The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1490 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

"I can't lose this game, especially can't lose to you, night long!" Ju Lin has given up his dignity for the best players in the national contest, he only wants to win this game.

On the field, suddenly, a blue white figure rushed into the strain of the polar, it was a big air wing, he wanted to break the back and forth of the repair of the polar.

"The 10th of the other party is coming, be careful at the foot!" Jing Zeevele shouted reminding his teammates and repairing the rhythm of passing the ball.

After the big air wing, it was like a headless flies. They were generally played. They couldn't break the ball. He quickly ran away, not to mention the current speed of the sky. How much player is playing.

It is a long time to see the polar, this bird cage is practiced for a long time, and the passing of each other is very tacit.

"Can't grab the ball!" The big air wing did not stop the sweat on the grass.

"Tailang, Ishiki! Let's go together! Take this ball down, this game, I must win!" The night grew is called the most of the two people in South Ge.

"Yes!" Three people rushed to the bird grouse of Tuxing.

"If you can't, you will return to the ball!" If Lin Yuan shouted his people.

After the three people, the three people and other three people rushed into the array, and the pressure of repairing refined, coupled with the big air wings, four people were broken, and the ball was not so simple, especially the night lengthy speed, power Ok, I will disconnect the football of the feet directly.

"Biography, my opponent is Ishiki, there is no danger!" Jing Zele called the teammates, and received a long history of the future to send the ball to Jingze.

"Baffler, actually said that I am not dangerous!" Ishiki accelerated, he made the strength of eating milk wild.

"Grab the ball, Ishi!" Night long-faced horns slightly, at this moment, he chose his teammates, he believed that his eyes saw the potential, Siki became the potential of top defenseers.

"Yes, the captain!" Ishiki screamed, the body began to accelerate, at this moment, Ishigosaki is full of fighting flames.

"This game has been playing down the captain with the captain and kicking the captain with the national champion to this, and I am in this game, I haven't done anything!" Ishigo ran for a long time. Some hypoxia, and it is red.

"Come on, Ishiki!" On Taiwan Shang Nange Association, the big sister smashed his fist.

"There is no time! The referee is watching the table!" Site South Ge's audience is very anxious.

At this time, in the eye of the Yamaki, I was running, Jing Zele was suddenly slow.

"Have the opportunity, I must grab this ball!" Ishi Sikaki directly fell to the ground speed slippery to Jingze.

Jingze saw the movement of Ishiqi. He flashed a congestion in his eyes. He didn't put Jiji in your eyes. He gently used the right foot to hit the football, escaped the slider of Simi.

"You also want to grab my ball, don't dream!" Jingze is turned, when preparing to pass, a figure suddenly passed around him, so it is like a blue white lightning.

It is night long.

Sikashi Successfully attracted the attention of Jingze, so that night long winds directly easily.

despair! At this time, the night-catching wind began to bring the ball to the ban. District, like a cyclone.

"Ah, being broken!":

"I will stop him!"

"It is evil, can't make him break through!" The people in the repairman suddenly became nervous, all rushed to the night.

"Run, night long wind! Come on!" The audience at the scene stood up and began to fuel the coldness for Night.

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On the field, the night long wind has passed the ball to take the ball to the big ban. Except, all the repair players blocked all the way directly by the night.

"Please, the captain! I have to go into the ball!" Ishiki shouted at the night.

"Going!" Nange Fair also put all the eyes to the zero number whose stay.

"Come on, the night is long! The last thing is!" If Lin Yuan three pairs, the face is unprecedented.

"I won't let you go!" Suddenly appeared in the night length of the high-long body, the dragon, the two people chased back, two people slippered to the night, before and after forming a fans, this Dictionary is to put the night length of the night.

"Dangerous, Changfeng!" Yaro Parlang also flew to the frontcourt.

..... [..

"Tailang!" The night's wind passed the ball directly to pick up the right foot, and then pushed in the air.

Snapped! The football is divided by the night length of the side of the pole, and the night-long wind is a movement of the roiling gymnastics to escape the harmonious defensive movement of Thane, and then continue to rush to repair. Area.

"You have been thinking too!" Xi Zhe finally rushed to the pool of the ball in the side of the road.

And Pkarang is a person's spheres, passing football from the feet of the guard.

"Good and beautiful action!" The audience exclaimed.

"Strong, these two people!" When the people who were overwhelmed, they could only see the fast forward back of the two.

At this time, Yaro took the ball and did not look at the night, when he took the ball to the bottom line, Yaro said suddenly.

"Is it shooting?" The audience at the scene widened his eyes.

"No, it is a pass!" There is a viewer on the stage to pay attention to suddenly killing the polarity.

"No, this ball is too high, it is a pass champion!" South Ge's audience looked at football in flying ban. The disorder is constantly climbing, and the eyes are disappointed.

This ball is indeed a little mistake. He rushed half a game, and the physical strength was also affected. After all, the Pkaro did not have a physical training. It can spell this time to pass the ball to the ban. District is already It is easy.

"It is the world's ball!" Johnyuan three on the repair of the Zhemen line also judged this ball in an instant, and the night is unlikely to be topped, so he has no rush.

1493 chapter, pouring golden hook

bass! At the last moment of this competition, the night-long wind is in the cultural guides. The whole person has a speed to jump on the high altitude.

"Flying up, the night long, the sky, flying!" The audience at the scene suddenly excited.

"Useless, he can't go to such a high championship!" The audience of Tuiet did not believe that the night length can shoot in this case.

At this time, the night long wind twisted the body in the air, and then turned the body instantly.

"What!" The audience at the scene stayed, "this is!"

At this time, the night is in the air, then the hands are in the air, the night is very good, and the right foot is hit, just hit the football.

Is it hung hook!

At the critical moment, the night cost has not hidden the golden hook.

"Actually, I will hang the golden hook!" One 2 "" Rosolin's movement of the night is a little bit, he only saw the player in the European competition video, this is the first in reality I saw someone can use the golden hook.

Moreover, the night's movement is very happy in the air. The whole person is like an inverted version of the whole person. From the perspective of Lin Yuan, I just saw the night-catching, and the "part] is sunshine. Direct.

"The last goal!" Night long-range winds use the body's inertia and strength to put football out, kick the door of Tuxing.

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