The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1512, Chapter 1512, Chapter 1512 of the Prince of Tennis

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1517 chapter, expecting opponents

Jikai, with the ball breakthrough, and smartly, can play a lot, good at mastering the rhythm of the game, once is the soul of the Brazilian team.

Even the ball Wang Beli said that Jikai is the most like his player, and Jike has been become Baili, which is visible, and his superman's football talents.

At this time, in the night long eyes, Sanhu is like a young age, talent.

"Night Longjun, I am looking forward to your contest!" Sanmei Yunguang saw the night cost of watching the battle outside the scene, the war in his eyes four overflow.

At this time, the two defenders on the venue will prevent the San Shi, and there is no sticky ball, and the football is directly straight.

The skin smartly penetrated between the two guards, the clamps between the two defenders just rolled into the feet of the midfunction of the martial arts.

One of the defends on the south, knocking the ball back, knocked him into the three behind him.

Sanhuo welcomes football is a great shot, and football penetrates more than 20 meters from the distance, directly drilling into the south of the ball!


"Yeah!" At this time, the fan group of the field three is screaming.

"Wow, he shot very powerful!" Ishiki surprised.

"Passing, with the ball, shooting, Sanhuo has excellent talents, this all-round player is rare." The night is holding the chin, he has put the Sansi Yu as a more tricky opponent to Xiaolang .

In terms of the location and role of the field, Sansi and Night wind are completely competitive, and two people are all-round players.

Once this kind of player is out, it is much more much better than the killing of powerful strikers.

"This guy is not a heart disease, it should be a big star of Japanese gold!" Night hard-driven heart disease, feeling some unfortunately.

As such an opponent, it is always looking forward to the lively wind, but his strength is not fully played by the influence of physical disease. This is also very regrettable for night strength.

Next, Wuzhou has changed directly after the victory.

The team leader in Wuzhou knows the physical condition of Sanhuo, so you only allow him to fight for ten minutes per game.

"Hey, how do you get to the Sanqi?" Ishikaki's doubts.

"Nothing means, go back to practice, prepare the afternoon game!" The night's wind watched the three scent, then pulled Simosaki to leave.

On the other hand, the day, after the defeat of Xiaoli, the mood was very low. He sat on the ground that read and wrote a comprehensive stadium. I didn't know what I was.

"You are the day to Xiaolang?" Suddenly, a female voice passed into the ear of the day to Xiaolang.

"Well?" The day of Xiaoxun looked up, there was a man and a woman in front of him, a dress wearing a dress, and unlike the audience of the game.

These two are the scouting of the Dongbang Academy of South Ge and Ming and the game before.

"We are to observe you!" The words of beauty scouts are shocked.

"Observe me?"

"Yes! I have seen it before the game, your strength is needed for our Dongbang Academy! In addition, I also investigate the situation in your home." Beauty explored the sun hat and continued "As long as you join us Dongbang!"

"Your country, high school, and universities these ten-year tuition and living expenses, etc. must be resolved by us, and there is a bonus!"

On the day, Xialairo suddenly looked up, then standing directly, and asked: "Is you really true?"

"Of course, it is true!" The beauty of the beauty nodded, she was very satisfied with the expression of Xiaolang.

She knows that this is a treatment to Xiaojiro, there is no way to refuse, and there is no scholarship and living expenses. He is difficult to continue his football career.

"You don't want to be too early!" The middle-aged man suddenly opened, "We have a condition."


"Yes, in fact, before the national contest, we have already investigated the players of each county, and three of them are most prominent. One is you, the other is Musashi, and finally South Geye You are the core people of their respective teams! "Beauty girl explores relieved.

"But you lost to the night growing in today's game, and it is the defeat!" Middle-aged man coldly.

"I am evil!" The day poked to the pain, the fist had to be pinched.

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"But you still have a chance!" The words of beauty scouting make the day. "

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