The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1494 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Ming and FC and a branch of FC are playing, the first half of the game has not ended, and it is already a leader.

At this time, the core day of the field and the core day is rushing straight straight.

The two FC's defender wants to intercept, but it is directly hit by the day.

"I also want to stop me two people, too real, I want to grab my football!" The day continued to take the ball and quickly came to the other party.

"Breast, arrogant! I won't let you shoot again!" The middle guards of a FC slipped directly to the football of the feet.

On the day, Xialairo completely ignores opponents, and the foot is a vigorous dragon.

"Ah!" A branch of the defender screamed, covering the right foot, his strength is at all, and the day is counter-up.

The global football in the day is also like a shell, which is generally in the goal, very domineering a personal one-stop performance.

5 to 0!

"Hey! You are too weak!" The day, Xiao Lang disdainted his mouth.

"Oh, my feet have a good pain!" In the case of a branch, the defender, began to cry shout.

"Too much, day!"

"Yeah, what do you want to hurt people?" A player is angry.

"Shut up! I am playing on the ball! If you are afraid of injured, you can't play! No soft eggs on the football field!" The day turned around.

"This guy ..." A FC player was stunned by the day, "We don't practice with you!"

"Let's go!" A FC player drifted his injured teammates left.

"Captain ... You are a bit full of fire ..." Ming and his own player whispered to the day.

"Even you said this?" The day is full of angry, directly turned to leave, "How do you want to do, as long as you have my game, I only have a goal, that is, victory! Absolute victory!"

After a week, this week, the night-length wind mainly lets Nange Primary School Football Party will help Simosaki, large air wings and Pkairo practice their physical fitness, and some professional training.

During this time, the night-lived winds have seen a lot of professional football training books, and there is no small harvest.

Of course, these books are most introduced. To contact the top training, you must go to a professional professional team, and it is the professional team of the top league.

The world's first goal is the world's top world to dominate the country, and next is the whole world.

Today is the first day of Nange selection team, all thirty selection team players come to a special training venue, ready for the second round of selection.

At this point, everyone who selection team is sweating on the court. Everyone is very hard in order to enter the last lineup, especially the slightly backward stone, and it is also a race defense in the field.

"Well, the practice race will come here! Now short pass training!" Chengshan is blowing a whistle.

"Yes!" The selection team should be in the case.

In the periphery of the selection team training site, there is a high school student with a hat to watch the training of the selected team on the grass.

His hat writes a word and fc like this, and wearing a mortgage and FC jersey, and the sleeves are also rolled up to fix it.

1497 chapter, replacement door

This person is the opponent that night long wind, and the Tiger Day to Xiaolang!

On the training ground, Nange selection team began to practice shoot after short transmission, and the door to the door will be the three.

"If Lin Yuan three, let me see your so-called genius door, last year, the best player in the country is too powerful!" The day, Xiaoli took off the hat on the head, then stood up, and quickly walked to the goal.

"Are you a Ju Lin?" The day, Xiaolang, actually climbed into the door column, horing.

"Who are you?" Ruolin looked back.

"Ming and FC days to Xiaolang, I am coming to you today!" The day, Xialairo jumped from the door column, directly rushed to the point-in-law, who was preparing to shoot the signs.

"What!" The selection team is a glimpse.

"Let me see your true strength!" The day, Xiaolang, touched the place, and then grab the football at his feet.

"Who?" Night wind and Parlary are driving the ball in the door of the door, and it is also attracted by the opposite day.

"Ah, it is Xiao Lang!" Yaro glared to see the day after Xiaolang.

"Oh, he is the day ..." The night's wind is also eye-catching, looking at the day, Xiaoshan, the movement of the ball.

The day is originally a primary school student, but the whole body is developed, the skin is dark, very strong, and it is a long-term power training.

"Classmates, who are you, here is the training ground of South Geeh, the idlers are not allowed to enter!" The staff of the selection team saw the day to suddenly rush to the stadium, and began shouting loudly.

"It doesn't matter, I accept this guy's challenge!" Ju Lin is not willing to show weakness.

"Haha, it is worth the genius door, it is not afraid of me!" The day, Xiao Lang began to take the ball, then rushed to the door of the Ruolin handle.

"The bastard, even in our stadium!" Tall high-powered truth is on the day to go forward, first stop him.

"Rolling!" The day, Xiao Xiaolang, even drunk, and it turned out to fly, and the speed of the ball was faster.

"One breath rushed to the ball door, this is the straight line of Xiaolang! Sure enough!" Night lives looked at the day, and the light was flashing.

"Well, the day and the captain are similar, all of which are rigid players!" Yaro stunned.

"No, Tailang, I am not a rigid player. I am a player who just flexible!" The night is so hot.

At this time, if the forest is the back guard line, it is directly broken by the Japanese Langxuan's simple straight line.

"Breast, the guy actually intentionally hits people!" Long Yi and Jingze have been very dissatisfied with the day.

"These guys are still so true that there are most of the professional football." Night long-lasting style is very like. "

It's straight to it, hard hard, the strength of strength and speed. stomach

"Watching the ball! Ju Lin Yuan three!" The day of the ball to Xiaoli, only the forest number, he suddenly stopped the body, and then the right foot suddenly lifted, followed by a smell.

boom! The day has to be 20% of this feet, the whole football is like a spin of the wind and flying into the gate of Johindin handle.

If Lin Yuan three is standing in the same place, there is no action.

"Ah, the captain ..." Tunazaki is a glimpse, Ishikasaki is a surprised color.

Even if the super heavy heavy burgon of the night, Johinde can also hug football, and the day of the Xiaolang's shooting, if the forest does not respond.

"Don't he are more than the captain?" Ishikasaki muttered.

"Ju Lin, this guy ... I was hurt!" The night's training today's training felt that if the forest was not very right.

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