The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1543 of the Chapter 1543 of the Prince of Tennis

"South Ge's selection team players have begun to be training, but I don't know why I haven't seen Ming and FC players!" Dechuan is somewhat surprising, according to the schedule is now warm-up, if Ming and FC do not come It means that they gave up the warmth of the game.

Just as the night grows, when I was in the game, I suddenly felt the game. Suddenly, a venous wind swept from the night.

The night long wind conditions reflectively turned, and the right hand directly grasped.

Snapped! The night's long winds grabbed a ball, and behind him is the people of Ming and FC.

· Ask for flowers

"This guy reaction is still so fast!" The day, Xiao Lang, I originally wanted to shoot the ball into the door of the Ruolin handle, but I didn't expect that the middle is directly blocked.

"Daily, you should be too guilty!" Night lives looked at the day to Xiao Lang cold channel.

"Hey, I am coming to revenge today!" The day, the golden light shines.

"Come on!" The night's wind swept a bright and everyone, and he did notice that the body is tall.

"The day, Xiaolang, today you don't want to enter!" If Lin Yuan three is to pay attention to Xiaolang, and he will report a ball in the day.

"Come, Ming and FC players also played!" De Chuan Ji also took out another form. "Before the game, we received the news, Ming and FC temporarily replaced the door, today, it will be an island There are very few information about his information, and I don't know how the strength is. "

...? ..... [..

"Please, day, today, it's also victorious!"

"Ming and Come on! Dead South Ge!"

"South Ge! Strongest! South Ge! First!" When the two team players were played, the fans on the stage were noisy, they were shouting for their respective teams, now the momentum is more than before. The semi-finals have to rise.

"It's going to start, the final!" At this time, the VIP seats on the stage will come to the scene again.

"Yeah, this final can see which few people are the most powerful in the country, our Tongbang is as long as the strongest!" The beauty of the beauty of the game.

On the green field, the referee has entered the work, and the night-hearted wind called Nange Zhong, surrounded by a circle, and then stretched. Put the right hand.

"If I have excess, I have said it when I was oath in the player. We came here to come to the champion." The night's wind sweeps the South Granu, "Now the champion is here, we Just walk, reach out, you can take it! "

"As for the obstruction in front of us, all the one foot kicks!" The night is long face, "We have to tell everyone, what is called king!"

"Oh!" Nange Zhongren's chest is blind, and Qi Qi will throw your hand!

1552 chapter, Ji Island

"Two team players!" The main referee strokes the two team players, indicating that the two team players are set in the middle circle.

Soon South Ge and Ming and Two team players stand on both sides of the midline, respectively.

"Please give me a lot of advice!" Two team players respect each other.

Subsequently, the day, Xiao Lang guess the coin, Ming and the ball, South Ge is chosen, the two team players are also scattered on the scene, stand in their position.

"The audience friends, the game is now going to start!" Dynasty TV station directly transferred to the stadium from the studio.

"This game will decide to stand up to thousands of teams in the country, South Ge, or Ming and Ming!" Dechuan justice rigid.

beep! On the court, the main referee blew the whistle started in the game.

"Ming and! Come on!"

"South Ge! Can't lose!" The whole fan instantly boiled, yelling "Second 57" sounds through the entire read and writer.

Opening, Ming and Ze Tian Yong directly brought the ball to the king player day to Xiaolong, the day, Xiao Lang, starting the straight line high-speed, other Ming and the frontcourt players are striking the hinterland of South Ge.

The game has just begun, and the Ming sum will show a vow to take the boom.

"I will stop him!" At this time, South Ge's commented and dragon all rushed to the day to Xiaoli, and Xiaolang.

The night-cost game is returned to the midfield position of his familiar, the top of the top is turned into the big air wing just retrieved.

"Rolling!" The day, Xiaolang, the straight line, still as always, directly squeezed the coming and dragon one.

The two of the large air wings and Pkarang also rushed up, and the day was shocked to Xiaolang, and the ball was stopped.

"The day is overdown!" The fans and fans shouted.

"Small wings, breaking the ball!" Nan Ge Neiyun Group is also sitting on the table for South Ge.

"This time I won't hurt again!" The big air wing looked at the day to Xiaolang. The first game was because he was injured when he was struggling, and the big air wing was for so long. Court on the court.

Prove yourself again in front of the day!

"It's a hard-wrapped boy!" The impression of Xiaoxiro's big empty wing is also very deep. Nange's most dangerous is undoubtedly a night, but the two players of the large air wings and Pkayo cannot be ignored.

"Since this! Hey ..." The day, Xiao Jiro, drunk, and suddenly heat.

boom! The ball is directly ejected from the day to Xiaolang to the abdomen of the big empty wing. The big air wings fly directly.

"Ah!" The audience exclaimed.

"The little wing!" Nange Zhongren was also amazed.

"The guy is deliberate!" If Lin Yuan is angry.

The big air wings are fell to the ground, covering the abdomen with hands, and the ball slipped from him to the right.

"Good!" The day will start again to Xiaolang, is preparing to bring the ball from the big air wing.

"I said, I am not so fragile!" The big air wings raised the head.

"What are you talking about! Victory is our Ming and!" The day, Xiaolang, did not think that the big air wings succeeded so soon.

Snapped! At this time, the big air wings endured the abdominal pain, bowing the body, with the feet back to return the ball back.

"Ni!" The day, Xiaolang, was surprised by the tenacity of the big empty wing.

Snapped! The ball just rolled down to the foot of the night, and the night did not stop the ball, sweeping a bit of a day to Xiaolang and the air wings.

At this time, the big air wings suddenly flew forward, he had not played for a long time, he was too eager to run on this green field, how could it be easily knocked down to Xiaolang. Bamboo

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1553 chapter, the battle of the goalkeeper

Among the lifetime of the night, if Shimazujian is the offensive gathered, the attacker is very strong, and the future will change the striker in the future.

Just now, Island Zup Jian, the thrown, showing his strong offensive consciousness, and the ball is directly ran to the feet of the midfielder and midfielder players.

"Here, I bay, give me the ball!" The day, Xiaolang, bouncing the ball.

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