The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1522 of the Chapter 1522 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

After the end of the first half, it has no fighting spirit, including their core doors, Too many, and the rest of the seating area.

Off-site, the players who are watching South Geyu and Baiyu games are serious expressions.

"It is a team where the monarch is located, the strength is really strong!" Song Mountain eyes flashed.

"This hard-wave goalkeeper is actually very powerful, but the overall strength of South Gee players is still much higher, especially the night-catching guy!" The day is always on the night.

"One person opened the situation, and mobilized the whole team in a short time. This South Geka is worthy of this nation's top number!" Sange ........

"If I am playing with them, I just don't present, Musashi is likely to collapse!" Sanmei muttered himself, and his Meng sister manager behind him heard the feet.

beep! The referee whistle sounded, and the second half was started.

The competition has just begun, and the South Geka has got an excellent opportunity, and the Pkarang has passed a gathering of the ball in the middle.

The night-long wind opened the unpassing player with absolute speed, and then received the passage of Pkarran, and formed a single knife.

Night wind is once again brought the ball to the ban. District, there is only one hundred and one in front of him.

"It's so powerful, it's a single-knife!" The audience outside the field is also a screening.

"Hey! This game is over, I am derived!" China and West looked at the Mercedes-Benz in the long eyes, "let me suffer such a shame, I will not let you have a good, night long!"

boom! boom! Chinese and Western body began to start, he rushed to the night long, a pair to take the night long-lived expression.

"I have to waste your left foot!" Zhongxi Too pair held a box, and then deliberately fly from the football of the battle of the night, in fact, he was directly rushing to the left foot of the left foot on the left foot of the most vulnerable ankle. of.

"This dead fat man wants to waste people?" Who is the night growing, although the night's wind does not have a fight against the sky, his nerve is still keen, he can understand that Too much Chinese is a waste.

The most annoying at night is the most hated guy who is deliberately hurt in the arena, and the night grows feeling that it is an insult to the competitive sports itself.

bass! At this time, the night long wind suddenly left forward, and then the right foot was quickly pushed forward with football.

The ball wiped the grass from Zhongxi, and the body of the night, and the body of the night was hit on the right shoulders of China and Western.

Dang! It is actually bounced directly by the muscles of the night long, and then the heavy fell before the door of the difficulty.

"Ah, good pain!" Zhongxi is too screaming like a pig, and the audience is surprised.

Ball, China and the West are also hurt! ? Old W "

It is obviously a party that hits people, but he has been hit by the ground and has not stopped from the night, and the audience seems to be too unlucky.

In fact, where do they know, this is completely in the middle and Western, if he is not rushing to the feet of the night, but he will do the protection action.

And this night's long wind side, the body is tight, directly put the left shoulder joint of Zhongxi, it hurts him wow.

beep! The referee whistle sounds, the night is effective, 6-0! "

I deliberately want to hurt the Chinese and Western Terrace that I have been injured and lifted down the court. The night's wind is also going to rest directly, and South Ge is replaced with a substitute player.

Although it is a substitute player, South Ge has remained strong attack power. After that, it is difficult to lose China and Western Too many, it is completely turned into a headless flies, and I will enter the ball by Nan Ge.

! When the referee blows the end of the game, it is difficult to wave all players to pant.

12-0! Difficulty players only swallowed a shameful score gap.

South Ge's selection team is a ranking of difficulties, and the top eight!

"Walking, Agong!" The day turned to Xiaolang and greeted Ze Tiao Yong and then left.

He is full of face, no one knows what is going to write.

"Captain, have you heard? South Geyin's Rickland Sany seems to have to participate in the final finals, it should be very easy to entertaine the finals in Nange now!" Ze Takyong said while walking.

·· ▉ ▉ · ···

"If Lin Yuan San ..." The day came to Xiao Lang to recall the first door to challenge Nange, kicking into the door of Linyuan three hand, but later, the day, I also knew that time, if it was injured.

The current South Ge's selection team is already very powerful. If Lin Yuan three returns, add the ankle tumored air wing.

Southern selection team's strength is unfair, a team of strong players is very powerful, and South Ge has four, including super-first absolute core!

This South Ge's selection team is indeed known as Bug's general existence. Of course, this is also the most luxurious lineup in Nange's history and is the only one.

..... [? ..

"How is it, Xiao Lang? See Nan Ge is too strong, have you lost your confidence?" Yiliang coach took only half of the bread of less than half of the wine.

"No! This is nothing, I will revenge!" How can the day admit that he is afraid of Nange.

"Haha, you don't have to worry! We are clear and more than you and Ayong two people!" Jin Guangmu is flashing in Yiliang's eyes.

"Well?" The day, Xiaolang and Ze Tak, asked, "Coach, what are you talking about?"

"For this national contest, I specially found a good seedllar!" Ji Liang was irrupted, and it was deliberately paused.

"Who is it?" The two days of the day and Ze Tiet are still anxious. Bamboo

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1528 chapter, eight strong games

The next day, the national contest for the fifth day.

It's another day, glamorous, sky is sunny, but the temperature is relatively high.

Today is the eight strong game, the first place in the morning is the game of Ming and FC fighting in the battle.

This game is still a performance of Xiao Lang, and he has completed the four goals in the middle of the four balls, and the Jen Tian Yong entered a ball.

Ming and FC defeated Xiangxi SC with a score of 5-11, the first one entered the top four of the national contest!

So far, Japan has a total of 24 goals to Xiaolang, in the shooter list, the 23-ball high-race list of the night long wind.

The ball is high before the game is very high, but the time is far less than the day, so it is surpassed in the case of racing.

As for the assists, the two people and the Night Grotto are ran in the same ten assists. The second place is Jiudian Yong's nine, the third place is Musashi.

Sanqi is very impossible to have this assists in a 10-minute game time in less than ten minutes. 20

The next second eight-strong game is the Fuliangye's counter-fighting Hokkaido, the strength of the Hokkaido team is also good, and the first half is 1-0 lead.

But in the second half, the team leader Songshan has been sent, and the rich wildlife is three goals, reversal to the top four.

Song Mountain is also scored 11 goals in the shooter list, and he still has 7 assists, absolutely rich core characters.

The third game is South Ge's game, Nange Baqiang's opponent's new city is not anything strong, the previous game is very high, all the way is all weak, almost all the hidden points of the opponent.

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