The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1497 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

South Geka is the number one seed nature is a concern of all opponents. The team of Shizuoka Prefecture wants to leaving the line.

beep! With a whistle of the referee, the first game of South Ge's selection team officially started.

The game has just opened, Nange's frontcourt gold trident has made a series of exquisite works in the frontcourt of Fuji SC, and finally the long wind is on the big ban. A lion in the district will be able to go directly!


All the audience in the scene have some hair, just less than twenty seconds, South Ge is actually going, and it is still so beautiful.

"It's great, it is a long-winding!" Look at the South Geng Xun Association, the head of the group, also took her brother to refuel for the South Ge.

"It's too powerful. Is this the strength of the number one seed?" The audience on the stage responded, followed by the cheers of the tsunami.

"Beautifully, the captain!" On Schosaki on Schosaki, he yelled on the night, and everyone on the Southern Garden was also.

At this time, the Talents such as the high and the people of the people and other people feel that there is a happy thing to do with the gold trident, it is simply the difference between heaven and hell.

1500 chapter, Shizuoka invincible

"What's going on, I didn't see how into the goal?"

"How fast is so fast, can't catch up with it!" Fuji SC players are still in it.

On the court, the Fuji SC midfielder kick.

When the opening Fuji SC was filled in a ball. At this time, the player's morale is not very low. After all, the game has just begun. They began to organize fast counterattacks, passing the ball to the sidewalk of the stadium, attempting to break through the defense line of South Ge's selection team .

At the time of the Fuji SC winger, the ball under his feet was directly broken, and it was the ball of South Ge.

At this time, the medium is standing on the middle of the field, directly commanding the pass of Nange Middle.

More than the previous South Ge Primary School Football, this South Ge's selection team's player is basically a thalastic player. Their ability is much better than before, and it is more unique under the command of the night. It is a feet.

Fuji SC players desperately want to grab football, but only in vain is runningless.

When the football is at night, the night long is directly a long pass, and the moon bending knife reproduces the court.

The football spinning a distance of dozens of meters, directly through the entire line of Fuji SC, came to Fuji SC ban. District.

"Good pretty passed, who is the midfielder?" The observer of each team on the standing station pays attention to night growth.

Just now, the night's wind will go into the ball after twenty seconds, and now it is a good goal, showing superior strength.

boom! At this time, it is now the ban on the Nange bomber, Gao Gao Yue, the ban on Fuji SC. District, put the football into the door.

The night is too good. It's just around the defender of Fuji SC, just like a leader in running.

2-0! In the opening of the past two minutes, South Ge is already a leader, which is almost impossible in the professional football match, even in the primary school student competition.

"The player of this header is also very powerful ~~!" The squad detective on the stage also has interested in Jingze.

At this time, the Johor Bahai Selected Team is bored with a hundred people who are bored. In fact, his feet is not good, and because if the forest has not stopped training, it is aggravated.

"I just worried that my feet will not affect the team, now it seems that I can't use me!" If Lin Song has a breath, the situation on the field, South Ge is fully pressed Fuji SC.

Fuji SC thinks that it is difficult to pass half, not to mention in front of Nange Door.

At this time, Fuji SC just served and was directly judged by Pkarlang directly, and then a beautiful breakball.

After the Barlan broke the ball, I didn't think it didn't think it didn't think that the night's wind didn't think, directly, a Fortress ball passed the football to the big ban on Fuji SC.

A blue white figure quickly catching up the football, is a big air wing.

Night wind, this ball made a big air wing played his speed, and the position of the pass is very comfortable. The big air wing did not make any adjustments, and it was directly to force the feet.

boom! Football is like a shell, and the door of Fuji SC will have no response.

3-0! When the competition was conducted in the fifth minute, South Ge team was already three more than zero-lead Fuji SC, and the strength between the two teams was too big.

The audience on the stage is also exclaimed by the Taiwan, and the offense of South Ge's selection team is so embarrassed.

Gorgeous offense is the most easy to attract loyal fans, both on the football court or on the basketball court.

Dareful defensive wars can only let the audience are asleep, only goal is king's football!

At this time, the scouts of each team on the stage are smirk, and the players in every position in Nange have no weakness. The three goals are completed, and there are players who have players in Nange Zhongfang. .

The general team wants to resist the attack of South Ge's selection team is the sky.

When the competition was taken in ten minutes, Nange's dragon and the students were also going to go, and the score on the field became five-to zero, and the competition had a thorough suspense.

South Ge is starting to replace the replacement player, and Ishikaki has also got an opportunity to play, and the night-long wind is directly in the end.

Less than the midfield, the attack power of South Ge is reduced, but the attack is still non-stop.

At this time, the palette is big, and he started a continuous goal.

Always arrived at the game, the Pkarang alone is connected to the five goals, and the defender of Fuji SC can't stop him.

Finally, South Gee defeated Fuji SC with an exaggerated score of 12 to 0. After the game, Fuji SC many players said no longer play football, and its inner shaded area is difficult to estimate.

The next game, South Geka is even more than the way, and the selection teams in Shizuoka Prefecture are not the opponent of South Ge.

A five games, South Ge is at least two-digit goals to defeat the opponent.

In these competitions, the night costs are basically around ten minutes.

In just ten minutes, the offensive efficiency brought by the night, is amazing, to the current position, the counterattack list of the night-catching, and its assistant attack is more than 19 times.

In addition, on the random list, the top three are all the players of South Ge, the big air wings are high in thirteen balls.

After five games, South Ge's selection team became the focus of the qualifiers, only two games were left, and South Ge will play a national contest in Shizuoka Prefecture.

And the other three teams were the Shuzhi SC, Island SC and Jin Tian SC, and then South Ge. These four teams represent the strongest level in Shizuoka, they will compete for the only one. A number of appearances.

In the other hand, in the Ming and the FC Training Field, the day, Xiao Lang did not stop in the shoot, since the night's wind, the day, the day, the day (Zhao) is like a flame, like a flame, Don't stop shooting, shooting, re-shoot!

He wants to hold a ball in the national contest, saying to the day, football is his life.

"¨` ▉ captain, do you not participate in the game tomorrow? "Just at this time, Ming and FC players asked in front of the day.

"Ah, the extent of the qualifier, I don't have to participate. You are enough!" The day is moving.

"But ..." Ming and FC players are still worried, although their pre-selection is also a song, but the next opponent will become stronger and stronger.

They are worried that if there is no day to sit in the town, Ming and FC will be able to export.

"Nothing, you must have a certain!" The day after glanceing and gotting, he took directly to run away.

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