The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1544, Chapter 1544, Chapter 1544, Chapter 1544

"Yes, the captain!" A bounched a long biography to the day of Nange half.

Snapped! At this time, Ishi Chi suddenly flashed on the path of passing, "Not so easy!"

"What!" Ming and Middle Field players were shocked, and the ball was directly broken by Simi.

"Dry well, Ishikaki!" On Taiwan South Ge Primary School Football Ministry is called.

Ishiyaki smiled and passed the ball to the midfielder.

"The ball returns to the foot of the South Ge, now it seems that the midfielders of South Geka are still absolute, the ball is very high!" With the sound of Dichuan's unity, the night is beginning to start High speed runs in the Ming and Half.

"It is evil! These guys are different from the first game!" The day, Xiaoli finally realized that Nange Zhong passed the baptism of so many games, it has been completely different from the 20th contest.

"But our Ming and FC will not really be like that game! Block him, can't let him pass!" The day, Xiaolang, rushed to his back player.

"Yes!" The two players of Ming and FC rushed to the night long, and the two shouted at the same time and wanted to stop the rapid advancement of the night.

The night-hearting wind will ignore these guys, pass the ball to Pkairo, and the Yaro Lang came back to the night long, the two people became more and more higher, the defense line of Ming and FC was like a paper in front of the two. Like a paste, it is a breakthrough.

"Staring at the big air wing!" If Island is constantly calling his teammates in front of himself, it has been plugged in. Basic wings in the district.

At this time, the night length of the wind stopped the ball, and the right foot was directly put on the ball and the moon bending knife.

The ball scores a super-high arc in the air, speed rotation, and flying over the top of the Ming and FC all players.

At this time, the big air wings are banned. In the area, at least three of the three defenses and the FC's defender, everyone's attention is on the big air wings.

And the night-catching wind, but flying over the top of the big empty wing, flying toward the far corner of the goal.

"What!" Ming and everyone shocked, at this time, a blue white figure behind them is tall and is the air bombard well in South Ge.

Jing Zele defended, the night-lived wind, this ball is very clever, just flying. All the top of the district, the top of the player, to the most comfortable position in front of Jingze.

"This ball is mine!" Jingze's pace, Gao Gao Yue is in the air, is preparing to use the head to send the ball to the door of the FC, he is a high image Gao Yue, grabbed the ball to death before Jingze.

Is Island Australity! He attacked in advance and judged accurate and confiscated football.

"It is also the land of the island, and the goalkeeper of the Ming and FC will play. It is good, and South Ge's offensive is like tide, but it is still unable to get the ball!" Dechuan Justice can't help but feel the strength of Zhujinjian. Surprum.

"This goalkeeper is really amazing!" The big air wings have been observed by the performance of Zhujinjian, and sent a sincere sigh.

"It is quick to judge the ball, the ball speed is very good, the bounce is also excellent, the hands are also powerful! If Island, Zhimin Jian really is the same as Ju Lin, it is a natural goalkeeper!" Night long wind feels if the island is able to train He is very likely to be a world-class door.

"Ah, this guy is also so powerful, so I will not become a third door!" I will watch the fat cat in the Tmall.

"South Ge's offense is here, the captain quickly goes!" If Island is rotated in the air, it is, it is a big foot to open the ball.

If Island, Zup Jian is also quite good as a goalkeeper's foot method, the ball line runs through the big stadium, accurately come to the feet of the frontcourt to Xiaolang.

"It is good, if island!" The day, Xiao Lang, stopped the ball, and then turned to the ball to stand to Nange. District.

As Lin Yuan San, if Island is also able to launch an offensive ability, which makes up for the weakness of the Ming and Middle Field players.

"Okay, the captain took the ball!" Ming and the FC seating area replaced everyone excited.

"I am coming, South Ge! This time I must go to the ball!" The day, I started to show his stunt straight to the straight line, and the momentum is very foot, it is like a tiger down the mountain.

