The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1505 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Wow, this guy is really a strange force!" The twins and husbands have exposed an incredible expression..

"This guy is really a primary school student?" The fat cats even asked such a sigh, and he did not dare to set up this in the country. It must block the night long wind. Angry.

"Bastard!" The day, Xialai, biting his teeth, his face was completely sinking.

In the front, the anti-inversion is lost to the day to fill the chest, and this kind of thing has happened more than once, the last time, the night is the night's wind as a goalkeeper, grabbing the sun.

And this time in the country's players and live spectators and their teammates are so insulting, the day is red.

This tiger is completely angry with night long!

"Night long wind, I must make you pay the price!" The day of the low voice is like.

"Go go!"

"Come on, South Ge! South Ge! Come on!" At this time, there were familiar invoiced invisites.

It is South Ge Primary School, and they rushed from Shizuoka Prefecture to the Tokyo District for South Ge, and the big sister slammed that they didn't act.

After the night is on the ball, it is not too excited, just hit the palm and others.

Pastelang turned to look at an angry day on the field, shining in the eyes 4.5 with a strange brilliance, "Xiao Lang, you still don't know the terrible of the long wind, this is just a beginning."

In the South Gesee selection team, in addition to the three, there is only the power of the Yaro to feel that the power of the night is still pressing.

Pugulang always thinks what night is still hidden, even though he is already close to perfection on the court.

On the court, the day, Xialairo picked up the football in the door, then came to the middle, put the football on the middle line.

"team leader……"

"Daily Jun ..." Ming and everyone understand the character of the day, so they are worried that the day will lose reason.

At this time, it suddenly calm down, and his eyes were murderous.

Compared to an angry bull, a calm tiger is more fearful.

1509 chapter, tigers

"Yes, this is the case! Xiao Lang, as long as you have this kind of tiger spirit, you will not lose!" At this time, Ji Liang appeared in the field of field and the seating area.

Stadium midline, Ming and FC tee.

Snapped! The Ming and Agong allocated the football to Xiaolang, and the day, Xiaolang did not directly take the ball. He made his most familiar and self-considered straight line.

After the night is ongoing, Ishi Siki has risen, and the position of the fire is rushing out, and the position is blocked in front of the day.

"I won't make you proud!" The day, Xiao Lang, no matter whether it is still directly.

"Look at me to block you!" Ishi Basaki flew, prepared to slip the football on the foot of Xialairo next day, but the rebounded force kicked on football was bounced directly.

Ishiqi is heavy on the grass and roll a few laps, and once in a moment, it was opened to Xialairo.

"Ishiki!" Nange's defender line was shocked.

"Betting, we will not let you go!" South Gearda's middle-and-return high and another high-end defender, two, one left, right, and they at least wanted to delay the time of attacking.

At this time, the day is rocking back and forth, and the defending of the two South Geardi, he flashed a space, which immediately opened the body.

"Victory is our Ming and FC!" The day, Xiao Lang roared, followed by a foot to shoot, typical day-to-day shooting!

"What!" South Gearda column did not respond at all, and the day, this ball shot is very violent, and the ball is also up and down before the night.

At the high-speed football, the front of the football, even the wind, when Nange's goalkeeper, Senaki, made a wonderful save, he judged the direction of the day, and also pulled the direction.

But this film is too big, and the chin who directly wiped the Emperor of Senaki fate into the gate of South Ge.

1-1! The night long is only a minute, and the day, the day, with a good force in Nange. It has entered a world-wave shot!

On the absolute value of strength, or the day of the primary school students is absolutely better than night long winds, but the light is the attribute of shooting, and the day to Xiaoli is actually above the night.

He practiced football more time than night long, and under Yiliang's teachings, the day to exercise thousands of times a day, which makes him feel very good about the feeling of the ball.

The day can also kick out the same power of the night, the same power.

"Going again, and just as you just take the ball!" The audience outside the field shouted, like this hard-touched game actually rarely see it.

"Good ball! Captain!" Aren and FC's Agong's vibration arms shouted.

The South Geka was running to the goal, and the Senaki was squatting, and the face was painful.

"Senakaki, are you nothing?" Shi Yu hurriedly asked.

"Hey ... still ... it's okay!" The chin of the Senaki The chin is a little red, but it is not an occasion. After all, the football just wiped his chin, not directly on his chin.

If the day, this ball is directly slammed on the squat, the Emperor of Senaki is not dizzy.

"Senakaki is doing well, you will have a little worse!" When the night was long, he took the shoulder of the Senaki Emperor.

However, the Emperor of Senaki is a bit weird, he has just been scared by the day, and the row is completely different from the opponents encountered by the violent striker and South Ge.

And the current Senakaki Dani experience is not very adequate, after the ball, Senaki, the emperor of Senaki, is a little fear of the night.

"Team ... Captain, he ... his shot is so terrible!" The Emperor Senaki spurted.

"Don't care, how did you save it or how to save, I believe you!" Night lives thought that the Emperor Senaki was frustrated because of the ball.

After all, in the impression of the night, the Emperor of Senaki is very steady, how can it be afraid of the surge in striker.

"The two sides are all in the ball. These two opponents are super-flow!" The three ventricant looks at the two people on the field, and the expression is more dignified.

"Night wind and day to Xiaogutang and South Geardians, if these people are in our Dongbang Academy, our Tongbang will definitely dominate the country!" One in the corner outside the court The beauty of the skirt is looking at several people on the court.

In her side, it is a middle-aged man in a suit. These two people are the scouting of the Dongbang Academy, which is responsible for excavating the strengths of the country.

"Do you think who is stronger?" The middle-aged man seems to be a beautiful woman.

"From the current point of view, the day, Xiaoxiro is just a player. He is very persistent to victory. It feels that it is an unprecedented player." The beauty slowly said, "and I said that his coach is the Japanese front country hand legendary frontier Yaoliang, The teenager who can be seen by Jigliang must not be simple. "

"The night grows of Nange?"

"He ..." "The beauty of the beauty exposed the color," I can't find his information, he is clearly a primary school economy is more than our Dongbang Academy of Director. From the performance of just now, he Physical quality may be better than the day. "

"And his feet is also very good, can pass arc ball, fast, happy to share football, more like a midfielder, mature is just like a small 893 student. I see him than us The current ace ACE player in the Academic Garden Middle School is still very powerful! "

"Oh? The head is so high for his evaluation, then we will call him to our Dongbang Academy!" Middle-aged man said.

"This is not necessarily. Maybe the day has no more powerful strength, as long as it is a good player, our Dongbang Academy must!" Beauty girl visited the two people on the court, mouth slightly .

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