The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1496 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

His arm is very long, the height is also high, is that the reactivity of the night-catching basketball training and the handship of the hand is very exaggerated, plus his metamorphosis ..

As long as the night is willing, he can become the best door of this world, even if the Talent is far less than the night.

Of course, the night-catching wind is not very interested in the position of Goalkeepers. Occasionally, it is OK, and if he will be boring, he will die.

Because the blood bone marrow of the night is still offensive, he likes the offensive football.

"What is your name?" The day, Xiaolang's face is already very ugly.

"Night long wind!" The night is laughing, he believes this time, the day is definitely remembers him, and it will also be crazy in front of the national contest, which is constant, this is the expectation of night long wind. of.

"Okay, I remember! Next time I must shoot your handle! Today, I will spare you!" The day is still refused to admit defeat, but he still turned away.

The loser will never have a voice, and the loser wants to get respect, there is only another battle!

"Haha, what national champion, originally a guy who is a Hungao!" Ishi Siki did not forget to dig a bit of life.

The day is holding double punches, and the forehead is full of green, but he will still have a back.

At this time, everyone of the selection team is all around the night, and begging the question. 1.5

The problem is to ask the night long, the boring problem of the goalkeeper, so that the night is not annoying, and it is directly unable to say all.

It is not easy to get rid of everyone's question, and the night's wind began to continue to pass the strength of the Pkairo. If the river, if Lin is stopped, preparing to go to the hospital.

"Ruolin, you will come back, I don't want to be a door!" The night's wind called Ruo Linyuan three, throwing the glove and gave Ruolin.

"Don't want to lose it to you, especially in the custom door!" If the forest is colored, the right box is held, "I must have this hatred!"

After leaving, the training site continued to invest in the training.

At this time, the long-lost system prompts in the night-long's mind sound ......

1499 chapter, qualifier start

Ding! Trigger the main line task: Leading South Ge Selection team to get the national competition

Task difficulty: orange task

Task reward: three lottery times

Failure punishment: 50% reduction in full attribute

Systematic evaluation: The country is only the first step in the world's world.

"Come!" Night long wind is slightly stunned, then nod, he has guess the superhen system will release such a task.

Task rewards are also quite [lure] three-time lottery, night long winds continue to draw, knowing his goals are not just national, but the whole world.

Compared with the top players in Europe and South America, there is still a long way to go.

He needs more killing skills, and the night-catching wind is also very eye-catching in the lucky draw system.

On this day, Nan Ge's selection team sent everyone to go to the sky, and the leader of the gods ranked people in the hostel.

The night-long wind is because there is no lighting relationship between the selection team training ground, only to the strength of the border gym training.

At this time, Nan Ge's selection team understands why the night is so enchanting, every day fitness training power 20, it's nothing to do, especially everyone is just a young, more than a few teenagers Good heart.

The training time is always very fast. After two weeks of accuse, the original thirty people originally reduced to fifteen people, and the players who have not followed the training rhythm were eliminated.

Most of the main strengths of Tuiet and Ruolin have left, and Nange's gold trident is of course the main force. Simici has recently been very hard. As a replacement player left in the selection team.

Night live wind is also the captain of the leader of the leader. The captain of the South Ge selection team is in an orderly manner. Nan Ge Selection team has improved the tacit understanding of everyone with the increase in training.

Especially now this is the actual in the middle of the latter, and the middle courtesy is the core of the gold trident in South Ge Primary School.

After two weeks of training, it is very good for the entire South Ge's selection team.

The combination of the South Geraid selection team is the existence of the gold warship. Many players have become the main will of the European League, even the big giant superstar in the future. The worst is also a big person in Japan's domestic league.

Of course, this South Ge's selection team does not know their future. They now think about from the preliminaries of the national contest, first become a representative team in Shizuoka Prefecture.

On the following day, the selection team was officially ended, and the South Gesee selection team began their journey from the national competition.

Their first opponent is Fuji SC, and it is also a famous team in Shizuoka Prefecture.

When he was at the end of the night, he rushed to the venue of the game. At this time, the opening ceremony was just finished.

South Ge's first game is now going to start, because South Ge's selection team is a seed of the qualifier, so they are the first team.

"Changfeng, how can your kid come?" The night grew to the seating area of ​​Nange, the leader of the garde city ran over, he thought that the night grew is on the road.

"Nothing, I am running. Now I don't have to warm up!" Night wind off the coat, revealing the zero South Gerain selection team blue white jersey.

Since the jersey designed before the night is very exquisite, the Nange Selection Team also uses the jersey style used by Nange Primary School.

Ju Lin also replaced a new team, and the left chest was two Chinese characters.

"Ju Lin, your hurt is no problem?" The night's wind swept a naval, everyone's face is a very relaxed expression, in Shizuoka Prefecture, the football in Nange City is indeed a well-deserved first.

Last year, I just took the whole team across the entire Shizuoka Prefecture.

At this time, if the expression of Johinde is a little dignified, the night long style feels that if the forest is somewhat incomprehensible.

"Don't worry, my injury is just a small problem!" Ju Lin stood directly and started to warm up.

"The first game started, the first game is South Ge SC battle Fuji SC!" At this time, the radio sounded the staff's tips.

Nan Ge leader Chengshan is a circle of Nan Ge, and then began to bother to everyone: "Today is the first game of you in the country, everyone is bold and kick, free to play your talent Yes! "

"Yes!" Nange all his head.

At this time, the opposite seating area Fuji SC is full of face, their luck is really not too good, and the first round will meet the number one seed of the qualifier.

The team leader of Fuji SC is also desperately talked about, there is a big pair of super black horses.

"Well! We are on the game!" The first ball of the night embark on the coupling of the qualifier, Nange selection team is also running to the court behind him.

"Wow! Come, one seed team is coming!"

"I heard that most of the main strength is a member of the national championship in the country!"

"Yeah, it is the selection team of South Ge, the strength is definitely stronger than last year!" South Geka is on the game, and the audience on the stage began to become turned.

The cheers and the sound of the cheers are endless, but this South Geka is already used to this, but there is a problem with the market.

In addition to the boiling audience, there are still many selection of other teams of other teams or teamers on the table. They have a recorded or camera in their hands. It seems to collect the player data of South Gelectors.

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