small child in Assistant marks.

"It's really good!" Was called the big sister's head, the sisters of the hands, around, and it was a look of the native of Jiangshan. If the night's wind saw this girl at the scene, it is estimated that it will laugh.

"But the last one is a football this year. This, Nange has to lose his face, but it is pushed into thirty balls last year!" The glasses in the group pushed the eyes of the nose. .

"Hey ... no way, the group of football ... I see that I am stronger than them!" The big sister shook his head.

"What are you talking! Our football will not lose again this time!" Ishiki heard the dialogue of several people in the group, and suddenly became anger.

"Cut ... you said this year!" The eyeglas of the adjunct to the shouts of Ishikoaki did not agree.

"What do you know, we wanted 10 more than zero yesterday, telling you, we have already said that it is more than the past!" Jiki said with the chest.

"What? 10-0 stroning the West Hill? You can play into ten balls in this football team?" The big sister was surprised, but Shiji did not necessarily ly. This kind of thing knows the result.

"Haha, that's of course, I am a single three yuan yesterday! I can be invincible in the world, haha!" Ishi Siki started from it.

"Ishiqi, that is the captain to get better, I also go to the game!" Nange's small glasses added after Ishigosaki.

"When did you become so powerful?" Everyone in Assistance Group still couldn't believe it.

At this time, a tall figure came out, it was 700 nights.

"Ishiki, is there anyone?" Night wind rushed on Simici hook.

"Don't tell you, anyway, this year's football team is different from previous years, you are waiting to be good!" Ishiqi rushed to run a ghost to the night greetings.

"Captain, people are all, what are we doing today?" Ishikaki asked the brain.

"Take you to get a good place!" The night is laughing, and everyone in South Ge's football is directly out of the school.

"That person is the new captain of South Ge's football? It's so tall, is he really a primary school student?" The explosion of the adjunct is surprised to look at the back of the night.

"The body should be invincible to play the olive ball!" The glasses on the side are also amazing. "You said yes, big sisters?"

At this time, the eyes of the big sisters who should be aided will have been attracted to the night, and they are directly in the same place.

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