The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1507

This ordinary shooting should be easy to get out of the strength of Senakaki!

"Hey, I am going to go?" A Yong himself was a bit surprised. He originally felt that this ball had to force [department] some problems, but did not play well, but the truth is that he is going to go.

"It's terrible ..." Senaki fell to the ground, the expression was obvious.

"Senakaki ... are you okay?" Nange everyone surrounded.

"It turns out that the day, the guy has seen the problems of the Senaki Emperor. Just now, it is a great psychological burden to the great psychological burden!" I can't stand it.

Just now, I am very beneficial to South Ge, I will reverse it back, and I have given up his proud dignity.

He is no longer a pair of night-long winds, but starts passing, letting the Ming and the striker and the whetfare shot.

This is the day to Xiaolang, and he surpass everything to victory.

Ming and started to attack football, South Ge's door, the dangerous group, if Ming and FC's forward feet are more accurate, South Ge has already been poured in more - 760-.

Of course, South Ge, the night-lived wind has also passed a few feet and very threatened through the ball, but the state of Jingze and the future is general, and there is no chance to hold the opportunity.

If you go anymore, Nange is broken and superchard is just a matter of time.

At this time, on the field, the Ming and Avenous failed to drop the football under the foot of the dragon, and the Ming and the beginning of the attacked.

"Well! That's it, there is a chance to move the shot! The other's goalkeeper is no longer!" The day shouted.

boom! The Japanese voice just fell, Ming and FC No. 1 players were banned in South Ge. There are directly pins and remote shootings.

The football whistling, flying directly to the top left corner of South Geardians.

"Senaki, pick the ball!" Gao Xi really shouted.

Senaki faces obviously appeared in the fear of fast-flying football, he did not make any action.

At the time of the face of football, it is necessary to fly into the goal of South Ge, and a blue-white figure is tall, and it is Simi!

! Ishi Aizaki actually blocked the football in the face, and the whole person turned up, and the high of the Gao Xuqi took the football that rebounded from Ishigosaki.

"It's good, Ishiki!" The night's cold can't help with the wonderful performance of Ishii.

" ..." Ishi Siki slowly stood up, the whole face was red, the head is still a little dizzy, a pair of instability.

From South Ge Primary School's feet guard, the substitute to the South Gesee selection team, and then to the absolute main force of South Ge's selection team.

The most important thing to progress to Simosaki is that the night grows, and the night-hearted style of the football talent is actually very general, but he has a small three-or-white non-abandonment.

In the Southern selection team, in addition to the night grow, the most practical person is not a big air wing, nor a Pkarang, but Shosaki!

On the spot, Ishi Siki's hard practice has been returned, and he blocks a ball that is almost necessary in Ming and FC.

South Ge's counterattack, Gao Zhenwu passed the ball to the foot of the midfield, and the Yaro's steal will pass the ball to the night.

"The guy of Ishiki is so hard, I can't say it again without going to go!" Night long-lasting corner, the speed of the ball suddenly accelerated.

"Betting, I won't let you go!" The day rushed to the night's wind. This time, the day is dignified, it is like a soldier with explosives, a pair and night long wind together.

It's only dozens of seconds from the end of the first half. This is the last attack of South Geka. The day, Xiao Lang does not want South Geng to enter the second half, he wants to block this attack.

Even the foul, the day, Xiaolang, also blocks the night.

And when the night's wind and the day, the audience of the audience were stupid.

Because there is three nights in the court (Caee), and it is a completely different three directions to break through the day to Xiaolang.

On the day, the pupil in the eyes of Xiaoli suddenly contracted, he never saw this scene, just like an illusion.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

The night-length wind has a hidden supermanship, although this is the first time in the official game, but the day is still not any response.

bass! When three nights are re-integrating, the night long wind has launched the day to Xialang.

The day is a little looking back, the back of the zero jersey is getting farther and farther.

"What technology is!" It has been in the leisurely drinking Jiliang, and the wine bottle in his hand falls in the ground, and the wine is sprinkled with Jiliang.

But Jigha didn't care, and he never seen such a subtle skill in his long career, and the night-hearted wind made three breakthroughs in an instant.

Only talents with super dynamic vision can barely distinguish the fake movements of the night, others have differentiated three people with the players with the audience.

The eyes of the dawn goddess are blinded, so you can't see the truth.

"Is this a child really a primary school student?" Even the legendary front of Japan sent such sighs, he once saw countless talented children, where the day of the day is the most prominent.

But after the moment, Jigha has changed his thoughts. It turned out that Asia had such a talent.

"This kid maybe it will become a sky-Emperor!" Giliang flashed a golden light.

On the field, the night-lived wind has broken the ball to break through the big and FC.

Three people in Ming and FC guards wanted to put the night length in the ground, and the night's wind turned again to show the shackles of the dawn goddess.

At this moment, the night-long wind divided three people all from the three defending cracks!

Single knife!

When the three people of the night, he only had a goalkeeper who had a Ming and FC?

Ming and FC goalkeepers directly attacked, he must block the football of the night on foot before the feet of the wind.

In the face of the attack and goalkeeper, the night and the right foot suddenly buckled.

It is this simple single buckle, Ming and the door will think that the night cost is not shooting directly.

When the night is long, the right foot is buckled, and the left foot is over, he has fallen the last person of the Ming and.

! The night length is gently pushed, push the football into the empty door of the Ming and FC.


Chapter 1512, I didn't think

beep! The referee blows a whistle that ends in the first half, and the night-hearted wind has completed the hat trick before the end of the first half. South Ge is again leading!

"It's too amazing, our Dongbang Academy must want him!" The beauty of the Dongbang Academy explored the night lengthy winds of running on the court, and the two eyes were light, just like fans saw the idol of their worship.

The audience outside the offline is a bit happiest, until the night's live wind has made a consecutive hollow celebration, the entire audience boils.

Half a dragon, even passing the five people, and finally pushed the door to take the empty door.

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