The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1531 of the Chapter 1531 of the Prince of Tennis

"Be evil!" After the Jingzhishe, the annoyed waved his fist, this ball really only a little bit.

Nange familiar water silver diari-like offensive routine is already playing, but the door of Musash SC is super god.

0-0! The first half of the game is extremely fast, has already played a ten minute game, and the scene is very exciting, but the two teams still have not obtained the ball.

"Musash SC seems to have fallen from the wind, although their luck is very good, but if there is such a way, South Ge's achievements are definitely late and later." Dechuan Justice began to analyze the game.

"Musash SC wants to reverse the game, still depends on their trump-to-card Sanxiao!" Dichuan is just right, and the Matsi is directly open directly to the midfield.

A wild squad received a ball in the middle of the midfield, and once again passed the ball to three sings.

Sanhuo's heart relieves, he began to bring the ball with the ball, and the three pine smold a night-catching night that is completely unrestrained.

This game night has not taken it to defend the Sanhuo once, which makes the three midfield activities.

"Chang Fengjun, you know that I have heart disease, so I don't come to defend me?" San Pine bite the teeth, "If so, you are too small to see me three times!"

Sansi Expressway took the ball to two players of South Ge, at this time, Nange's middle-and-defending high shovel shouted to three sings.

"I am not afraid of what is heart disease!" Sange faces the high of the high, suddenly picks the ball to the air, then the body flashes to the right, then directly brushing the high.

Taki, I am surprised by the movement of Sanhuo.

Snapped! At this time, San Shi is already unloading the ball from the air from the air, actually a sphere of people in the air.

The movement of the three pines is very beautiful. The high is not short, and the body is also big. He actually dare to try to play like this to prove that the three is very confident in his own ball and technology.

"Too handsome, three people, I love you!" The female fan group on the stage is boiling, and the audience in the scene is also intoxicated in the actions of three era.

"Auntie!" The pechi parents on the stage were surprised. They have never seen three evangelism.

At this time, Sanshai has already become a golden lightning, and people's balls and one, Ishiki and the West Tail are out of moment.

"Captain!" Musashi SC players have never seen three sings.

"It's amazing!" Pastelang looked at the motives of Sanhuo, and he did not think that he could not do such a ball.

"Blocking him, can't let him break through!" If Lin Yuan is anxiously shouting outside.

At this time, Sansi is already a five player of Nange. He is already a big ban on South Ge. In the district, only one of the Senaki Emperor in front of him, and there is no stop from him. Several guards of the next South Ge.

"Changfeng Jun, I must force you to shoot!" Three pine two eyes light.

"Ah!" At this time, South Gei Siki and the shore were slippery from the Suspei bouncing, it was a deputy to put it directly.

Snapped! At this time, Sanshen made a movement that can enter the top ten ball of this session. He left the front of the ball in front of him. When the ball rolled into his foot, he could pick up the ball directly.

Then, he flew to the air, the slippers of Ishiki and the shore of the shore were empty, and the three of the three in the air flooded the body, and then slammed the body, the right foot was kicked in the air ..

! The ball scores a curve in the air, and the Emperor Senaki has been used to fill the ball, but the ball is still in the goal.

Ball! Not as inferior to the air movement of the night, simply smash the side of the sky!

1-0! Musashi SC is leading.

"Enter! Enter! Enter!" There were thousands of audiences on the audience, and the entire read and writer will become a happy ocean.

"Powerful! If you have any personal abilities, the Sansi Jun has changed the situation in the game! It is worthy of the court prince. His shooting makes people a case, it is worthy of the prince on the court!" Dechuan Justice has begun to boast .

This guid is in which the movement of Sanhuo has been forgotten that he is a neutral to keep the stand.

"Three pine! Three pine! I love you!"

"Ah, ah!" The Girl's Mengmei fans on the stage was completely high, and they kept Musavers, and there were three puchial posters, which was completely a championship.

On the field, the players of Musashi SC laughed to the Sanhuo, "I was good, the captain!"

"It's great!" Musagandan players raised their right hand, one and three shots, one time Musago players were large. .

"Oh, that is too powerful, I don't know how to be overlooked! 1.8" Taki is really sloppy.

"I really can't take him!" Ishiki wiped the sweat that wiped the forehead, "can't stop!"

At this time, South Ge face is the deafening cheers of the demon of tens of thousands of devils. There is also a beautiful first record of three sings, all the pressures are concentrated on South Ge players, this feeling is suffocating.

"Changfeng, then do so badly!" Yaro ran to the low voice around the night.

"Hey, the guy is again forced to shoot!" The night is cold and cold, and the eyes are turned over. "Since you want to discriminate me, I will satisfy you!"

Originally, the night is not wanting to fight with him in the state of Pichi, but the three is already in this kind, and the night is too late to take care!

1538 chapter, deliberate?

Southern Garango served, and Pkarang put the ball to night long.

When the night grows, one person starts to take the ball, at this time, the night's wind has completely concentrated attention, and the ball is quickly advanced at his feet.

"Blocking him, we have to enter a ball again!" After the pine goal, the martial arts players in the martial arts player rose, and the two people wanted to rush to grab the ball under the long-term feet.

"Zuo Sang, wooden household, come back! Don't destroy the overall defense line!" Sanqi shouted his teammate.

"Yes, the captain!" Zo Na and the wooden households heard the command of Sanmin, retired back, the overall line of the martial arts SC began to shrink.

"Just got me!" The night long-faced corner is lifted, and it directly accelerates the speed of the ball.

This time, Sanhuo is a speed at night, once the night is full of complete speed, then there is no difference with a wind.

"So fast! South Geardi players are like a speed boat in the hair!" Dechuan Justice was surprised at the speed of the ball on the field.

Just a night, the wind is still in the midfield, the blink of an eye, and the night-long wind has been brought to the ball.

"Sano, wooden households, this room, you have gained the winger of South Ge. He wants to pass!" Sanhuo is banned. The district commands his teammates. 20

"Breast, this guy!" Jing Zele and Longyi and future students were guarded against Musashi players, and there was no chance to catch a ball.

"Well, the defensive line formation of Musash is very good, it is a three-year jun, although it is ahead, but it is still as calm!" Dechuan Justice is boasted a three-sin.

"Very good, three pine! You look very accurate, South Ge's night long-lived ball is better than him. The power of shooting outside the district is much bigger." The coach in the Musashi Rest area also stood up.

"Looking at you, the long-standing boss!" At the time, Shang Nange Primary School Football is still shouting for the night, and their voice shouted is a bit hoarse.

"Their defense is strict!" Yaro is also coming to the frontcourt. He swept in front of him, and he was full of martial arts, and the station was very perfect.

At this time, the night is suddenly pinned, and it is a long-lost super force.

boom! The strength of the night's long wind is exaggerated, and the ball is flying by him, like an artillery, a door to Musash SC.

"Matsumi!" San Shi was shocked by the night-catching shot, he looked back, Musashun gone jumped up, and wanted this 'can shell'.

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