The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1495 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

In fact, if Lin Lin is injured in two days ago, the reason is to practice, in order to catch up with the night, he trains too crazy.

"Wow hahaha, this is the so-called genius goalkeeper, the country's best player? No more reactors for my shooting! But so, but so!" The day, Xiaolang looked at the Wushu three, haha ​​laughed, very proud.

"All provoked home, there is no way only I am playing!" Night winds to the opposite half.

"Captain!" At this time, Pkairo grabbed the right arm of the night.

"Tailang, what happened?" The night's doubtful looked back at Pkairo.

"When the national contest, we will be met, still don't let the day you know your strength." Yaro said.

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"Reassured. I really don't want to know." The night's style made the Pkairo have some hair, he doesn't understand what night is the meaning of the night.

"Well, is this not a poor?" At this time, the day, the Little Lang did notice the Pkairo, and then ran over, "How do you move to Nange?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen it for a long time, Xiao Lang!" Taro replied.

"It turns out that you are also the players of South Geerai!" The day, Xiaolang, taking a hat, "Then I will tell you a good news, this year's national winning team will be our Ming and FC! If you are lucky enough, we will See it in the National Competition! "

"Goodbye!" After the day, the day, after challenging the victory, it was planned to leave.

At this time, the night length shielded in front of the day.


On the day, I rarely saw guys who have to be strong than yourself, and just look at his jersey and Pkarang and others, it is the player of South Geehae.

"Who are you?" The day, Xiaolang, sinking.

"Don't be nervous, I am just a tutorial goalkeeper of the selection team." Night is laughing, "I just see your shooting is not bad, I want to ask for your trick."

"Hey! You have no way to take the door to pick up my shoot, do you do it?" The day is a little just a little.

Night wind does it seem to be high, but the goalkeeper is not as long as it is too powerful.

"You can't do it, you don't try it. Or do you not dare?" Night costle deliberately stunned the day to Xiaolang.

"I don't dare!" The day, Xiao Lang, the ravy personality, really hooked.

"Very good!" Night wind turned and passed by, "Source 3, borrow your gloves."

"What do you want to do?" Ju Linyi.

"You have been hurt, or let me change." Night long-faced horns.

"You ... how do you know that I am hurt?" Ju Lin was shocked, and finally took off his glove to the night.

Night long wind, wearing a glove, turn around standing before the goal.

"Ah, Changfeng Jun actually wants to be a goalkeeper, but also let the day to shoot?" Yaro is surprised to close his mouth.

"What is this?" Nange selection team, including the leader, Chengshan, is also a full confusion.

Chapter 1498, single-handed ball

"Come on, let me see the strength of the tiger!" The night grew the football in the ball, and threw it to the day to Xiaolang.

"Hey, one is still quite arrogant!" Japan to Xiaolang unloaded football with chest, stopped in the big ban. Except, "Let me see what you have any arrogance!"

"Are they going to be a decree?" I grew up my mouth.

"And the night-catching guy is still going to be goalkeeper!" Gao Xi really widened his eyes, "Do he guard the door?"

"Captain, what are you thinking about?" Ishiki, who has never seen the night, have never seen the door.

At this time, the night grows open in front of the goal, the tiger's microwow, the hands are launched.

At this time, the day, Xiao Lang pays attention to the arm of the night. It is very exaggerated. It is more than ten cents higher than him. It is much more powerful than the injured River.

"Hand is long, is he is the true goalkeeper of South Ge's selection team?" The day, Xiaolang's face, he keenly felt that night long didn't think about him before.

"You are sure you want to be banned. Are you shooting outside the area?" Night wind looked at the day to Xiao Lang suddenly said, "I advise you to shoot in the point, otherwise, there is no threat to me!"

"You!" The day, Xiaolang, the challenge of the night, and the face was red, "" Dare to look down on me! "

On the day, Xiaoshan directly puts the football in a big ban. The arc of the area, then withdraws a few steps, then it is suddenly accelerated to the limit.

"Let you see what I really power!" After the Xiaogutang fierce, the foot is a force to explode.

This ball has almost made all his strength, the whole leg muscle is completely stretched, and it is revealed above.

boom! The football is incorporated into a shock wave with a wind, and the front is straight to the night long.

This ball only has a little point of view, it can be said that it is a positive center of the ball door, and the day, Xiaolang has absolute confidence to his own ball speed and strength, so it is completely no adjustment.

"Good luck!" The selection team of the scene, including the team's leader of the team, is shocked in his eyes.

In the face of the flying football, the angle of the night length is slightly posed, and the right hand lights up.

After a dull voice, the night is always moving, and football actually in the right hand of the night long.

Night wind actually took the day to Xiaolang's full shot, and it was a very simple look.

"How is this possible?" The day, Xialairo, I couldn't believe my eyes, and his strong shot was enough to put the opponent's goalkeeper to the goal.

And the night cost is just using one hand, and it is easy to grasp the football, which is joined.

"Did you look at Xiaogang?" The night is looking at Xialairo, "but so!"

"Good speed, good response ability!" The other shocked is that Lin Yuan three. He is a goalkeeper, and he is more clear that the strength of the night is now displayed.

"Is it a goalkeeper before?" Not only Ruolin, all the players of all selected teams rose such a thought.

"It's too powerful, the captain! You are so powerful!" Ishiki excitedly shouted, he was excited to teach the night, the day, this arrogant, the South Gerain selection team is also a face. The emblem expression.

"You just said that the national champion is your Ming and FC?" The night is free to throw the football in the hand, "It is very embarrassed, as long as Nan Ge is there, you can only be a runner!"

"You ..." The day, Xiaolan Lung lost, but he is not a stupid.

Night-length wind can check his full effort, it is not a general goalkeeper. Where do he know that night cost is not a goalkeeper, but a middle courtyard.

Of course, the goal of the night's wind is to play all the positions on the court. The ball just now, in fact, the power is very amazing, if the angle is in the mouth, the night is not necessarily able to rush.

But the day, the day is too confident, confident is a double-edged sword, he can bring a person that is endless, and can easily destroy someone.

In fact, the two attributes of the night-catching doors will be 99, which is not much less than if there is no injured.

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