The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1558 of the Chapter 1558 of the Prince of Tennis

"What!" The day looks back, it is actually a river!

Ju Lin is at this critical moment, looking through the intention of Ze Tiao Yong, boldly breaking the day to Xiaolang's ball.

I can't think that if Lin Yuan is actually so courageous, this is why Roeno will grow into a world-class goalkeeper.

At the same time, while blood, it will make a calm judgment on the situation of the course, which is the realm of Island.

"Nange's genius door will actually have a big ban. There is a day of the day to Xiaolang's ball, too beautiful!" Dechuan Justice is also very surprised.

"Today, I will make three balls, at least in the final ball, I will not let him have a chance!" If Lin Yuan bite his teeth, then the ball will pass the ball to Nange's midfield, "Changfeng!" "

"Drying well, John!" The night long wind buzz unloaded the air ball, at this time, the time on the board is already 40 minutes.

The night long wind looked up and saw a bright man, if the island is not confident, the Ming and everyone are also in place.

! At this time, the night long wind swings the body, just in the middle line, put the ball in the foot!

Circular moon bending knife!

Night wind actually chose to be shot in the midfield, the movement of the moon, his movements were very stretched, and the ball scored a beauty in the air. The wonderful ultra-high arc is directly passed through the entire Ming and the half-speed rotation Flying the ball door.

If the island is a little happier, when he realized that the ball flying, he took the next consciousness and wanted to play the ball to hit the ball. District.

At this time, the ball rotated in the air and changed the direction, suddenly fell sharply, and it was wiped and the beam of the goal flew into the Ming and the door.

If the island is the almost fell to the ground, it is finally dead to grasp the ball in the door.

6-3! The night-hard wind completes a wonderful midfield, the normal final is almost his performance show!

"Absolute genius! I must leave him"! "A man with sunglasses put down the notebook in his hand, stood up and looked at the back of the zero jersey on the field.

After the goal, the night long is crazy to rush to South Ge's fans. He lifted his hands with thumbs to point to the zero of his jersey, made a classic Raul style celebration.

beep! At this time, the referee blew the whistle of the end of the final, and the Southai fans in the audience jumped again, they celebrated victory.

"Great, South Ge National!"

"It's amazing! It's too powerful. The night's long wind is not like a primary school." It is a fascinating fascination. The fans of the Ming and the fans are lonely.

Competitive sports is so cruel, winners will always have one!

This time is South Ge as a national!

"Win! We won!"

"Champion!" Ishiki and Jingzi's first one of the two people rushed to the night long, and she was killed, and she lifted the night long wind.

All people from South Ge is around, if Lin and Poland and the air wings are also helped together.

Everyone is excuses to celebrate the victory, and if the feelings of Yulin are completely different.

The championship of the last repair is too low, and if the forest has almost any challenge, this national competition is almost all the representatives of the top players in each county, especially the king of the Tokyo District, also eliminated by Nan Ge.

There is no doubt that South Ge is the strongest in the country, no one!

"Dry, John, Tailang!" The night grew away from the left and right hand, and the hand of Pkarang and Johinde were boiled.

"Victory belongs to South Ge," they dominate the country! Congratulations! "Dikawa's face with a smile, it became South Ge's fans.

"This is a wonderful final, although the Ming and FC have lost, but they also show outstanding, especially the spirit of Xiao Lang players never give up! They only lose to this planet may be the greatest superstar Moreover! "Dechuan Justice is more convinced of his judgment.

After Southerng's Poland and the big air wings were injured, South Ge is actually in the extreme unfavorable situation, and the night's hard is hard to end the spirit of the Ming Dynasty!

The semi-final night is in the seven-ball, the finals of the finals can enter six goals, and all the spins from South Geng in the most critical game, with the second day, the second day, the advantage of nearly ten goals, this conference Best shooter.

It is only a mid-range player, and the previous game is also limited, this can only explain that the efficiency of the night's wind goal is too high, and it is more strife than the forward!

"¨` ▉ ▉! "At this time, the players on the field were sitting on the grass, and they were frustrated. Ze Tiao Yong even soltered the tears.

"I lost!" The Tiger Day lowered to the small head, "I lost the bottom!"

"The runner is not bad!"

"Kicking is very good, Ming and!" The audience and the audience of the scenery and South Ge also have a clear manner with applause.

(Zhao's) "Xiao Lang, don't be discouraged! Your future will be unlimited, this is just a beginning!" Yiliang's old man looked at his love.

"Little Lang, do well!"

"Brother! Come on!" The day, the number of people who responded to the group, as always, supported the day.

The day looked up and wiped the sweat and the mud water on the face with hand, and then went to the people who were celebrating Nange.

At this time, Nange Zhong has just put down the night growing the air in the air.

"Daily ..." Night lived on the day, Xiaolang, his mouth slightly.

"Changfeng, I lost! You are much better than me!" The day, Xiaolan, and stretched out his right hand.

"You just didn't play your potential!" The night grewing the day of the day to Xiaolang.

"Well?" Japan.

"Tiger, you still need to break through your own imprisonment!" The night long style means that the day is deep and meditation.

1570 chapter, this is just a start

Ding! At this time, the long-lost superhen system tips sounded in the night growth.

"Congratulations to the owner to complete the main line task: Leading South Ge's selection team gets the national contest champion! You have got three draws!" Supernitious system cold tips made night long happiness.

Three lottery times came to the hand, which is undoubtedly a very good news for the night-length wind that urgently needs to strengthen their own technology. Bamboo

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1571 chapter, long-lost award

After several days, Sange City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Nange Zhong people took the national contest championship back to South Ge City, he was warmly welcomed by the South Ge City Football Association, and he couldn't celebrate.

The night-long wind is not to have any interest in these celebrations. These days have long, as always, maintain a high-strength training every day, and his current mind is all winning three lottery.

Originally, the night's wind is planning to go back to South Ge City, immediately draw, but the night grows in order to get a bigger improvement, he chose to endure for a few days.

Today, Japanese Traditional Festival Culture Festival.

In the morning, South Ge Primary School held the cultural sacrifice of teachers and students in schools, and various programs were performed in various years.

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