The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1532 of the Chapter 1532 of the Prince of Tennis

But the speed of the ball is too fast, and the Matsi has just jumped, and the ball has been flying from him.

boom! Let Nange people are speechless is that the ball actually hits the beam of the martial arts door, and then rebounds quickly.

"What!" The audience on the stage stunned, banned. District, the people in the district, and the players in Nange were slightly god.

At this time, San Shizhen suddenly realized what is alternative:} He looked back, a venous wind suddenly passed by him.

It's a night!

"Blocking ..." Sanqi just said a typographic, he had seen the back of the night-catching zero jersey suddenly set up, and it turned in the air.

Among the martial arts players, the night long-lived pair of feet, turning the body in the air, and in the air, it is a pause.

This is the real perfect aerial gesture, and the night's long wind shows the powerful lagging ability of the incredibility, and the audience on the stage is stupid.

"Pouring the golden hook!" The night long waist and abdomen suddenly contracted, he swept a speed rebounded back, suddenly fell in the air and left the right foot.

boom! The ball that rebounded back is directly kicked by the night, and there is a meteor in the air, and it is played back at a faster speed.

"It is the killing skill of the long wind!" If Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan, is blindled.

▉! The ball flew directly from the pine well head of the inverted ground, straight around the martial arts of the martial art!

1-1! Like Sanhuo, the night-length wind defeated the martial arts line of Musashi, and slammed the score with a must-have reversed killing skill.

In the first half of the first half, the two teams returned to the same ä starting line.

"Enter! It is a golden hook!" The only small Southerry on the stage will be booked. The original South Ge Primary School is cheering, and tens of thousands of martial arts fans are quiet, they still Didn't come back, the ball has drilled into the dead end of the goal.

"This is the movement of the golden hook, only the action of professional players can do, is he really primary school students?" Dechuan Justice in the studio felt that his worldview collapsed, and the movement of the night is doing. so perfect.

The gesture in the air, there is the last swing shoot, one gas, not to drag the water, and see the exercise of thousands of times.

"Ox!" Wushu Gate took the Matsushitah to shoot his big. The legs, night long winds have been shot twice in a row. He has never encountered.

"Okay, stand up, continue to work hard, the game has just begun!" San Shi as the captain of the field, did not show an annoyed expression, but some excited look, this is the game he expected.

And I just vigorously dissipated the night, and III thought that the ball is directly in the ball.

The power of the ball is too big, the speed is too fast, and it is quite amazing than the extraction of Xiaolang.

"Don't he deliberately kick it on the beam?" The three scholars have an idea in the brain, and then shook his head, "it is impossible!"

Such speed, such strength, such as 093, can control the extent to this extent, that is the real enchanting.

"Too good, captain!" Ishiqi rushed to the night and long, and Nan Ge is also surrounded. The pressure on everyone is immediately alleviated, and the entire read and write owner is also the first time. Quiet.

Tens of thousands of martial arts have clenching, they believe that their team will lead again.

At a time, the atmosphere in the court was more nervous, and the air seems to be solidified.

"Changfeng, shooting well!" Yaro also ran over and hit the palm of the night.

Laughing at night, smiled, gently patted the grass on the grass, "This damn beam and door column, and these noisy guys can finally be quiet!"

"Is the captain is deliberately hitting the beam?" Nange Zhong is a glimpse, "No!"

On the court, the game continued to serve the SC line.

Snapped! A wild squad is given the ball, and the left and foot of the three pony, the right foot is directly suddenly started.

"Hey!" San Shi is kicking the ball to the right side of Nange half, a long pass, Sanhui wants to pull South Ge's defense.

! The ball is rotated at high speed in the air, soon come to the sky before the bottom of South Ge.

At this time, the fastest speed of the martial arts team is already high, ready to give this team to the teammates next to him.

Chapter 1539, he is the king

"Ishiqi, you attach the 12th!" Night Changfeng began to direct South Ge's defense, "Zele, you stared at the 10th!"

"Yes, the captain!" Ishiki and Jingze are in front of the two frontcourts in Musashi, and I have died the ball line.

Speaking of the commanding capacity, the vision of the night, but the top level, but the long-lasting wind is too lazy and lazy to direct South Ge.

"What should I do?" Some of the rooms of the high jumped, lost concentration, the ball fell on his head and bounced directly.

Snapped! At this time, South Gefu will be rolled down on the ground.

"Passing it to me!" The night is shouting with the rushing.

! A low-plane ball in Pufang passed the ball to the night-long wind in the midfield, and the foot of this Pudi had some mistakes, and the pipurine is less than half a high, it is difficult to handle.

The night-long wind is lightly unloaded with the side of the knee, and after landing, it starts to take the ball with the ball.

"Tailang!" Night Changfeng just broke through the half of Musashi, passed the ball to Yitang.

South Ge's gold partner begins with a continuous pass, the speed is very fast!

"Staring in South Geei, you can't let them go to the side!" Sanyi shouted his own player.

"Yes!" Wuzhou's defender immediately sticked the return of the anti-Bang Road and the dragon.

"Changfeng, what should I do?" Pastelang stopped the ball in the frontcourt, and the large number of players in Wuzhou were concentrated in the ban.

"Give me the ball!" The golden light in the eyes, "I want them to see what is called" "

bass! Pastelang nodded and shifted the ball to the Big Half of Musashi.

Snapped! The night-length wind is directly launched, and the next time the ball has killed the big ban on Musashi.

Musashi is banned. The five people immediately wrapped in the eight-faced night-length wind, which can be said that the angle of the night and long lives did not.

"Successful defense! Although South Geka has equalized score, it seems that there is still no change in the sea tactics against Wuzhou defense ... . ▉ ..." Dichuan's just sounds did not fall.

Night long winds suddenly in the ban on Musashi. In the district, five defensive players in Muzhou have continuously made a fake action in different directions.

"What!" De Chuan's justice, he clearly saw five people in the big screen in front of the big screen in front of the big screen, each with a ball.

At this time, Musashi players also smashed the pupil, and suddenly was in the same place.

Shuguang goddess shackles! The night-length wind has a skill that he will kill. At this time, the dawn goddess has been upgraded by night long-winding to the master, and the number of times and fluency can be more amazing.

During this time, the night-catching winds are practicing the shackles of the dawn goddess, which is to deal with the people's tactics in Wuzhou.

"What is the skill?" The audience in the scene of Musashi suddenly sat quiet.

When the night's five people were once again coincident, he was already brought to the ball to the ban on Musashi.

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