The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1556 of the Chapter 1556 of the Prince of Tennis

To know that the football field can be said to be a location that needs the IQ, you need to judge the position of the opponent's defender, and the route of the passenger, the wandering, etc.

In a word, there is still a lot of growth space to Xiaolang.

"Captain!" Everyone in the Ming and the field is more surprised than anyone. The day will make this action. It can only be said that he is too much to win the game.

"Blocking him!" Gao Xu really shouted against Rosin, he has been slow, because it rushed too much, directly and the day.

On the day, Xiaolang is already a single knife. There is only one person in the past three "zero".

"Daily players for astline, the genius door will also rush it out!"

bass! At this time, the day, the victory of Xiaolilang, is eager to let him bring together the power of the whole body, and the right foot is backward.

"Ah!" And if the Ruolin from the front of the gate is flying, it is highlighting the ball to Xiaolang, and the two people have to touch the moment.

boom! The football is in the daze of the day or as shells usually fly into the goal door of South Ge, and the net is played.

If the door in the hands of Johinde is flying, and finally he still did not defend this ball. After all, he is hurt now, and it is not the most perfect state.

2-4! The day, I finally dropped almost the cliff, and pulled back, at least one breath.

"Ball ... Enter! From Ming and Ace Day violence to Xiao Lang players! The game has suspense, Ming and still have not given up hope!" Dechuan Justice now, I hope that I can pull back to the score, this kind, he can see More exciting game.

"Great! Xiao Lang!"

"Finally go to the ball!"

"Brother, you are the best!" The day is completely boiling.

It also reflected the hope in the eyes of the morning and the fans, and the game is still four minutes, only two goals, Ming and not have a chance.

"We must win!" After the goal, he did not do any celebration. He ran to the midfield in the sputum in South Ge's goal, put the ball on the middle line.

"Happy!" Xiaolan is full of desire.

"Be evil!" Johin was very annoyed, and his strength was shocked. The strength of Xiao Lang's right foot is really amazing. Even if there is no way to completely remove the power of the power.

The midfielder, the night length did not delay the time, and the ball was directly directed to Jingze.

In fact, Nange can delay the tactical delay time used by the bird cage used before the repair of Zhe.

However, that kind of tactics does not meet the style of Nange, and the night grows cannot be used with that tactics.

For night-long wind, attack is the best defense, South Ge is coming to attract strength.

At this time, there is already the case, and they look at the situation in the field, and they are very anxious. It is clear that they still have strength but can't play the team. This feeling is Very depressed.

It is always the biggest enemy for athletes who are any project.

It allows genius to become waste, let the hope become desperate

After going to the goal, the original desperate Ming and the eyes once again ignited a fighting spirit again. When a person drowning, he saw a straw, he would desperately grabbing this straw, even if it didn't have any eggs.

The midfielder, lost the big air wings and the people of the Pkarang, and the people of the Ming and the person tactics were in the wind.

Jingzele and the lack of physical consumption is also very large, and some are somewhat by Ming and players to steal the ball.

When the ball returned to the lunch of the night, the Ming and the four players were surrounded, and there was no pass or breakthrough angle.

Night live wind, there is no much thinking, picking the ball directly, and then strikes the bodies to knock down and double defeat players, breaking through the past.

The people play again, and the night is once again used in the air spheres of the Sanhuo.

"Pretty!" De Chuan Jiali couldn't help but praise, this action he had seen three Sanzi many times, but the feeling of lightening and all the feelings of Sanhuo.

Sanhuo is smart, and the night is fast and efficient.

beep! At this time, the whistle whose referee is not suitable.

"South Gezhuang collision foul, Ming and free kick!" The referee scattered the bad guoutan foul ..

Nange Zhong people, before the judgment of the referee is very loose, and when this key moment, he suddenly judged a penalty for foul.

In fact, this ball belongs to the scope of the football field to be printed, fully see the grasp of the judgment of the rule of the penalty.

Snapped! At this time, Ze Tian Yong is very calm, and he is directly emitted rapidly.

Time is too important, they can't waste any opportunities.

The Ming and the midfielder stopped the pass of Ze Tian Yong, and the leader found the frontal day to Xiaolang.

On the day, Xiaolang took the ball straight, he hit the high purity and Ishiki, broke through South Ge's big ban.

The referee does not respond, the same way, the night length is blown by penalty, and the day is not a foul.

On the stage, Nange's fans did not do, the snoring in the field, today's referee did have made several compliance and favorable fails, some of them helped Ming and FC.

"I want to go to the ball! Constant goal!" At this time, the Tiger Day is still so much, and there is even if he has no, there is only a good forest, only South Ge's goal.

Going and victory are his only desire, this is the main point of the day.

"Shooting!" With the scream of Ming and the fans, the day is once again.

"I want to go into the ball!" If Lin Yuan three stretched his best, blocked the number of shots in the lower right corner.

At this time, a black lightning is over 5.9 before the forest, then the head is attacked, and the ball of the Broken ball will give the gates of South Ge.

It is Ze Tian Yong!

At the most critical moments, he appeared in the most critical position and scored a very critical goal.

3-4! There are still three minutes from the end of the competition, and the opportunity to equalize and equalize the opportunity seems to be bigger and bigger!

"I can evil!" If the river, if the left, the third is shot, and if it is in the normal state, he can grab the number of shots at the time.

Now he is only hitting the ball, which gives Ze Tiao Yong's opportunity, for the Ming and Improving the key.

"Shooting! A Yong!" The day, Xiaolang, excited and Ze Tak, and then quickly rushed into South Ge's goal, hugging the ball in his arms, and quickly returned to the midfield.

Ming and must hurry every minute of every second!

Chapter 1568, killing and!

"Well, this two balls seem to have finally grown up to Xiaolang, and the day I only know that the straight-line breakthrough is finally known to use skills and cooperation!" Look at the VIP charted the beauty of Dongbang Tongbang Tongbang Tongbang Tongbang's beauty.

"Yeah, I don't know if this game and FC can't pull it back ..." The middle-aged man in the side looked at the circle of the stadium.

"This is not important, I have already found the country ... No, maybe the best young people in the world!" Beautiful ball probe sounds.

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