The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1557 of the Chapter 1557 of the Prince of Tennis

On the field, the night-long wind has received the ball of Jingze to him.

This time, the night-hard wind is directly taking the ball into the Ming and Half, and he doesn't want to give any chances to fc. If the old injury in Johinde makes him strong, there is no way to completely block the night.

"Starfish him, you can't let him break through!" The day, Xiaolang, rushed to his teammate.

"Yes!" Ming and Middle Fields almost all rushed to night long wind, and other South Gee players were ignored by Red Luoluo.

In the face of the Ming and the sea tactics, the nozzles of the mouth flashed.

"I have said that I have to play with my brain!" The night's wind suddenly swayed the body, and then the right foot 20 got the ball in front of him.

Circular moon bending knife!

The night-long wind made a round moon curd knife, and the ball built a large arc in the air brushing all the Ming and Middle Field, came to the foot of the front field.

Long Yi stopped the ball of the night with the chest, and the ball of the night-lived wind also took a back, very good, let the dragon stopped, you can start directly, don't do any adjustments.

"Worse!" If Shiminjian is not good, the crowd of the defender is called, "can't let him pass!"

"Dragon, give me the ball!" At this time, the night long-term speed has opened the defense and everyone.

In the case of no poll, the Ming and the players want to follow the movements of the night, undoubtedly the heavens.

"Come, captain!" Dragon did not choose to pass, but returned the ball and sent it to the foot of the night.

When the night length stopped the ball's moment, he was already a big ban.

"Board, the long wind!" On the stage, Nange Primary School was shouting.

"Before! South Ge! South Ge! The strongest!" Look at the fans of Nange also awakened, starting to support his team.

In everyone's responses, the night-long stopped the ball, Ming and ban. All players in the district rushed out, they formed a wall block in front of the night, and did not let him easily shoot.

If it is in general, the night length is likely to try the round moon bending knob, but in this critical moment, the night long wind must guarantee success rates, and can not let and have any opportunities for any counterattack.

Snapped! The night-long wind is unexpectedly picked up the ball to quickly inserted the coming, the same dream of the whole finals, but this time he took the ball quickly into the Ming and Big Herbles. District.

The Ming and the defender are attracted to the night, and the easy breakthrough to the Ming and Big Bans.

"There is a matter of shooting!" If the island is full of feet, he is solemnly looked at the coming of the people.

When I came up and looked at it, I was turned into the people. The night grew is unrealistic, and this distance, the return of the whole cave wear the door of the island.

So ... he passed the ball!

"Dragon One!" The landscaping is directly passing, and the squad is more than forty-five degrees to plug in the dragon.

If the island is turned around, he didn't choose to attack, and if Island is fully confident, it can hold the dragon.

"What should I do?" Dragon is still a bit hesitant, and the Ming and the defender also reacted, and it is reactivated to block the dragon.

"Give me the ball!" When the wind, the state of the king was invincible, and his strength and speed were reduced by 30%, but the game hit this last moment, night long-standing physical strength highlights Out.

Ming and defenders are completely unable to hold the ballless night-long wind, the night-lived origination and a few defenders are jealous.

! Dragon saw that the night is getting rid of, the eyes shines, followed by, it will pass the ball, and the ball is stuck in the direction of the night grows.

"Changfeng, please, only you can go to go!" Yaro glassed his fist.

"Captain, kick the ball in!" Shangnai Zhongren also yelled.

"The ball rolls the night long wind player, will the night long player will end this game?" Dechuan's excited stood up.

"I must catch this ball!" If the island is open directly.

"Ruoyu!" Ming and everyone also pinned all the hopes on this magical goalkeeper.

"Too true! In the ban. District, there is no ball door that I can't wear!" The night is drinking, and the whole person is a big stepper chasing the forward ball.

At this time, the night length of the ball is also a distance of six or seven meters, and the night length is lifted, and the right foot is lifted. The whole person is like a humanoid statue in a moment.

Then, the muscles of the right foot bulge suddenly broke out, the ball was treated with a porcelain!

boom! The whole black and white ball is in an instant to a sphere full of flames, straight towards the door.

Night-hard winds are in full, so that they are close to the distance, night long does not need any reservations, don't worry that the ball will be kicked.

"Ah!" If Island is also screaming, the whole person jumped in the air, using the body's inertia and weight to the spheres of the hot air.

The sound of

"Success ..." Ming and everyone have not come and have a big joy, and the ball in the island is still rotating, and if the island, the island, the whole person is flying into the Ming and the goal.

Even people are brought to the ball and have a ball, and the power of the night is full of power, and the island is not able to resist.

So near shooting, even if the Winyuan three in full state can't resist, don't say that it is Johor Bajinjian.

5-3! Night, long wind, kill the Ming!

"Wow! Win! We are championship!" Look at Tainan Ge's fans completely boil, the entire reading and writing course turned into a blue white ocean, and the audience on the stage did the waves.

"Even the five goals! Night long wind players kill the Ming and the game is over!" Dichuan justice rigid.

"Give me the ball!" The day, Xiaolang, the midfield, rushed to the defender.

"Captain ..." If Island, Izujin hurts the pain of the body, barely stood up, hugging the ball forward, and then to the big ban. Directly on the front field directly.

There is still a few days left in the end of the game, and the referee is already watching the table.

On the day, I jumped up, I took the ball with my hand, and then quickly put it near the point of the point, I will open the ball directly to Ze Tak!

The tiger day has not given up the desire to victory!

1569 chapter, dominate the country

Snapped! After the ball, I looked up at the half of South Ge. At this time, I was still in my own half, and I only had a day to Xiaolang.

"Daily Jun!" Ze Tak did not hesitate, this moment he only had to believe in Ming and the captain, I believe that I have always worshiped the little Duan Lang, and he directly got rid of Jingzhi's defense, then put the ball to South Ge Big ban.

There is not much time, and the time of the Ming and the Organizational ground, they must solve the battle within two or three feet.

Ze Tak This ball has been pretty good, and the ball has passed the top of Nange Zhongren, and there is no ban in Nange. No one in the district.

"Ah!" South Gezi was shocked, "Not good!"

"It's good!" The sun in the eyes is boiling. The original physical strength has consumed the almost the same day, and it is still accelerating forward, and the ball is stopped with the chest.

At this time, the day, Xiao Lang, did not expect a flaming, from his side, and looted the ball he stopped.

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