The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1476 of the Chapter 1476 of the Prince of Tennis

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ , what happened?" Everyone in Assistant is a pair of doubts.

"Good high, so handsome!" The big sister's face was completely red, showing a few girl expressions.

! All the adjuncts of the adjuncts are angry, a mourning, "big sister ... You don't look at him!"

On the other hand, the night-catching wind has come to the door of the Department of Thaizen Primary School with the people of South Ge's football.

1475 chapter, powerful opponents

"This is the repair of the patterns, the captain, what are we doing here?" Nange's small glasses asked very confused.

"Today I received the news, the Department of Tunch Football should be exercised, and now we should have started. We go straight!" The night cost directly lifted into the repair of Tsui.

"Ah, really? Let's take a look!" Jikaki hurriedly followed the other people from South Ge.

Not long, everyone came to Tackic Soccer.

Trich primary school is much more, professional running roads, outside the professional runway, and can accommodate thousands of audiences.

The lighting facilities in the stadium also have a seating area, but it is very professional. At a look, it is a noble aristocratic school.

"The football field for repairing the festival is also very good!" Ishiki couldn't help.

"Yeah, there are still a lot of audience!" Southai other players are also amazed.

"Oh, the game has begun!" The night grew is to invest in the football field. At this time, the game has begun, and he first looks at the door of repair.

The door will not be a three-year-old, but a new person who is still handsome.

"Ju Lin does not play today!" Ishi Siki also noticed that Zhe Zhe changed the goalkeeper.

"The new goalkeeper should be the Emperor of the Senaki!" Night-catching winds have three still impressions on this Senaki, and the Namada of the Migrant Field is similar. Senaki has three great emperors.

Of course, his strength is still, the plot is more, and finally it has become a professional player. It is flat-minded that the guards of the Emperor of Senaki are still four flat and eight, which is not a pure dragon set.

On the field, it is the nine bubble face of Tunge, which is taking the ball. It is very fast, and the defending of the opposite school can't stop.

This bubble star, the night-hearted look is one of the students who come to the thorns, the three swordsmen, typical strokes, speed is good, and finally become Japanese professional players, still a lot of play in football teenagers. .

At this point, the Richmond has already taken the ball into the half-scene of the water, and then a long biography will pass the ball to the Dragon of the side of the flying hair.

Long Yifang is one of the three people in Tunne, and the speed is faster than coming, and the vision and awareness is quite good. After he stopped, it turned around to rush to the corner of the corner area, then it is directly in the foot.

boom! At this time, the smaller the water is forbidden. The area is crowded with the water over the water, but the first to top the ball is a tall, the high, the high purity, claims to repair Zhe Qingdao.

He jumped high, directly grabbed all the guards before the defender, put the football into the gate of the water.

The three-person group of TX is Dafei, a series of cooperation is the row of water, and it is not like a primary school.

"Can be evil! Taoism is still so strong, ▉ ▉ ▉" Siki bites his teeth and grasped double boxes.

"Yeah, can we really overcome them?" Southern Other people also exposed the color.

"Well, it is really strong, and it is a professional training and long-term cooperation." Night-lasting style nodded, it is indeed a lot of hardships that are at least for these people. .

Night long winds discovers that they have some levels of small school students, and repairing the polar is a national champion last year. Each player's level is not bad. These people can also say that the future is the backbone of Japan's domestic professional football.

"They are so powerful, but we still win!" At this time, the big air wings were shouting and excited when everyone shouted.

"This kid!" Nange Zhong was shocked by the big air wing, and the night greetings laughed, and I would excite it when I saw the master. In this way, the big air wings and night long winds have a bit similar .

"Tuning! The stronger you, the bigger the value of your value!" Night lives looked at the rushing people in the court, and the mouth was slightly forth.

After the end of the first half, Tsuen Zhe is already six more zero leading water, among which the people who have been incense and the troops are strong, and one will have four goals.

"Okay, let's go!" The night grew in the people of Nange.

"Ah, the captain, is we not finished?" Ishiki.

"The game has no suspense, go back to train!" Night wind turned directly, "Our goal is not to defeat this repair, but defeat the Trigemony of Ruolin No. 3!"

Originally, the game to watch the repair of the polar is to see the state of Linyuan three, and now I see the powerful players in each location in Tune, the night-length wind is more expected to fight the speculation.

At this time, if Lin Yuan three is a person in a professional football school, and it is a continuous ball.

The most important thing is that these sports players are high school students in this professional football school, and the whole is more than four or five years old.

"It's amazing! Can you keep our high school students, is it a primary school student? Unbelievable!" Many high school students show surprised expressions.

"¨` ▉ Night long wind! You are waiting for me! "If Lin Yuan, the three flying fishing rushed out of a high-speed ball shot to the dead end of the ball, and the three-leaf hat on his head turned up.

In fact, after the last time, after the night's long wind, if Lin Yuan has been crazy, this time, he is also practiced by the coach to practice together in the football school.

If Lin Yuan's personality is also very proud, he doesn't want to lose to anyone, and Nan Ge and Xie Zhe's confrontation, if Lin Yuan three once again proved that he is the best player's good opportunity.

For night-long wind, concentrated training time always live very quickly, and a week has passed.

This week, the night-catching wind is stabilizing the physical training of South Gran, and let the defensive formation of Nange Zhong people.

Mainly a few people's small rosal, South Gessing players' personal abilities and players with football talents and Tunnes have absolute gaps. Is it a very good tactics in the partial (Li good), and it is undoubtedly a very good tactics. It can also play the physical strength advantage of South Ge.

This week, South Ge's players have made great progress, and they played a model, which is the most prominent or Ishiki.

Night long-winding found that Simici is a natural defensive player, turning fast, good physical fitness, not afraid of injury, even if it slippers, the action is also quite clean.

Of course, in such a short period of time, Most players in South Ge will not change, and the gap between them and the Tune players are still very large, especially in the ball.

However, South Ge is not a chance, they have a player like a large air wing after all.

Since the unintentional time of the big air wings, after a time, after the lifting of the golden hook, he gave this trick to him every day, and it was annoyed.

Only a few times dedicated to the big air wings, as for if he learned in a short time, he will see his own creation.

1476 chapter, Pkairo

South Geka is currently such a situation, and there is a strong player in the striker and the middle field, and there is a strong player.

But the night length lacks a person with him with his midfield, after all, repairing the species is not the team that is not staring at the defense of the world.

Instead of repairing the defensive defensive in the country is also ranked on, especially the high-spirited power, the long biography used before the night is not necessarily every time.

So Nan Ge also needs groundwork to attack the attack, defense can rely on the number, the attack is not good, and the night long needs a reliable helper.

Hey, at this time, the night-catching wind is in a rack of rushing, and the football will shoot the football in the football to the empty door outside the foot, and then look up at the sunset of the sky.

"The guy should also come back to Nange ..."

Yizu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture.

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