The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1513 of the Chapter 1513 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"what chance?"

"Our Dongbang Academy is the champion team. We only have the champion player!" The beauty ball explored the sun, "as long as you can win, then you will prove that you are the best player, we will choose you as an east The special enrollment of the Bangtue Park! "

"This is true?" The day, Xiaolang looked up, and the fire in his eyes reburned.

For his family, for his beloved football, the day, the day, Dao Lang decided to burn himself again.

What dignity, what to overcome the night, these are not important, the day is already lost.

"If I said, I will never have a good question!" The beauty of the beauty of the ball has a sunshade.

...........? .. ▉ ...

"That's good, I must get the champion of the national contest!" The day looked back.

"Then I will look forward to your performance. If you go smoothly, you will have a chance to face South Gorn night!" The beauty of the beauty blunt, and finally turned to leave.

"I must win!" The day, Xiao Lang no longer hesitated, turned to the door to read and writing, and only one goal was from the group.

Time to the afternoon, South Ge's second team.

The opponent in this game is relatively weak, and the night-catching wind is kicked for ten minutes, it will rest after it is 4 to 0, and it will take a break.

South Ge ultimately defeated the opponent at a large bit of 9-0, after all, was a top seed. He faced this fishing team. The South Ge's selection team of course is a chopped dish.

The next day, the National Competition next day.

Nange two consensus, the opponent in the third game is a flower wheel, they are also two warfare.

When Simici saw the opponent of this game, he was still a big shock. "Are they not playing the two twins in the train station?"

"Yes, it is them!" South Ge's leader of the city is a face, "Don't you have to be very strong, their strength is very strong, good at fast attack!"

"Well, let's go!" The night's wind stood up and took the South Gen to the court.

For the strength of the flower wheel, the night grows don't know much. He is some football that is expected to play two twins will kick.

1518 chapter, battle flower wheel

beep! With the whistle of the referee, the third game of the South Ge Selection Team Group is officially started.

The flower wars, the middle circles, the husband and the government two twins are behind the ball.

Snapped! At the beginning of the game, the husband gave the ball to the government, two people were twins, the length of the same team was very similar, and the same team was wearing the same team, it was difficult to distinguish.

Moreover, with the husband and the government show the piles of twins, the other players of the flower trip team are in the middle, and there are only two people in the attack.

It is the continuous feet of these two, actually directly to clean the midfielders in South Ge, and the two brothers will soon come to Nange's big ban. District.

At this time, the Pkarang rushed to the ball with the ball, and the husband's movement was very fast, and it was a bit anxious for a while, and quickly "six hundred zero" will pass the ball to the right of the government.

Two people wanted to match the Pkiro with a two-lasting wall, and at this time, a blue white lightning figure passed from the two, and it was broken the pass of the husband.

It's a night!

"Dry, the captain!" South Grid is ignorant, one up, and the night is broken, the two people have broken the tacit pick.

"How can it be?" Heshi looked at the back of the night.

"The cooperation between two people is like smashing the defense line of South Ge, it is true!" The speed of the night is very fast, it is coming to the midfielder he is familiar.

In the face of the midfielder player on the flower, no more thought, the air is directly raised, and the round moon bending knife is passed.

"It's good, the captain!" The front field's Jingze is relaxed to stop the ball of the night, and then turned directly, "We!"

"Yes!" The two people in the front field of South Geong also ran around, and South Geng launched a familiar offensive routine.

And the guards of the flower war team arranged a layer of bucket in the back line, which was completely a human tactics.

The previous games, attacks are also two people, and all other players are defensive players.

Snapped! Snapped! The three people in the front field of Nange cooperate with tacit understanding, three pass two feet broke through the first line of fire.

"Come on, South Ge!" Southern South Ge's response group shouted.

"Top them!" The sound of the gathering group is not small.

I have to say that the defense of the flower wheel is still a set. Although the first line of defense is broken, it is followed by more defensive players to the ball of the ball.

Dragon is surrounded by three players, there is no passing and shooting angle.

"Give me the ball!" At this time, the nightmare of the midfield was plugged directly, he attracted the defensive player of the flower wheel, letting Long have a passage of the ball.

Snapped! Dragon one will pass the ball straight to the idle gear, and the night long wind is rushing to squeeze the defensive player of the flower wheel, and then caught the ball.

"We also chased it!" The husband and the husband and the husband were chasing after the night.

But their speed and night growth are too far, it will not be able to catch up with it, but it is more larger.

At this time, Yaro also came to the frontcourt. He and the two people did not start back and forth.

South Ge's super gold combination broke out more powerful than the two brothers, maybe the two people were twins, and the two brought together than night long winds and pole.

But the ball of the two people and the Baritaro are the standing brothers can't match, and the two can attract a large number of fireworks, and then pass the ball to each other.

The last night, the two people used this kind of play-like pass, and the football passed into the door of the flower war, and the door of the flower wheel will be played by the two.


"Go go!" South Geng started cheering.

"Is this not the way we go into the game?" The two people were very annoyed, and South Ge is clearly intentionally used to go to go to go to the ball in this way so that the psychological defense of the flower round player.

"No, this competition, we must never lose!" The two brothers are holding double punches, and the two began to go back to the half of South Ge.

Floor counterattack!

This time, the two-person brothers have lost the two defense lines in South Ge, and came to Nange's big ban.

At this time, Ishiki and high-spirited I have rushed to the husband and government.

Halling the ball and passed the football, followed by the government to push into the door of South Ge, then the fish jumped.

boom! The work of the government is very powerful, and the bottom right corner of the pastel is straight.

At this time, the Emperor Senaki played, he directly saved, put the football died on the grass before the door.

Very beautiful save!

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