The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1491 of the Chapter 1491 of the Prince of Tennis

! Football is under the sun's reflection into a golden light directly from Roseno three-headed.

If Lin Yuan, in addition to covering the eyes, there is no arrest action, and the red three-leaf hat on his head has been taken down by football.

▉! After Jin Guang, the football appeared in the messenger on the Internet, and it was still rotating. After a two or two, it fell, ! ~ ▉ ▉ ...


The night-hearted wind was used to end the exciting confrontation with a near perfect action before the final.

Night long wind killed the poor football team!

"I really entered! Great!" All the scenes of Nange players were crazy to the night, and the Tripan players were stunned in place.

beep! beep! At this time, the referee raised his right hand and pulled two whistle.

"The goal is valid, the game is over! Southerng wins!" The referee sentenced the results of the game, and South Gessa has achieved the victory of the game.

This means that between the two schools, South Ge finally wandered two games in basketball and football, reversed, which was the only victory in Nanka Primary School.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" The student on the scene in Nange has fallen into the crazy, and everyone shouted with the name of the night.

South Ge's response group is also a drumming drum, which is more excited and excited than anyone who is more excited than anyone else.

Football is so wonderful, you can get together with people who are not coherent, and they are crazy.

This game, the night-lived wind, one person, five goals, and organizes all the goals of South Ge.

And his opponent is the best player in the country, is also the best thing for the best. It can take a lot of things in Ruolin's hand.

The night cost is to overcome the opponent with this San Ge football team that is far less than Xie Zhe.

It can be said that it is a famous battle.

Ding! At this time, the suggestion of the hyperincidence system sounded in the night growth.

"Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line task, Nange Football is a lot of noisy, you get 50,000 redemption points." The prompt of the hyperincidence system makes the night grows.

This task is more difficult than him, because the strength gap before Nange and Zhe Zhe is too obvious, and the night grows, the heart of the king, only with your own power, force the tide, reversal the results of the game.

Of course, this game night is still other gains, the biggest gains are large air wings, PTA and Ishiqi, which has grown a lot through this game.

One of the most prominent is Simi, his performance of his last time, is already two people.

In addition, the Yaro is also surprised that the night is particularly surprised. When the Yaro and the air wings and the night length coordination, there is no verbal communication. The most is to make the eyes, more time is the heart, just like it is intimate with years. Teammates are general.

The talent of Pkiro is amazing. In this world, the strong forward and powerful goalkeeper is not lacking, and the Lubricant player who can quickly integrate into any team-style lubricant is very rare..

Once such a player grows, its future will not be limited.

There is also a big air wing. Although the big empty wing is general, he has a good ball and disk tape. It has a threat to repair.

The large air wing is now lacking is only physical and experience, even [fading] goes to the protagonist, he is still an amazing middle court player.

Nange's gold trident showed very powerful attacks in front of the world, and all this is just a beginning.

"Source three!" At this time, there was a concern that Lin Sumei's movement, a time, and his face was concerned about the color of the face.

From his heart, he is very satisfied with this game, although repairing the pool, but if Lin Yuan three won the exercise.

Zhe Zhe was in the national invincible hand last year. If Lin Yuan three expressed almost perfect, it is inevitable that he is arrogant. This is not a good thing for a top goalkeeper.

Seeing that Johinde's technology needs to be sharpened. He needs an opponent that can be a war, and now that person has come to the front of Johinde, and in extreme unfavorable cases, it is not necessary to be a piece. Good thing.

But at the same time, I see whether the coach is worried about whether Ju Lin can accept such a blow.

Enjoying the victory, it is rare to accept failure, and then work together.

There is no door in this world, but there is a door from not falling down. 0.4 will give up, and the player is destined to three streams.

It turns out that if Lin Yuan three does have a general wind, he has walked to the night's winter and then stretched out [out] right hand.

When the night is looking at the fire, the fire is not extinguished, and it is also stretched out [out] the right hand, the two captains are holding together.

"I lost, thoroughly lost it!" If Lin Yuan, I looked at the night's wind.

"No! You didn't lose me, you just lost to Nan Ge." The angle of the nozzle of the nozzle is slightly thin. "

"Next, the winners must be me!" Juyinyuan's golden light.

"Waiting for it!" The night is so windy, turned right and turned away.

The night is known that this game is just a small beginning in the world of football.

Chapter 1494, South Ge Selection

The next award ceremony, the night length did not participate, but a person returned to the practice farm. This guy has become accustomed to daily training, and more than 40 minutes for the night, it is not enough for him to consume all physical fitness. .

Sikasaki and others are left to accept the banner of the match, and then celebrate around the field, all the players of Nange Football are very happy.

Winning is always joy, and the South Geyu is over the national championship last year, this joy is more double.

Night wind did not force these guys back to training, today's game, their physical strength is already extreme, there is no need to play again.

!!! Soon, South Ge's training ground sounded the voice of the football, and the night is always very late, only one person home.

The next day, big sunny day.

Night winds have come to the training ground in the morning, so that the night's unexpected is that someone is more early, it is a Pkiro.

"Tailang, have you been here so early?" The night is smiling at the poker.

"Well! I am used to it!" Yaro is also a little smiling, "Changfeng, the stadium here is really good!"

20 "Of course, this is, I spent a big price!" Night wind raised out the basket of football from the rest area, took out a football, and kicked it directly to the poker, " Ok, no nonsense. Let's practice the ball! "

"Good!" After a beautiful chest stopped, the football came back to the night.

The two began to run back and forth in the vast racket, and it was a football, with very smooth cooperation, and more and more tacit.

Then, the large air wings are also coming to the training ground. After the Siki and other South Ge's football are also the training of Heaven.

Yesterday's victory made Nange Zhongren interested very high, and everyone's training is more active.

After the training of the day, even the two people and the big air wings were tired, poured in the grass, and the night grew is still running, sweating, just like a tired robot. .

"Ah, the captain is still continuous!"

"Yeah, he is so powerful, still so hard, really is not the same as us!"

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