The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1492 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"The words come back, yesterday, the captain can take five points in the wood hand, it is really too strong!"

"Yes, I believe that as long as there is a captain, there is a small wing and Tau, we can get out of the regional contest, enter the country! Haha!" Nange Rest Area is fiercely discussed.

"That ... it is not possible!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from everyone.

"Ah, it is Simi, where did you just run?" South Geki smashed.

"Yes, why is it impossible. Captain leads us to defeat the national championship last year!" Asked on the side of the bricks and asked.

"Your kid is saying to be fought!" Night live wind also noticed that Simici came to the seating area, wiped the sweat with a towel.

" ..." Ishigo smiled, "I don't mean, of course, I have a confidence to dominate the country, but I just heard that Nange did not intend to hold a region, but Nange City directly set up a selection team. ! "

"Selection team?" Everyone has exposed a doubtful look.

"What is going on?" Night live wind is also a brow.

"Last year, it is a separate team of all primary schools, but this year is different. The level of the national contest has risen. Other urban areas intend to use the selection team, so Nan Ge is also intended to be in our country. The players who have selected strength in the school have set up a selection team. "Jiki slowly explained.

"I also heard that the team's name is South Gejian FC!"

"What! What you mean is that we have to make a team with the players who have repaired!" South Gezi is shocked.

"That's it, but to attend the national contest, you must first enter the selection team." Ishiji smashed his mouth.

"The quota of the selection team is limited?" After the night-long wind listened to the explanation of Shixi, it was a good mood. After all, the team strength of each elementary school would not be too strong.

Last year, I didn't lose the national championship. I have proved that the level of the national contest is not too high.

Now that almost all the teams are the selection teams in the urban area, the level of the national contest is naturally a bov over, and it is totally two concepts last year.

The fierce competition is the night's long-lasting, or if it is, it is not a meaning that all the way is fierce.

"Yes, the quota is limited, so you have to test the selection test." Ishiki continued.

"Select the exam, this way, we have the opportunity to pick up the troops? Then I have to cheer!" South Ge's small glasses are very eager to participate in the national contest.

"Learn, you are afraid that you can't enter the selection team, even the preparatory team is enough!" Jiki strikes.

"I don't try to know how I know, I can do it!" Small glasses crossed fist.

"Say it! For you to enter the troops, I have to change your training program!" The night is smile and sweeping with Zhongzhai.

"Ah ..." Nange Zhong people looked at the nightly evil smile, and the heart rose unique previse.

Soon, in the mourning of all people in Nange, South Ge's training has begun.

The lens is turned to the other side, if Linyuan is three backyards.

Ju Lin is also a big master, his father is a director of the consortium, so his home is also 717. The backyard is even more exaggerated, and there is no difference with a small football field.

And if Lin Lin can also give it to the private coach of this professional born, and the wealth of his family can be seen.

boom! boom! At this time, if the backyard of the Lin family kept the landing sound of the forest, he was practicing the pavilizer of the goalkeeper, and it was already practiced all day.

"Well! Source III, today's practice is here. You have not completely disappeared yesterday!" Seeing that the coach stopped.

"See the coach, I can still stick to it again. They are still practicing, I have to catch him, I don't want to fail again!" If Lin Yuan bite his teeth, in fact his body is already very tired. .

Yesterday, he was actually left to pounce, and there was a lot of shooting of Nange Golden Trident, and the shooting of night long winds was almost heavy, picked up very expensive.

"Excessive fatigue will reach the effect, and you are still growing in your body, excessive training can only make your body worse!" It is very professional to see the coach directly refuses the proposal of Ju Lin.

"Yes!" If Lin Yuan stood up, patted the dust on the body, he still trusts to see the eyes of professional training, you must know the coach of graduation of famous brand sports universities, but also working in the professional team. For a long time.

1495 chapter, amazing course

"Young Master, there is your phone ..." At this time, Ju Lin's maid appeared in the backyard.

"Okay, I will come right away!" Ju Lin did not change clothes, directly ran to the hall, pick up the phone.

"Is it a captain?" The phone rang the voice of the coming.

If the forest is somewhat strange, "Oh, it is a life. Is there anything?"

"There is no urban competition this year, but it is necessary to set up a South Ge's selection team!" The coming brought the news of the selection team.

"What!" Ju Lin is shocked, "What is going on?"

After a week, Nange City Comprehensive Sports Center.

This Nange City Comprehensive Sports Center is the investment construction of Nange Municipal Government, which is very broad, and equipment is professional.

There are several high-altitude football fields, and there are more than ten primary school students.

Today, here will hold the candidate for the selection of the players in South Ge City. Early, the long-term long winds will send the Nange Primary School to this integrated sports.

"Wow, good guy, actually there are so many people!" Ishiki entered the sports field, and at least hundreds of people on more than 10 football are warm up.

"Ah, so many people, it will be difficult to enter the quaternary!" Nange Xiaoshiji learned to learn to be nervous.

"I see that all the students in the primary school football in Nange City are coming!" Night wind is also speechless, such a number of people must waste a lot of time.

"Do you come?" At this time, Nan Ge received the voice of the coming of the people.

"Ah, it is you!" Ishigosaki turned around, and it was a member of the repair football team, and they were also the test of the selection team.

"Hey, this time we will lose to you. The goal of our repair is to be qualified!" Jingze said confident that Siki said.

"Hey! What can we do, we will also be qualified!" Siki's awareness of the consciousness, and then he turned his head and looked at the scholar around him. When he was weak, "it seems ... It's a bit difficult!"

"Why do you look at me!" The little glasses learned from the skeptical eyes of Ishiji.

At this time, if Lin Yuan three walked to the night, the two opposed.

"This actually has to become a teammate!" Ju Lin Shen said.

"You can rest assured that we have a chance to have a chance." Night long-lasting horns slightly, "However, this time let us dominate the country!"

After that, after another, there were some students, waiting until 9:00 am.

Sports Minister, South Ge City, began to collect all participants and began to speak.

"Classmates, today we look forward to the long-awaited Nangui City Teenage Football Selection Examination finally arrived, we ..." The minister's rack is full. I told a lot of nonsense in front of all students. I heard that everyone is asleep. .

Half a child, this minister finally was finished, and the test team was also officially started.

The competition for this selection team is the situation in the competition, watching the player in the field, this selection method is also relatively reasonable.

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