The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1487 of the Chapter 1487 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

If the football hits the football just rebounded under the high-jumped night, he directly used the head to force the top of the football.

Snapped! The football is falling in the top of the night long, then bounce directly with direct high speed, it is a rebound.

Night wind is deliberately taking this kind of ball, which generally said that goalkeeper faces a rebound ball is difficult to handle.

First, the fall of the rebound is uncertain, and the second is that the direction of the rebound is no law, it is entirely possible to pop up the goalkeeper to pop up ..

bass! The ball is also very unexpected, and there is no complete playing, the grass in football is just a small pit, which makes the football only tent together, and then quickly rolls to the Trigens.

At this time, if Lin Yuan three has completely lost the position of the play, the football has passed through him almost, and he will fly into the goal behind him.

"Ah!" At this time, if Lin Yuan drunk, the guards who have been working hard for many years have flashing this moment. If Lin Yuan is bold, kick out the feet after the body is back.

boom! This almost necessary football is destroyed by Johinde, Johinden has retained the situation on the goal line.

"What! This kind of ball is shot!" The players in South Gee have stopped.

"It's so powerful. Is this the strongest goalkeeper in the country?" The audience on the stage was widened.

"Tuning! Must win! Tune! The strongest!" Ju Lin's wonderful saver ignited the enthusiasm of the scene to repair the philosophy, and suddenly it boiled.

"The two people are so powerful!" Pastelang looked at the night long and ruling the tiger, and wiped the sweat of the forehead.

This ball is ingenious, while Ju Lin's saving is more exciting.

"I said, I won't let you 4.7 goals again in the second half!" If Lin Yuan, he looked at night.

Night wind is also cold and cold, and the two fierce eyes are relative in the air, and it is Mars splash.

"Hey, this is what it means!" Night's mouth is not easy to detect slightly.

"South Gengo"! "The referee whistle, South Ge has gained the first corner opportunity in this game.

The main penalty is not a very good night, but the poetry, but the poetry.

"Change people will be free!" If Lin Yuan looked at the corner, then began to command the defense line of repairing and repairing, the other people in South Geyu were insufficient. The only thing to worry is that night long winds and big air wings, the former bouncing amazing, The latter moves in the lack of movement, it is easy to enter the ball in front of the door.

What makes the forest did not think that the night-hearting wind did not enter the ban on repair.

1489 chapter, hats trick

The position of the night-catching wind is actually near the corner karon, and the Yaro n't pass in the corner point but directly to the night-catching, is a fast tactical corner.

"What!" Feng Zhe on the field is banned. There is no big empty wing and in the area.

The night-long wind is the football coming from the Pkarang, all in the top, the body flashed a small angle, and then the body started to swing, followed by a direct shot.

Circular moon bending knife!

Night winds directly locked the ball directly on the right side of the repair, the football speed flew up, and a strange arc was drawn in the air.

"Ah!" The audience on the stage was a speech, and the atmosphere of the night, the ultra arc ball will play the storm of the moon bend to the extreme, and the football is actually wrapped around the air. String football players, then crazy rotation to the door of the repair of the rural.

At this time, the football speed is very fast, and it is with the inward side to rotate, and finally slammed on the door column of the far-angle of the polar.

If Lin Yuan three is blocked by everyone, 20 he is a good power, it is also unable to return, only look back.

"Is it a door post?" If Lin Yuan, he heard the sound of the football hitting the door column, and he wanted to rebound into the football.

"Hey! The same mistake, I will not commit the second time!" The night is turned directly, and I don't see football.

! At this point, the football hitting the door column actually did not bounce back, but turned forward to the dead end in the goal network!

The night length wind is adjusted to rotate, so that the football will rotate even blocked, which is what the ball rotation is controlled to the ultimate.

beep! The referee whistle sounds, "South Geka, goal!"


Only three of South Geka, only three of the tactics with fast corner, with night long wind, the tactics, once again bombarded the iron barrels of repair.

The night grows in the middle, and the power of the shadow is exhausted.

"Enter! Enter! It is also South Ge!" The audience on the stage was once again excited again.

The situation on the original field is that South Ge gradually falls into the wind, and the night's strength once again uses his personal abilities to pull the game's winning and negative balance.

The second half has been conducted for ten minutes, South Ge is again leading!

"Captain!" Nange everyone rushed to night long wind, and the night grew is to move to the corner of the corner, and the two people in the corner.

hat trick! Night hard wind completed the first hat trick of personal football career!

"South Ge! South Ge! Night long wind! Night long wind!" Snare, the mountains, the mountains, the Southerry, who lived on the tsunami.

Regardless of loss, this battle, the night grows is already famous.

"It's a genius!" Xi Zhe rest area saw a PI shares in the seat, while the forehead was deeply penetrated.

It was originally seen that if his student, Ju Lin was the last talented primary school student, and saw the cooperation of Nange Sanzhuang, and after the super personal strength of the night, he had made a shake in the first time, he began to doubt this The game, Zhe Zhe can't get victory.

"Can be evil! Be evil! Be evil!" Zhe Zhe is on the door line, if Lin Yuan's three crazy pats, a face is annoyed, he promised to repair the Trinity, no longer lost, but he was born to face his face.

A ball door that was not lost in the national contest was actually bombarded three times in this short. Two, if Lin Lian, a football of Lin Lian did not touch it, how would this not let? A proud Jerin felt anger.

An anger to yourself.

"Captain!" The people who have worried people are worried about Ruolin.

"This ball is me, everyone should not panic! There is still time, take it back!" Johin didn't lose his head again, but directly stood up, start burning the flame of fighting.

"Captain!" The people of Zhe also burned it all, as long as the forest did not flush, the cultivat people will fight for the last moment.

Long-term training competitions, let the people who have become a violent trust in the forest.

"Do not worry, the captain! Attack gave us it!" Jing Ze defeated the football in the gardener and started to return to the middle field with Zhezhe.

The competition continued, and Zhe Temple was served.

despair! The coming of the people will give the ball to Jingziwei. Jing Ze is started to break through the frontcourts from Nange. At the same time, Feng Zhe also began to attack, except for the left, all people rushed to the south. Ge's half, including high purity.

After the repair of Zhe, there are not many games, they are ready to let go.

"Defense!" Night Changfeng on the field, directed the players of South Ge, and the night grew is too shout because of too much investment, and the scorpion shouted.

The football field is really too big, you have to make a lot of voices, teammates can hear.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Zhe Tsuen started continuous delivery of football, the speed of the offensive is very fast, and this time to repair the Zhe is full of the whole line, even if it is broken, it is also grounded.

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