The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1477 of the Chapter 1477 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

A middle-aged Uncle, a head wearing a sun, is looking at the distant Fuji sketch, behind him is a group of primary school students who are living in a group, a few children rushed to a child.

That child is skilled to control football, football is like a part of his body, and -233 - a few children surrounded by him.

"Tailang!" Middle-aged uncle spit a breath, after receiving the brush, turned and shouted.

"Hey, Dad, what's wrong?" The teenager of the skilled ball stopped and turned to the middle-aged uncle.

"My painting is completed, let's leave here to go to the next place!" Middle-aged uncle slowly.

"Good!" The teenager called Tailang nodded, and then kicked the football to the children next to it. "This football is given to you, I have to go!"

"Hey, really? You will get away for a month?" Tailang's small partner was very surprised. "Waiting for our school football conference after the end, don't you go, have you, our class can get the championship of!"

"No way, my father's work is like this ..." Tailang seems to have been used to this, he waved his friends, then turned to run to his father, leaving his father, "Goodbye, You! Take a lot! "

"You also take care of it, Parlary!" All small friends waved the back of the pole of the pole.

Although only one month of contact, they already liked Tailang Jun, which was got, and they felt special regrets on the departure of Pkarang.

The father of the Pkiro is a vocational wander, so he almost ungenerated, and his father has continued to transfer for dozens of times, every time you can stay in one or two months. .

So every time, Pkarang to a new place must re-make friends, and his best helper, the best helper, is football, this time is no exception.

The next day, South Ge Primary School.

The large air wings and Siki and other people Nan Ge football, everyone took a football, flew into the school gate, raised a lot of dust.

This is the requirements of night long wind. From a week ago, each of South Ge, whether it is at school, you must bring a football, which is to increase their ball.

The more the football ends, the better the ball, this is inevitable, and it is not related to the talent.

"The group of people in the football of this year seems to be very powerful!"

"Yeah, I heard that they are very late every day, very good! This confrontation is not necessarily played!" Many students were attracted by unmanned movements by South Ge's football, and they were quite fierce.

"Cut ~ Soccer is kicked to school, then the guy will only load the look. This year, ten balls are not allowed by the opponent!" A eyebrow guy sang a counter-call.

boom! At this time, the eyebrows behind this eyebrow flash, a horn, and a horn beat it on the head of a eyebrow.

"Oh, it hurts!" The eyebrow is called.

"Who dares to look at the football department, I didn't play with him!" I am actually the head of the South Ge Yingyuan Group, which is the previous big sister.

At this time, the night-lived wind rushed into the school. This is more exaggerated. If a person is playing a football, it is said that two balls will be played once, very shake.

Of course, the night's wind is not intentionally playing. In fact, when you feel the ball, he is not as good as the big air wing, because of this, night long wants to get a lot of football, simply dispelled two football.

This is very difficult, because the left and right feet should be honest, it is too difficult, and it is much more difficult than the ball in the basketball.

The night is the most important, it is always mistaken, not the left foot, is big, that is, the right foot misses the football.

But in a few days, the effect is still obvious, the night-length wind ball is getting better and better, and the left and right feet can be free to bring football. This is a very big progress on the night length of advocating the left and right balance.

"Wow, he is also handsome!" The big sister of the adjunction was killed.

In addition, the night long is just transferring, actually has some female fans in South Ge, which is clear that the ability to listen to the message is not weak.

Now that almost the sixth grade of South Geko knows that South Ge's football has come to a high handsome new minister, and the popularity of night long winds can be described as high.

He has just entered the school, there are many girls onlookers, and they are both eye light.

Night winds are completely not paying attention to these, not, he is not interested in Meng girl, but his current attention is in another person, and that person has already come to South Ge Primary School.

Nange President Office.

"Mr. the principal, tomorrow is the confrontation match of Tunge, this time the students have a high enthusiasm!" Said the director said.

"Well! Well! It's true that, especially the new minister of the football, I have a very promising!" The principal is holding the chin and smiling.

In fact, he has no interest in what the confrontation is not interesting. He is just a slapse pedal for him.

The mood of this principal is good, because Nange Primary School has donated a lot of money to the school, saying that it is necessary to improve sports facilities, especially to repair a large football field.

This big shareholder is a night grey style, and this matter is also a double-carved thing for the principal, which can improve the school's facilities to attract more sources, but also get a lot of benefits.

!! At this time, the principal room sounded knocking on the door.

"Please come!" The principal turned around, and the night cost has pushed.

"Oh, it is Changfeng, please take it!" The principal saw a smile on the long face.

1477 chapter, invitation

"Opening, you still have something to do, give you the long wind!" The principal smiled and smiled and looked at the night's wind. "I don't know what the long-winding is to drink?"

"Who is this student, such a big face?" Teaches the doubts of the director.

"OK, the principal. I am not coming to drink tea today." Night is swaying, nor sitting down, open the door directly to see the mountain, "the principal, is the person I am looking for?"

"Just! I am going to find you!" The principal turned back to the desk, pick up a piece of information and handed it to the night. "It should be this person. I just transferred him today. I have already divided him. It's a class to you. "

"Very good!" Night's mouth is not easy to detect, directly open the information, with a photo of a teenager, next to the name of the name, the age, and the class is the current address of the Pkiro.

"That is this!" The night is long, in fact, he has some doubts before him, and his appearance will not change the epistemal of the football.

It seems that these don't seem important, at least Parlary, I have learned from South Ge Primary School.

"Principal, this time I thank you." Night long wind collects information, "I will add a total of the total amount of the shares, which I will not write into the plan."

Night-catching wind is completely the principal of bribe Nange, and South Geye is generally not accepting private shares.

The principal of Nan Ge is unscrupulous. Instead, it is excited to smile, and the hands of the night will be excited. "Thank you very much, Changfeng!"

"Little means!" The night is in a hurry, and I don't want to have a lot of money with the principal of this greed, "I have made a look," I will talk to my team manager after specific you! "

"Understand!" The principal is aware of his own disappearance, and quickly release the hands of the night.

"Who is the principal, who is he?" The director of the teachings have been looking at the back of the night, and the doubts are more confused.

"Cough ... Don't ask if you should ask." The principal pushed the glasses on the rhinar.

"Yes! Yes!" The teacher saw the principal and was very unpleasant, hurriedly closed his mouth, wiped the sweat of the wipes on the head.

In the other hand, after the night's long wind left the principal's office, he greeted the Schizaki, let him notify the afternoon South Ge's football, the team is half a day, which is also a good physical strength before the game. status.

Sometimes, the string is too tight, not a good thing.

Come to the lounge of South Ge's football, and the night-hearted wind puts a new set of jerseys into the football bag, directly to the school and find a taxi to leave.

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