The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1493 of the Chapter 1493 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

Due to excessive participants, several venues are grouped at the same time, and the time for everyone is only a short five minutes.

In other words, in order to enter the selection team must grasp these five minutes, let Nange City are responsible for watching the football professionals to find highlights.

Soon, the competitions in each course have begun, and all people in South Geng and Zhechi Football are divided into different groups, and the time in the game is completely different.

This is exactly to investigate the players' personal abilities, not the previous team tacit cooperation, after all, the new selection team also needs to be rerouted.

At this point, the so-called Nange City football professionals watched at the VIP started to point out the players on the field.

"I am very strong, I am very strong, it is a team of Qifu last year!"

"Yeah, this selection team seems to be held by the players who have been repaired!" Most professionals are optimistic about repair.

"That is not necessarily, I see Nange Primary School's players are also good!" Sitting in the South Geye City Junior Football Team leader is pointing at the boar of the high-speed ball.

! At this time, Yaro is directly inhibition. The area is far away from the displacement, and the ball is directly wearing the door.

"Yes, there seem to have a lot of good players in other schools!" Other football professionals pay attention to masters from other schools on the court.

In addition to repairing students, other schools also have some good players.

"Wow, there are so many masters in Nange City!" Ishiki looked at the hot court.

"Of course, Zhe Zhe is not invincible. It is just that Lin Chao strong personal abilities." The night shot took the shoulders of Ishiki, "The kid is on the game, don't let me down!"

"Yes! Captain!" The clothes of Ishiki changing the game were also playing.

One board, Ishi Siki's active fight, the success rate of breakball is high, after the growth of this time, Ishiki is the most obvious in Nange Primary School.

Next, the night-catching wind is also on the scene after Ishiki.

At night, there was a field, and immediately attracted the attention of the examination team.

"¨` ▉ Ten players are also primary school students? "

"Yes, he is the minister of Nange Primary School, name is the night-hearted style." Chengshan said the sound of the sound.

Night wind is already a foot, emptying, a ball directly outside the 30 meters away.

"Wow, it can be shot so far!"

"This is not a football, it is a shell!" The players on the field were shocked by the strength of the night.

"It's really powerful, more powerful than high school students!" Chengshan was excited, and other professional examiners were also bright.

At this time, the night growth wind is forcibly broken the pass of the opponent's defender, and then a beautiful round moon bending knife (Li is it).

The football is directly rotating with the dead end of the ball, and the goalkeeper has not made any response.

"Even the feet is so accurate!" Chengshan is already shocked, and there is no two balls in just five minutes.

When the night is ready to be replaced, the night grows and is unable to break the passing of the other player midfielder, and then directly in the middle of the field.

The door of the other party is too aggressive, and it is actually taken by night long-lasting midfield.

One breath and three goals, the night length is completed in a five-minute time.

"This guy is stronger!" The eyes of the people who came to the militants were round, and the Bay of the next side was thinking about what the chin was thinking.

"I decided, this night's long wind is the first captain of South Geei!" Chengshan is excited to stand up, and the perfect performance of the night is so shocked all the examiners!

Chapter 1496, Japan to Xiaolang

When all hundreds of people have completed the competition, the sun is coming soon.

One day, the night grows after the end, it is boring to the extreme, and can't leave in advance, and I have a little dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, the list of nonsense announced that the list of nonsense is no longer the minister of the nonsense, but the leader of the South Geese selection team is positive.

After the first selection, a total of thirty people passed the first selection, the elimination rate was as high as 90%.

South Ge Primary School Football Side, there are four people selected, respectively, the wind, Pkarang and the air wings and Ishikasaki.

Although Southai is also very hard, but their strength, the physical quality is limited, and it will eventually be selected.

In addition, repair is almost entirely selected by the main players, and the rest is the elite of other schools.

And this collection of all the strongest primary school students in Nange City is just a primary election, and there is still a concentrated budget practice, then eliminating fifteen people.

Finally, it is true that the selection team of South Ge City to participate in the national contest is the strongest South Ge's representative.

"Hey, I also went to the troops!" On the way home, Ishiki face has been laughing like a flower.

"Your kid is just a concise, don't be done! Next, there is a selection, your kid is -240- fall, then there is no place to cry!" Night shot Xia Shi's head.

"Help, captain. I know, don't hit me." Ishiki is depressed, and everyone laughs.

"Hey, this year, the champion of the National Competition is not that our South Ge's selection team is not a! Last year, the Taoism will win, and this year, we will add our South Ge's golden trident, and I have this defensive harach, there is no problem!" Ishi thought about it again.

"That is not necessarily, this national contest is different from before, and all the places will send a selection team. The level of the national contest is improved, and there must be a lot of strong teams this year." Yaro suddenly passed.

"Oh, Tailang, have you been to schools in many places in the country, how is their strength?" Night live wind is also interested, he is looking forward to the master of the national contest.

"Some teams are strong!" Parlary nodded, "For example, the thousand leaf ninety-nine miles fc, they practice every day, so their speed and endurance is the strongest recognized nationwide."

"Oh, I actually know the beach of the sea, not bad! Is there still?" Night long wind continues group Hi.

"There is also a bad wave SC in Osaka (Caeh), and their players are high, it is said that there is still a big player than the long, they are good at air war, the strength is very strong." Yaro looked at the people.

"Oh, there is still much higher than me." Night wind is a bit surprised, "I don't know how it is really playing."

Night wind to Osaka is nothing to wave, the only impression is a combination of refugee waves before crossing, called NMB48.

"Wow, there is still a lot!" Ishiki also heard the taste of Jinjin. "Who is our biggest opponent?"

"Well ..." Yaro thought for a while. "I think our top strong enemy should be Ming and FC!"

"Ming and FC?" Ishiki.

Night long wind heard this name is the mouth of the mouth, "Tailang, what you want to say is the day of Xiaoli!"

"Hey, long wind, do you know him?" Yaro was shocked.

"Of course, I have been looking forward to a long time and his decent, I hope he should not lose too early!" The night grew in the mouth with a smile.

"The day to Xiaoli Lang? The opponent expected by the captain, must be very strong!" Ishiki is biased, "I don't know what it is."

The lens is transferred to a stadium.

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