"Look at me to block you!" Ishiki and Gao Xi Zhen I have been banned. The area rushed out, directly stretching the ball at the feet of Xiaoxiro.

"You are giving me the two guys!" The day, Xiaolang, smashed, exhausted to force Schosaki and the tall high.

Advance not only Nan Ge, the Tiger Day is also progressing, especially after he lost to Night Wind and South Ge, the day, the day, Xiaolang, has strengthened his own training.

"A Yong!" After breaking through Ishiki and the high, the day, the day, Xiao Xiaolai passed the ball to the right side of Ze Tin.

Avenong caught the ball, and then the speed of the high speed in South Geori broke through the right side of the South Ge, and the day, Xiaolang was a person who ran to Nange. District.

The gold partners of the Ming and FC began to play power, and the speed of the 530 balls of Ze Tin is very fast, the movements are light, and South Gearde is not able to stop his footsteps.

"Daily Jun!" Ze Tak is a long history, and the ball will be sent directly to South Ge.

"Good ball!" The day, Xiao Lang grabbed the ball with the chest before all South Gran defender.

"Come, Ming and FC will come!" Dichuan justice voice just fell.

"Look at my shoot!" The day, Xiaolang, in the air, turning into the body, then the right foot of the right foot!

At this time, a loud sound, if Lin Yuan has chosen attack, but also clasped the ball with both hands, the day, Xiaolang, surprised, "What!"

Dang! On the day, Xiaolang lost the balance in the air, directly popped, heavy falling on the grass.

"It is very powerful, it is the best door to the country. Joined three, the ball is so beautiful, even the day to Xiaolang is also bounced!" Dechuan Justice originally knew that Ruolin and Johinde's strength were in the country. Attention, this time, the strength of Ruo Lin is also a name.

"Dry, John!" The night is rushing to nod, and he knows that Ruolin is waiting for a long time.

With the backfield of Johinde, the night-catching wind can put all the attention on the offense of China.

1554 chapter, long-term attack

"If Lin Yuan, I can hit the captain!" If Island is surprised, if the rumor, the day, the day, the day, to the Xialai.

"Day, I will not let you enter a ball today!" If Lin Yuan, the day, the day, the day, Xiaolang.

"Bastard!" The day, Xiaolang, angry, "Walking, I must bomb your door!"

The competition is only for five minutes, and the two teams have played several rounds for you, of course, because the two teams' outstanding play, the current score is still zero, the game is deadlocked.

"Today, the goalkeeper is very good. Who can get the final champion banner, let us wait and see!" Dechuan Justice is very satisfied with the opening of this game, this final gold is not Time to the time, it is high than the Southerry of Silver.

After all, the two teams have a super door, and the goal is not so easy.

"Changfeng, please, please take a point!" Johinde took the ball in his hand directly to the night's night-long, South Ge's counterattack.

"Don't force yourself too, source three!" At this time, I saw the coach was also on the scene. He was still worried about the body of Johinde, worried that he can support such a fierce game.

On the table, the two scouts of the Dongbang Academy nodded. "The goalkeepers of the two teams are very good. Our Etobang needs such a goalkeeper!"

"Yeah, this is good. Our Dongbang Academy just needs to break the player who will break the door, the real star player!" The beauty ball of the Dongbang Academy explored himself.

At this time, the night-catching halfway is booming with the ball, and South Ge's gold trib has begun to fly in the Ming and Half, and the position of three people in the field form a constant change. Angle.

Three players' power resistance is excellent, and the Ming and the players want to break the ball. It is really difficult.

Snapped! At this time, the large air wings have been banned in the Ming Dynasty. The ball is taken outside the area, this location is very dangerous, the big air wings are banned. The strength of goals outside the district.

"Let's let go, I will deal with this kid!" The day rushed to the front field from the back, and the back is a slippery.

The big air wing felt behind the fierce wind, directly right foot of the ball, and jumped to the day of the shovel of Xiaolang.

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