The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1521 of the Chapter 1521 of the Prince of Tennis

Just pass only three feet, South Ge is tearing that it is a little brighter!

1526 chapter, joke

"Not good!" Zhongxi is too big, he didn't think of the insight of the night's wind, just looked at it, and saw the loophole of the difficulty of the refinement.

At this time, the Yaro took the ball directly to the big banned big ban. District, other South Geardi's frontcourts also rushed into the ban. District!

"Quickly stop them!" China and Western rushed a few people.

It is difficult to say that the five people in the district have blocked a frontal player of South Gee, and the remaining guards rushed to the ball of Baro.

At this time, Pkarang suddenly stopped the ball, and the situation was all dial on the left side of the ball.

! A lightning figure passed from everyone, and took the ball to his feet.

It's a night!

"Ah!" The audience exclaimed, waiting for them to see the long wind shadows in the night, there was only one hundred and weeks in front of the night.

Single knife!

"I am evil! I won't let you go into the game!" Zhongxi is too large, the body is rushed out from the gate, just like a small tank.

I looked at the Chinese and Western, and the wind did not shine at night.

"Best Paradise-157- member? Joke! This land is not better than Roen Linyuan three!" The night's long wind suddenly died in Chinese and Western preparation of the ball, the right foot is backward, Break the posture to be strong.

"Breast, don't want to go!" Zhongxi is too active, a flying fish jumps to the football of the night.

Snapped! At this time, the night long winds force the right foot of the front to stop in front of the ball, and then gently pick the ball.

! The ball suddenly fell from the grass and scratched a spoon shape in the air, and just passed the body of Too many huge body, after landing, slowly rolling into the empty door!


Night wind is facing Chinese and Western Tooh, kicking a very imaginative spoon.

The so-called spoon ball is actually challenging, the operation is covered, and the difficulty is also large.

But once it is played out, there is often an unexpected effect, and the beauty is full, the night before the wind passes, and the football master Qi Zida often kicked out this spoon goal.

"Going again!" The players in South Gee have been delight.

"Good and beautiful goal!" The view of the scene (CACB) The night's ball is conquered, and many neutral audience began to cheer from South Ge.

"Dry beautiful, long wind!" At this time, if the Bangkang County, Julin is watching the live broadcast of Nange and the refugee game at home, he can't help but call the wonderful goal for the night.

This spoon ball kicked too much, and the previous fake movements were also done, even if the Rickness did not dare to definitely fade out this.

Because it is already the relationship between the knockout of the National Competition, this game was broadcast live in a small TV stadium in Shizuoka Prefecture.

"This kid has improved, so that the very spiritual player can really become a sky star!" Side, you can see the coach in the heart of Johinde.

The lens is turned back to the court, and Nan Ge and the night grow up.

This time, the night's life did not do anything, he did not put China and the West in his eyes, and he was very far away from the door.

"This guy ..." At this time, the day of the game is watching the talents, "When he confronted with me, he also hidden strength?"

"If I can play with him?" I suddenly emerged a strange idea in the three-game Wars.

On the green field, the game continues.

After the night grows in two goals, the morale of the difficulty player is obviously affected, and the passing ball has emerged.

The ball returned to the foot of the South Ge, and the powerful offensive strength of South Ge in gradually appeared.

This is already the old man of South Ge. It's not a good thing, and the player is not very full. After the night is one person opens the situation, the attack of South Geardian begins to become effectively smooth.

At this time, the field is also a shocked voice, and the night grows in a big ban on difficulty. Take the ball in the area.

This difficult wave of all defenders attracted by night, and his killing is too large, and it is already connected to two goals, and people have to care.

Snapped! The night-long wind is bustling. Two defensive players are squeezed in the area, and then they are actually following the football after using the foot.

boom! As the ball rolls to the difficulty of difficulty. The point-in-law in the district, punching the disparation of the district [into], the jumping is a vigorous stabilizer.

Collapse! The ball is straight to the upper right corner of the ball!


The game has just opened a fifteenth minute, South Ge is a three-ball on the top of the melon.

The poor most popular door will record the ball of Zhongxi Taiyi to change from 0!

"It's good, long wind!" After the Pkarang went, turned his head with a thumbs up with the night.

Night wind and Nange Zhongfang everyone hit the palm, and then he waved, and South Ge is going back to prevent.

"I was actually entered three balls!" China and Western and repeatedly unable to maintain calm, reality and his ideal picture gap is too big, and he is a bit unacceptable.

However, the opponents on the court can no matter what you are, it is difficult to say, and they have lost the game. They have become a pot of porridge.

Snapped! The night-long wind stopped the ball in the middle of the field, and the night-long wind ghed glanced over a bad half, and then the feet shifted the ball to the edge of the edge.

After the dragon is on the chest, it starts to rank the ball, suddenly go to the bottom line, is lower.

This dragon is over to overclock half a high, and it is difficult to wave the height of the height, and the most difficult to handle this half-high ball.

At this time, South Ge's aerial bombard well-defeated a fishk, directly putting this half a high ball head.

The ball was smashed by this, flying over the goalkeeper, then directly inserted with a very fast night length of the speed, grabbed the ball to the empty door before all the difficulty of defending.

4-0! The hatred trick was completed in the first half of the night.

I want to know that South Ge face is not the previous fishing team, but the minimum team that has lost the ball in this national competition.

"Get it!" After the night length stood, slowly raised his right hand and scratched into a punch!

"South Ge! South Ge! South Ge!" The audience outside the field has become all the fans of South Ge, and it is unfair to the group.

boom! At this time, Zhongxi Taiyi punch in front of the ground, and the face is not sweet. Copying the miracle of Linyuan San last Congress into a dream bubble.

beep! When the referee blew the end of the holiday game, South Ge's team broke into a wonderful long shot!

5-0! After the end of the first half, the two teams have almost lost their suspense.

1527 chapter, advanced to eight

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