The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Supernitamine Chapter 1506

At this time, the Southern team serves.

Night winds allocated football to Pkiro, and two people began to pass continuous pass in midfield.

Snapped! Snapped! Night wind and the tacit understanding of the Yaro, there are almost no communication, just not to see a person's feet, and the speed is extremely fast.

The strength of Ming and FC's midfielders are good, but they seem to have a little panic in front of the night growth and Pkarang, almost no effective defense is used by two people with hit wall-oriented cooperation.

"Come on, the jun!" As long as the Pastelang took the ball, his small partner outside his field was in the air, the atmosphere of the scene was also getting better and better.

"Look at me to break out your ball!" At this time, one of the core of the FC rushed out, quickly ran to Pkarang, he wanted to break the football at the foot of the pool, cutting his and night. Contact.

1510 chapter, Mei Kai two degrees

Just in front of Ayong came to Yaro, I suddenly stopped, and the Pkarang suddenly stopped, and the right foot was connected to the lack of the football, escaped the right foot of Ayong.

"Wow!" A Yong was shocked, he didn't think that the body of the Baro's body can be so flexible, but also more surprised that the poker did not turn around, but with the right foot followed by the latter ball.

despair! Suddenly, a picture appeared behind the pole, and stopped his return.

That's right, it's a night!

The tacit cooperation of the two has no call to know the position of the other party, just like the heart sensation.

"It's coming, it is the trump card of South Ge!" The audience outside the field suddenly tense.

"Ming and the defender, blocking the night, is the result of getting out your special training!" The middle day of the midfield, rushing to the Langshu, and yell.

"Yes! Captain!" The Ming and the backorsement are all rushed to the night long, and they ignore the people behind themselves and the dragon, and they want to completely seal the night.

! At this time, three Ming and players rushing to the Night Various wind came to the grass slider, and a deputy trend was placed down to the land.

"I kao! You are really embarrassed!" The night grew fantastic anger, this is a general person facing the defense of such violence, it is very likely to be injured.

"Then I will be welcome!" The night long body is stretched in the instant, in which case the body is the least easily injured.

"Danger, the captain!" Nange Fair reminded the night's long wind.

!!! Following the shovel to the night-long wind, the three people are actually blocked at the same time at the same time, and the middle is the power of the ball, and the left and right sides will want to put the night long, the result It is found that the body of the night is like a steel.

I hit it above, just like hitting a steel wall, the rebound force was hurting with the three tooth.

! And when I hit the three people, I was preparing to bring the ball to continue to suddenly, the whistle of the referee sounded.

"Ming and FC defender foul, Nange main penalty of free kick` [▉" referee gesture to spend the night long wind to be bounced in place to be bounced.

"Can be evil! Referee, have you made a mistake! Now we are all beneficial, don't need to be punished!" The coming of the people's philosopher ran over two sentences.

The referee did not pay attention to the complaints of the students, and it is still firmly pointing to the penalty point. This free kick is at least 40 meters away from the goal. It is difficult to shoot directly to the goal.

The long-lasting faster stopped quickly, this pitch and the five back waist of the FC did have obvious foul, but according to the rules that were beneficial to the offensive on the court, they did not need to whistle at this time.

However, when the night's long is used to the pothole referee of this school-level league, most of these referees are not professional born, all part-time, and the problems of the punishment are also very common.

At this time, there is no meaning of the referee, and the ball is kicking the ball is the best response.

"Hey, unfortunately, if this goal is bullied by the king of South Gee, the district is definitely a goal!" There are many people who know the ball outside the venue are also sigh.

"It's good!" The day, Xiaolang is three people who have swept behind him. This tactics in Ming and intentional tactics are said to be successful.

40 meters of free kick, night long and poker two people standing after football, the defender of Ming and FC is a civil wall in the command of the goalkeeper.

The height of the defender of Ming and FC is still, so this wall looks very strict, there is nothing too much vulnerability.

"Who is the main penalty, is it directly shooting or passing?" The field outside the vente looked at the night-catching and pole.

At this time, the Yaro launched, he quickly rushed to football, a pair to vigorously slamming the door.

"Note! Direct shot!" The day, Xiaolang is also a member of the wall. He looked loudly to the teammates around him.

bass! And the running of Pkiro is actually just a barrier method. After the attention of the Pkarang attracted the attention of the FC, he ran a football and left the football in the original place.

And the night-long wind that started behind the Pkiro was running to the football, the body was quickly launched, and it was a slap in the face!

Circular moon bending knife!

Night wind has made a must kill, football draws a large arc in the air, then brushing the right to the right.

"Ah, is it out of bound?" The audience outside the field exclaimed.

At this time, the football that I have seen that I have already arrived and the dead end of the upper right corner of the goal of the Ming and FC.

Absolutely dead angle!

2-1! Night wind once again staged a good play of free kick directly.

"¨` ▉ ▉! "Nange Fang was excited at once, in the first half of the fifth minute, the night-long wind completed the dimensions on the field.

"Good and beautiful free kick!" The two scouts in the East Tongbang School Park are quiz that the free kick of this ultra-high arc is indeed incredible, and the goalkeeper is not allowed to make any response.

"It feels good!" The Night Louis and the Tarranteo, who came to celebrate, and the tacit cooperation of the two were really pleasing.

Then, the left hand left the left hand forward, the right hand is inward, and the celebration of the bow archery is made, and the audience is coming.

They are all conquer by the night-winding feet!

"Perfect any ball shoot!" Even the three-priced three-priced three-year-old is not helpless.

"It's evil! I'm cheated!" The day on the grass in front of him, and the expression was more sinking. He picked up the football in the door to come to the middle circle.

() Submite, Ming and FC after entering the magical goal of these forty meters, the player is somewhat frustrated, and the day is always a high-spirited day, it is a half-way brought into South Ge.

!! Nange's high-spirited Turmy and Ishiyaki were bounced from the straight line from the day, just in everyone's day to be a big ban. Direct violent shot outside the area.

Hey there! On the day, Xiao Lang looked with light, actually gave the ball to Zetian Yong, which was the fourth grade Ayong.

At this time, Ayong is already a small ban on South Gearda. Before the district, his chest is lightly unloaded.

"Shoot, Ah!" The day is screaming.

boom! A Yong heard the call from the day, and immediately lifted it directly to the short-distance extract.

! The ball should enter the net! The Emperor Senaki did not make any reaction!

Field score 2-2!

1511 chapter, Shuguang goddess

"What!" All the players of the South Gerading team were surprised. Avia was only a fourth grade, and the play of the ball was first class, but the power was very lacking. The ball was very positive, and the speed Not very fast.

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