The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1488, Chapter 1488, Chapter 1488 of the Prince of Tennis

Ishikasaki and others can't help it. The originality of their physical fitness fell quickly, this time it is easier to break through.

When I came to pick up the ball, he has reached the big ban on South Ge. Between the district, the ban. District is full of Tsuen Tsui players, the most conspicuous thing is the true, Simi Shot is completely behind him, even the ball Can't see it.

At this time, the birth of the ball into the ban on South Ge. District, Jingzhishe directly jumped into the air, and then an empty dismissal, the action was doing the simplicity.

boom! Football is like a gun that flies towards South Ge. This south 890 Ge's goalkeeper is working, and he flying out of football.

"Jintian, do well!" Ishigosi's voice did not fall, and the high purge from him, directly hit Simosaki to the ground.

boom! The football has just rebounded back, and the high of the high piuris will not stop the ball, directly with the chest, bring football into the gate of South Ge.

3-3! The score is once again draw!

"Good!" The cultivat waved in the court.

"Enter! It is a high spring!" The audience of the Tunge on the stage is also exciting. This game is too intense, so that all the audiences all are completely immersed.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Even the coaches in the repair area jumped up, and applauded everyone, this is already a lotus of repair.

Under the strong attack power of the three people in Nange, the frontcourts of Xinthe also broke out the amazing energy, and this time South Ge was three times, and the face gradually revealed.

"Okay! It's hard, the captain wasts it!" Ishi Siki is slight.

At this time, the night is not known to motivate everyone, this is a strong gap, which has long been in the night length of the game.

South Ge's backplane has been well expressed, just throwing three balls, we must know that these guys have been filled in Zhe Zhe to enter thirty balls.

1490 chapter, the heart of the king

The competition continued, and Nange Zhongwei served.

Night wind turns the ball to the big air wing, the big air wings passed to the front field, and the South Geardian truth is beginning to start.

However, this time, repairing is obviously prepared, they did not choose to grab at night long-winding ball, because night long-lived body is too metamorphosis, simply can't fight.

And when the big air wings are banned. When the ball is taken outside the district, the high two people of the Taki, the other high two people, and the actions are very large.

The big air wings showed another amazing power resistance at this time, and the football was controlled at the foot, almost instantly had two people.

But this time, I really don't want to make the big air wings so easily, he uses the body directly to knock down the big air wings, then the other person broke the ball under the big air wing.

"Not good!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, this ball, the big air wings were very big, and he took the ball too long and did not return in time.

Although the large air wing power is excellent, the two people can't break the football of his feet, but the big air wing has a weak point is that his body is very thin, almost a hit, the ball skills can not completely play .

Previously, the Tsuen Players were still quite a decent, and they did not deal with big empty wings. Now in the sake of victory, they are also not so much.

This defense is very common in professional football, not too much movement, and it is hard to eat.

"Quickly pass the ball to the front field!" If Lin Yuan saw the repairman of the Taoist player, she was desperately shouting, because he had seen a shadow, it was a night.

Snapped! Zhe Zhe disconad players hurriedly transferred a long time to the South Ge, and the night grey high jumped to stop the football, but the football flew from his head, this ball height is too high. .

The night long-lasting febrile jump is strong, but this is the world, he is not a superman, not so high.

"Goodball!" After the beginning of the front of South Ge, I quickly unloaded this high pass, and then quickly gave the dragon one, and it was the most commonly used routine.

The second half is that Nange's defender has completely followed the rhythm of the Tune player, and the dragon has a high speed, there is no defensive player around him, and he is easy to pass the ball.

Football quickly flew to South Gemench, this ball is very high.

At this time, South Ge's goalkeeper had to come out, he directly plated, his right hand holding boxing forward, wanting to hit football with fist. Zone.

At this time, the super bombard well of Zhe Zhe was banned in South. The high high jumped, grabbed the football before the South Ge's goalkeeper.

Snapped! The football wrapped around the top of the South Geardian, and then rolled into the goal, the speed is not fast, but it is effective.

Tunge is very fast to complete the jackpot road!

4-3! At the end of the competition, just five minutes left, ▉▉ actually exceeded the score.

"awesome!."! "The players on the field are crazy to run to Jingze, and they will start again and jump, and Jingzi is also raised the right finger to refer to the backfinder, which means that this goal is dedicated to their captain.

If Lin Yuan has nodded, there is a bit red, and the heart is moving.

Only this group of teammates are unconditional trust him to give him a great help.

"What do you say, I have to hold this point!" If Lin Yuan got a meal, only five minutes left at the end of the final, and the physical fitness of South Ge's players was no longer. Zhe has a victory.

"Zhe Zhe! Tuning! Xi Zhe!" The audience of the Tunge on the stage was completely boiling. In short than ten minutes, Zhe Zhe became two goals, and the game directly reversed back.

What else is more exciting than reverse competitions!

"Go another one! Go to a ball!" The audience took the Zhe Zhegui group shouted with the repair students behind them, and the entire course became a victory of the victory, and the number of people was far away. The South Ge's audience in Tsuen Zhe is completely no sound.

"It's a pity, even if our football ministers are strong, he is just a person."

"Yeah, the football is the movement of eleven people ..." I just watched the night's long wind in the basketball court and the Southern Siguzhong face showing the disappointment.

"Because I ..." The big air wring lost a smile on the court, he liked a happy football, but he didn't want to lose, and the team didn't want the team to lose because of himself.

At this time, the night's wind picks up the football from the goal, then returns to the midfield, now it is not to emphasize the defense, the time is not much, and the night long must rely on a person's power at this time at this time.

Night wind is not only a leader, but he needs to be an absolute king, with one person's power to put the whole South Geka.

"The heart of the king!" The night's wind rose the collar on the jersey, and looked at the mouth, and the light shines.

The game is just five minutes left, and the night's heart has opened the heart of the king. At this time, the night's wind is full of power, and the whole person feels completely different.

The full property increased by 30%, that is not covered, the night length of the weather is 121, and now it has soared to 160, and the ability of the professional player of the star is now directly.

"¨` ▉ Tailang, Xiao Wings, remember to give me all the ball! "The night's wind said to the big empty wings and the Pkairo.

"Well?" Yaro is somewhat confused, he always feels the momentum of the night's long wind and before.

Snapped! Southern Gaocheng serves the ball, the big air wing forwards the ball to the Poland, and the poker didn't think much, and the ball was directly transmitted to the night.

Night wind is very light in the middle of the front field. It has stopped football. In the face of the two people who have been defended before the repair, the night is directly score, from the middle of the two.

"Even if it is foul, it is necessary to intercept him!" If Lin Yuan, the front of the ball (Li Hao), the defender of Tuning.

At this time, all the people who have never thought that the night live wind is at least 40 meters away from the goal, and it is suddenly a sudden start.

Without any fancy movement, the night-catching wind is directly exhausted, and the football is brought.

The lifetime of the night's strength is against the sky. At this time, the property has increased by 30%. The football he kicked out directly flooded to a missile, and the speed was extremely fast. When I came, I came to repair in the eyes. In front of the door, there are several lines of repairing in a moment.

Even if the players who have repaired themselves do not have the best to use the body to block football.

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