The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1478 of the Chapter 1478 of the Prince of Tennis

Soon, the night-hearting wind is under the residential area where Nange School is not far away, and found the home of Yaro according to the information, without any hesitation, licking the doorbell.

!! After the doorbell, a middle-aged Uncle that was filled with paints opened the door, and this person is the father of the Pkaro.

"Does Uncle, is this a Pkiro's home?" The night is asked directly.

"Yes. Are you a friend of Pkiro? Please come!" Yisiro didn't think much. In the past few years, he went to the north of the north, he also knew a lot of friends, often found him to play. And, they also lived before, so some people came to the Patty, he was not surprised.

"Tailang, your friend came to you, you will be alternative:! ≯" Lead in the house, Yiro shouted, and then drilled into the house.

"Sure enough, it is a trao!" The night is laughing, "" Yaro is a young boy follows such a father is hard enough! "

"Who?" At this time, a teenager walked into the living room where the night grows, and the long-lasting teenager was quantified.

In the middle, the eyes are big and there is God.

"Sure enough, it is very handsome, it is worthy of the football teenager, the most characterful role!" The night is thinking.

"Excuse me, are you?" When the wind is playing the gappell, the Yaro is also selling the night-catching guest.

The night length is high than the five centimeters when I have just come to this world. He is too height of himself, and the five points of the added point are high.

In this way, directly leading to a high school life of primary school students with a high school student, and it looks like a whole body muscle.

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1478 chapter, innocent lying gun

The next day, the sky is sunny. At this time, the righteous is beginning to start in spring, the temperature is not hot, and there is a breeze to blow, so the weather will be appropriate.

Tunge Primary School.

This year's South Gehe and Xie Zhe's confrontation landing is a cultivation, and the two schools have been exchanged. This year, I turned into Trigens.

I have to say that the school is still rough, the baseball field, football field, tennis court, basketball court is all, and it is quite professional. It is not like a primary school, like a professional sports school.

"South Ge! South Ge! Wins!"

"Zhe Tuen! Totto! The strongest!" Night live wind with the people of Nan Ge's football just successively urged the philosophy, and heard the two schools should call the squad, and the two schools are very large, basically school academic teachers. It's coming to watch the battle.

At this time, it is the end of the two school baseball games. As a baseball movement like the Japanese people, I have a very high popularity in learning "Mayqiqi" school. The two teams on the baseball court are also very intense.

It is also early, and the night cost is also to take the baseball game with Nan Ge.

The result didn't look for it. South Ge's baseball department took a 10-year-old victory, and the fourth stick of South Ge also played a perfect whole base.

All of the morning confrontation ended, two schools have an advantage in major projects, and played a five-way hand.

In the afternoon, the game is a game in the gym, such as volleyball, basketball, judo, etc., the last pressure axis is football.

The Philosophic School seems to have intentionally arrange football in the last item, wanting to make the strongest football of Tuiet Primary School to give this confrontation game a perfect end.

According to last year's experience, the Tunch Football Department is also sent to the second army and also win the South Ge football department.

After the morning, when the people in the Southern Football were eating, and the Yaro's wearing South Geka team is not easy to find the night-hard work.

"Haha, Parlary, you are late!" Night lived on the expression of the poker, haha ​​laughed.

"Ah, will the game will not be end?" The eyes flashed in the eyes.

"Do not worry, our game is in the end!" The night shot took the shoulders of the goddo, and then turned to Zhongguo.

"I will introduce it to you. This is the new ministerial, which I said to you, is also our secret king card - Pkarang players!" Night wind pointed to the pole.

"Are you a pool? The captain said that you are very powerful, don't know if it is true!" Ishi Siki is the top and down, "It is more thin than the small wing."

"Hello everyone, I am Pkairo!" The poker did not be shy, heard the football match has not started, he is very happy.

If his father is an idiot, he should be a tempo.

"Hello, my name is the big air wing! Please give me a lot of advice ..." Soon South Geng all made a piece of Pkarang with his character.

After the night's live style wanted to eat, and all the tactics that were placed on the ground, because the previous tactics did not participate in the participation.

Finally, think about it, it's not enough, and the very spiritual player of Pkarang still makes him free.

In the impression of the night, Pkairo is very fast in any team, just like the perfect catalyst of the team, such a player is more terrible than what goal machine.

After dinner, the people of Nange Football are also free. Under the proposal of Ishiki, I ran to the Tuxing Stadium to come to the South Ge's other sports department to cheer.

The game carried out in the gym is faster, and the confrontation of various communities in the two schools is also very intense, but the Tuning is still slightly placed.

When the penultimate basketball is in the countdown, TsuI ZHIXI is 20 to 19 in all projects, and the basketball game in progress is at this time.

After three sections, I have achieved a very leading advantage. I don't have any accidents. Tuning will win this basketball game and get a big score in advance.

! When the fourth quarter is just opened, the kingdom of the Zhe Basketball has cast a three-pointer, and it will further pull the score to thirteen.

"Ah, this is derived!" Ishiki is unhappy. He doesn't want to lose his suspense in the football game. If the number of visitors is less.

Night wind is a good expression, watching these primary school students playing, and the night's wind is a little signs Japan's basic exercise. It is really good.

Even in a relatively weak basketball in the international competition, the basketball quality of his primary school students is very high.

In particular, several of the mains, heights are more than six, three points, fast attack, and even emergency stop, these technologies are very common, in the eyes of the night, it seems to be quite professional ..

If you are not in elementary school, it is difficult to believe that these guys are primary school students because they play basketball relationships, and these kids are good, it looks more like middle school students.

"South Ge! Come on! Southerng! Come on!" Look at the South Ge's response group knocked down the drums, and the dead is Nang Ge, especially the head of the head, is called a sharp, night long, sitting in the Association In the distance, there are some sisters who can't stand this big sister.

However, there is no matter how much the South Ge Reverse Mission has a lot of power, the situation in the basketball court, South Ge is still precarious.

The fourth game has been conducted two minutes, and South Ge is falling behind, and there is almost no possibility of turning over.

beep! At this time, the referee suddenly blows the whistle of the game. South Geng has a player injured when the rebound is, and the painful is lifted down the court.

"Ah ... I have a painful expression, it's okay ~ I am worried about the small glasses around the night.

At this time, there is no one to change it, and there are too many fouls in the first three sessions. They have been five people who have passed, plus this team of injured, South Ge's basketball is already playing food, field There are only four players left.

There is no way to join the five people needed to participate in basketball, and the guiding teacher in the field is also anxious to ants on the hot pot.

If the injured players can't continue to participate in one minute, South Ge will only abstain, and South Ge's basketball will bear the consequences of the maximum failure of the match.

All Nange students in the gymnasium are nervous.

"South Geka, please send a team member to participate, or immediately judge!" The referee reminds Nan Ge's instructor.

"Party? Where can I find someone, is this not being punished by you?" The instructor had a dissatisfaction with the judgment of the referee. At this time, the referee is a roar.

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